Improving Negative Stressful Perseverations in Insomnia to Revitalize Expectant Moms
InsomniaThe purpose of this research is to evaluate telemedicine treatments for sleep in pregnant women. As pregnant women are vulnerable to sleep problems, the investigators aim to explore whether these types of treatment will improve sleep and mood-related health risks in pregnancy and postpartum. The investigators will test the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) and mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia (MBTI) for perinatal insomnia relative to sleep education and hygiene, which is a minimal intervention control.

HIV-related Insomnia and Inflammation
HivInsomniaThis randomized trial will determine the effects of internet cognitive behavioral therapy on measures of systemic inflammation in HIV-positive people receiving antiretroviral therapy.

Telepsychology for Benzodiazepines Withdrawal in Adults Suffering From Hypnotic-dependent Insomnia...
Chronic InsomniaHypnotic DependenceLong-term use of benzodiazepines is a long-standing problem, but the optimal withdrawal modalities are not known. The main objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of a psychological support versus a psychotherapeutic intervention (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, ACT) added to a withdrawal program on the reduction of benzodiazepines use in adults suffering from insomnia and hypnotic dependence.

Assessment of Sleep Quality and Mental Health After Using Meditation
InsomniaInsomnia Chronic8 moreThis is a randomized controlled trial that intends to verify the effectiveness of the daily practice of meditation before going to sleep for the improvement of sleep, stress, mental health and quality of life of people with sleep problems.

Sleep Disturbance in MCI: A Study of a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Digital Intervention
Cognitive DysfunctionInsomnia3 moreThis study aims to determine the feasibility of a randomized-controlled trial of digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) for sleep and cognitive performance in older adults with MCI and insomnia symptoms (50-80 years). The trial will be completed online, and participants will be recruited from the community across Australia.

NiteCAPP_HELPS_WD: Improving Sleep and Reducing Opioid Use in Chronic Pain Patients
Chronic PainChronic Insomnia1 moreThis project addresses the highly significant problem of developing effective strategies for facilitating withdrawal from opioid medications. The proposed work is conceptualized within the context of a well-known theoretical framework (Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress), and the research questions are theory-driven. The team proposes to evaluate an innovative web-based version of CBT-I followed by tapered withdrawal in a randomized trial in comparison to a Treatment As Usual control followed by tapered withdrawal. The dependent measures have been well-selected to effectively evaluate the outcomes. The methodological details are rigorous.

Effects of Mirtazapine on Appetite in Advanced Cancer Patients
Advanced CancerAnorexia2 morePrimary objective: This is a preliminary study to determine if Mirtazapine in comparison to placebo will improve appetite in advanced cancer patients with anorexia and weight loss. An improvement of appetite is defined as a decrease of 2 in the appetite score from baseline on the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) at day 15 (+/-3 days). Secondary objective-A: To determine if Mirtazapine in comparison to placebo will improve insomnia ( as measured by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) on day 15 ( +/- 3 days), and day 29 ( +/- 3 days) Secondary objective - B: To determine if Mirtazapine in comparison to placebo will improve other common symptoms such as pain, nausea and fatigue( as measured by ESAS), depression and anxiety ( as measured by Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale), and quality of life ( as measured by Functional Assessment of Anorexia/Cachexia Therapy ) in advanced cancer patients with anorexia/cachexia, on days 15 (+/-3 days), and 29 (+/-3 days) Other Objectives: To provide exploratory data on the effects of Mirtazapine on weight gain, and preservation/gain lean muscle mass ( anthropometric measurements and Bioelectric Impedance), on days 15 (+/-3 days), and 29 (+/-3 days). To provide exploratory data on the effects of a Mirtazapine dose increase to 30 mg on decreased side effects of drug and increased appetite on day 29 (+/-3 days).

Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia in Cancer Survivors
Chronic InsomniaThe purpose is to determine whether brief behavioral treatment is effective for insomnia in cancer survivors.

Prescription Digital Therapeutic for the Treatment of Insomnia
Insomnia ChronicThis will be a prospective multi-center controlled trial of 100 patients conducted to assess the real-world effectiveness of a mobile-delivered, prescription digital therapeutic (PDT) device delivering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia using a novel patient-centered data-sharing platform with linkage to Fitbit for 61 weeks

Sleep Without Insomnia or The Use of Chronic Hypnotics
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersSleeping medications, called hypnotics, are often prescribed for insomnia and are associated with adverse health outcomes in older adults. Response rates to hypnotic discontinuation programs are often inadequate, and many patients eventually resume use of hypnotics, suggesting that other mechanisms need to be targeted to achieve and sustain high rates of non-use. Current programs focus on the tapering of hypnotics and/or the treatment of insomnia symptoms. These programs employ strategies such as supervised gradual taper, cognitive behavioral therapy targeting hypnotic withdrawal, and/or cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. Evidence suggests that another mechanism involving "placebo" effects may be a viable target for achieving and sustaining higher discontinuation rates. Cognitive expectancies play a key role in producing placebo effects, which are characterized as real improvements in sleep arising from psychosocial aspects of treatment rather than drug effects alone. In this study, investigators are comparing two programs for discontinuing hypnotic medications-a program that addresses placebo effects associated with hypnotic use and a program that does not address these effects.