Optimizing the Scalability of Evidence-Based Behavioral Sleep Medicine Practices With a Digital...
Implementation; Digital HealthChronic InsomniaThe purpose of this study is to compare three different ways to deploy a clinician-decision support platform called NOCTEM COAST among behavioral health care providers who encounter patients with insomnia.

The Study of Mechanism of Chronic Insomnia Disorder Using Acupuncture Based on Changes of Brain...
Insomnia DisorderInsomnia disorder is one of the major neuropsychiatric diseases which received more attention in recent years. Disturbances in the amino acid neurotransmitter, gama-amino butyric acid (GABA) and hyperarousal of cortex are hypothesized to contribute to the neurobiology of insomnia. Both animal experiment and clinical observation have demonstrated that acupuncture can generate treatment effect on insomnia symptom. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. The principal objective of this project is to use magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as well as acupuncture to provide the first in vivo characterization of cortical GABA levels between pro- and post-acupuncture treatment in individuals with chronic insomnia disorder (CID), and use resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine whether CID patients have altered brain connectivity and network parameter changes. The investigators are also exploring the correlation between cortical GABA levels, fMRI parameter changes and abnormalities in sleep parameters and neuropsychology test in CID patients.

Brief Behavioural Treatment for Insomnia in Dementia Carers
DementiaBackground: between 50-74% of dementia carers report some sleep disturbance. However, relatively few studies have looked at psychological treatment for insomnia in this group. Dementia carers may be particularly at risk for suffering negative consequences from the impact of sleep loss on top of the stress of their carer role. Researchers have found that Brief Behavioural Treatment for Insomnia (BBTI) can be effective for improving symptoms of insomnia in older adults. BBTI focusses on sleep-related behaviour such as napping and when a person gets up and goes to bed. Aims: this study aims to explore whether delivering group-based, Brief Behavioural Treatment for Insomnia (BBTI) to family carers of people with dementia is feasible, given that, to date, this has not yet been explored. Who is eligible?: carers with insomnia who care for a family member with dementia and live with them at home are eligible for inclusion in this study. What is involved for participants?: taking part will involve an initial telephone discussion with a researcher to check suitability. Participants will then meet the researcher for assessment. Assessment includes a sleep interview and completing some questionnaires. Participants will then be required to attend 3 group sessions of BBTI across the space of 4 weeks. After attending the BBTI group, participants will be asked to fill in some of the same questionnaires that they filled in during assessment and again 4 weeks later. Participants will also be invited to take part in a focus group to give feedback about the treatment and their overall experience of being in the study.

Enhancing Performance of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia With an Integrative Mobile Platform...
Primary InsomniaDepressive Disorders With InsomniaCognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) has been proven as an effective intervention for the non-pharmacological treatment of insomnia. This study hypothesizes app programs of smart phone would enhance the compliance and performance of behavioral intervention of CBT-I. During a 3-year study period, 3 app modules, including electronic sleep diary along with message reminder system, social persuasion system and Tai-Chi practice system will be tested subsequently for their efficacy.

Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Older Adults
InsomniaThis is a quality assurance project to evaluate a therapy program offered to patients in Sleep Disorders Clinic. Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is being offered to older adults. The study will consist of analyzing outcomes of a clinical program. As part of standard clinical process, patients complete measurements of sleep, daytime functioning, fatigue, quality of life, depression and anxiety symptoms before and after the treatment. The proposed study will pool and quantitatively analyze the existing clinical data. Only those program participants who consent to have their data pooled in the data analysis will be considered research subjects. Those patients who decline to have their individual data included in the analysis will continue in the therapeutic group as per usual clinical care standards. CBT-I is a gold standard treatment for people suffering from insomnia but it is difficult to access due to a shortage of trained therapists. Insomnia prevalence increases with age and is a common sleep disturbance in the elderly. Offering the group treatment can increase access and reduce healthcare costs associated with sleep problems in the elderly.

Sleep Disturbances in the 2nd and 3rd Trimester
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersSleep7 moreSleep disorders and disturbances are mostly underestimated in clinical practice. Moreover, this problem is generally neglected by the pregnant themselves. Today, it is important to underline any problem that may have an affect to improve the quality of life during pregnancy. This study assesses the sleep quality, insomnia patterns and obstructive sleep apnea in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Metabolomics of Insomnia-Related Hyperarousal
Primary InsomniaIndividuals with insomnia have been shown to have higher overall metabolic rates compared to good sleepers, but it is not known which metabolic processes are involved. The goal of this study is to compare a wide array of metabolic processes in 15 people with insomnia and 15 good sleepers. We hypothesize that there will be distinct metabolic processes that are functioning differently in those with insomnia.

Pilot Trial in Sleep Laboratory Setting to Compare the Physiology of Night Time Bladder Function...
Bladder FunctionThis is an observational, physiology pilot study of subjects with overactive bladder, insomnia and normal subjects. No study drug will be given. All subjects will complete a one week sleep diary and a 3-day bladder diary. After one week, subjects meeting eligibility requirements will complete a single sleep night stay in a sleep laboratory setting. During the sleep night stay, subjects will be evaluated using cystometry and polysomnography. In the morning following the sleep night stay, subjects will complete a sleep questionnaire and this will complete their participation in the study.

Testing the Nocturnal Sleep Latency Profile in Primary Insomnia
Primary InsomniaSleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersThis study tests a new kind of sleep study in which subjects are awakened 2 times after initially going to sleep. The study focuses on the EEG signal process as a person goes to sleep. The general hypothesis is that the signal properties are stable from night to night during baseline studies, and are different between controls and patients with primary insomnia. The primary insomnia patients then go on to have about 2 weeks of an insomnia intervention. Then the new kind of study is repeated in the patients. The controls only are examined in baseline studies.

Discussion on Pulse Diagnosis and Heart Rhythm Variability of Patients With Chronic Insomnia
Heart Rate VariabilityInsomnia ChronicDiscuss the objective assessment of patients with insomnia by pulse diagnosis, and measure by subjective questionnaire and physiological instruments.