Safety and Effectiveness of the Genio® bilAteral Stimulation for Treatment of Complete Concentric...
Sleep ApneaObstructiveThe solution offered by the Genio System to treat OSA patients with CCC using bilateral HGNS has a favorable risk-benefit ratio, as demonstrated by evidence from 2 studies.

Post Market Clinical Follow up of ResMed Mask Systems
Obstructive Sleep ApneaPost Market follow up study to systematically and proactively collect supplementary real world data to confirm the usability and performance of the new generation mask systems. .

Atomoxetine and DAW2022 on OSA Severity
Obstructive Sleep ApneaObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is common and has major health implications but treatment options are limited. In previous research atomoxetine and oxybutynin showed promising effect at reducing OSA severity, however they reduced arousal threshold, one of the key traits responsible for OSA. Since oxybutynin was used mainly as a hypnotic, but it is burdened by several anti-cholinergic side effects, DAW2020, a hypnotic which prolonged the total sleep time in a previous trial in OSA patients, could be a better candidate to associate with atomoxetine.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Oral Frailty, Dysphagia, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)...
DysphagiaOSA1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of the CPAP treatment on oral frailty and dysphagia among OSA patients.

The Effect of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy With Autofeedback on Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep ApneaObstructiveThe overall aim of this study is to estimate the effect of orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) plus auto-monitoring compared to auto-monitoring alone. Moreover, the investigators aim to identify anatomical and behavioural predictors of OMT adherence

Effect of Eszopiclone on Adherence to CPAP and Severity of Insomnia in Patients With COMISA
Obstructive Sleep ApneaInsomniaThe comorbidity between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and insomnia (COMISA) is common, and associated with poorer sleep quality. CPAP adherence among COMISA patients is worst than among those with OSA only. The investigators will compare the effect of Eszopiclone 3mg or placebo for 14 days on adherence to CPAP after 30 days and after 6 months.

Oropharyngeal Exercises to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep ApneaThe goal of this study is to determine whether a randomized controlled trial using oropharyngeal exercises to treat sleep apnea is feasible. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the standard therapy for Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but it is poorly tolerated by many patients. Oropharyngeal exercises (OPEs) which are commonly used by speech-language pathologists to improve oro-motor strength, may serve as a promising alternative approach. The main questions this study aims to answer are: Is it feasible to use an oropharyngeal exercise protocol in patients with sleep apnea? Will oropharyngeal exercises improve sleep apnea severity, daytime sleepiness, sleep quality, mood, workplace performance, and quality of life Participants will be randomized into a supervised OPE intervention arm vs. unsupervised OPE intervention arm vs. sham treatment for a 10-week/5-day per week/two 20-minute session exercise protocol. The exercises will be administered via an app and the investigators will assess feasibility, as well as several sleep-related and oro-motor physiological outcomes before treatment, immediately post-treatment, and 4 weeks post-treatment. The investigators will use the results of this feasibility trial to inform the sample size needed for a larger clinical trial that will determine the efficacy of using oropharyngeal exercises to treat OSA.

Dexamethasone Treatment for OSA in Children
Obstructive Sleep ApneaThis is a double-blinded clinical trial of children diagnosed with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on a baseline polysomnogram (PSG). Participants will receive a 3-day course of dexamethasone, an oral steroid, or placebo control and undergo two PSGs to assess the efficacy of dexamethasone, as a treatment to manage the severity and symptoms in children with moderate to severe OSA.

Respiratory Muscle Training Combined With Aerobic Exercise in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Obstructive Sleep Apnea SyndromeIn this study, which was planned to evaluate the effects of inspiratory and expiratory respiratory muscle training in addition to aerobic exercise in individuals with OSAS; 40 cases over the age of 40 who were diagnosed with severe (AHI: 30 and over) Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome by polysomnography in the Sleep Laboratory of the Department of Chest Diseases of the Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Hospital will be included. The cases will be divided into two groups with the randomization system and the education of both groups will continue for a total of 8 weeks. In the literature, it is stated that there is a need for studies on the benefits and results of the use of respiratory muscle training as an adjunct therapy to CPAP or oral devices. No studies were found that evaluated the effects of inspiratory and expiratory respiratory muscle training in addition to aerobic exercise in patients with OSAS. For this reason, OSAS patients using regular CPAP were planned as two groups in the treatment part of this study. Control Group: For gradual aerobic exercise training, bicycle ergometer training in the hospital environment and brisk walking at home once a week (3 days a week, 20-40 minutes a day) will be given under supervision two days a week. Training Group: In addition to the aerobic exercise, the training group will be given respiratory muscle training once a day, 5 days a week, as a home program. Intraoral pressure measurements will be repeated once a week to calculate the new threshold load. Respiratory muscle training: Respiratory muscle training in 50% of MIP and 30% of MEP, as ICE + IME (5 days a week, 15 minutes per day, 15 minutes of IMI). Evaluations will be repeated before and after treatment. The original value of this study is that the effects of Respiratory Muscle Training Combined with Aerobic Exercise in addition to CPAP treatment will be investigated in individuals with OSAS.

OSA PAP Treatment for Veterans With SUD and PTSD on Residential Treatment Unit
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderObstructive Sleep Apnea2 moreSubstance use disorder (SUD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) frequently co-occur and having both disorders is associated with greater psychological and functional impairment than having either disorder alone. This is especially true in residential settings where both disorders are more severe than outpatient settings. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is highly comorbid with both disorders and untreated OSA is associated with worse functional impairment across multiple domains, worse quality of life, worse PTSD, higher suicidal ideation, and higher substance use and relapse rates. Treating OSA with evidence-based positive airway pressure (PAP) in Veterans with SUD/PTSD on a residential unit is a logical way to maximize treatment adherence and treatment outcomes. This study compares OSA treatment while on a SUD/PTSD residential unit to a waitlist control group. The investigators hypothesize that treating OSA on the residential unit, compared to the waitlist control, will have better functional, SUD, and PTSD outcomes.