
Active clinical trials for "Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders"

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Choosing Options for Insomnia in Cancer Effectively (CHOICE): A Comparative Effectiveness Trial...


The aim of this study is to determine which of two treatments (acupuncture or cognitive behavioral therapy) works better for treating insomnia in cancer survivors. The investigator also wants to study the factors that might impact why someone might prefer or do better in one treatment over the other. Group 1 will get Acupuncture - Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese Technique of using very thin needles inserted in the skin to treat different symptoms and illness, and to promote healing. Group 2 will get Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) - CBT-I is a treatment to address behaviors and thoughts that are known to effect problems with sleep.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Randomized Controlled Trial of a Self-help Book for Insomnia in Patients With Co-morbid OSA and...

Sleep ApneaInsomnia

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Some OSA patients also suffer from co-morbid insomnia. CPAP treatment may be complicated in patients with co-morbid insomnia. This project evaluates the effects of a self-help book for insomnia in patients being treated with CPAP for OSA.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

SM-1 vs 2 Comparators and Placebo in Participants With a History of Transient Insomnia.

Transient Insomnia

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of a combination drug product (SM-1) containing diphenhydramine, zolpidem and lorazepam, in adult participants who sometimes have difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep, but who do not have chronic insomnia. Participants will receive SM-1, or a combination of diphenhydramine and zolpidem, or a combination of diphenhydramine and lorazepam, or placebo during 4 one-night stays at a sleep center.

Completed32 enrollment criteria

Music to Improve Sleep Quality in Adults With Depression and Insomnia


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder for patients with depression. This has a major impact on the quality of life for the individual. The aim is to investigate, whether music intervention is effective in improving sleep quality, reducing symptoms of depression and improving quality of life Participants use a sound pillow and selected music in the The Music Star app at home as a sleep aid in 4 weeks.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Partial Reinforcement II: Three Approaches to Maintenance Therapy for Chronic Insomnia

InsomniaInsomnia Chronic

The study is a three phase sequential study of the medical treatment of insomnia with zolpidem. All participating subjects will receive one month of standard nightly treatment. If the subject has a positive treatment response they continue in the study and are randomized to one of four conditions: intermittent dosing (3-5 pills week, full dose), or one of three variable dose conditions (nightly pill use where any given pill is a variable dose). Standard treatment will last for 4 weeks. The experimental phase will extend over two periods. The first period will last for 12 weeks. The second period will last for 36 weeks. Both periods include: • Taking a pill 30 minutes prior to bedtime. In one case, this will involve taking 3-5 pills per week. In the remaining condition pills will be taken on each and every night. Depending on the specific group that the subject is assigned to, they will either receive 10mg or 5mg of zolpidem (variable by age and sex) or a variable dose of zolpidem on a nightly basis (range from 0 mg to 10 mg per night). Completing a sleep diary each day; Completing 6 to 7 questionnaires each week; A monthly visit to Penn to return your medication foil packs and to receive a new foil pack with the next month of medication. During Phases 3&4, the subject will be asked to undergo quarter annual physicals so that we can optimally track their health and wellbeing. The physicals will involve standard vitals measures (e.g., temperature, blood pressure, height and weight, etc.) and, based on the judgement of the research clinician, may involve an EKG and blood and urine chemistries. If the subject does not experience a treatment response or (following a treatment response) experiences a relapse of insomnia, they will not continue in the study but will be given the opportunity to be treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) at no cost. Assessments of the subjects clinical status will be based on your daily sleep diaries and weekly questionnaires.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

The Effect of Acupuncture for Insomnia in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

InsomniaSecondary2 more

This pilot study is designed to determine whether acupuncture is a feasible, effective and safe method for alleviating insomnia among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy as compared with a wait-list control.

Completed17 enrollment criteria

Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy Study of V117957 in Subjects With Insomnia Associated With Alcohol...


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of V117957 in subjects with alcohol use disorder (AUD) who experience insomnia associated with alcohol cessation, compared to placebo.

Completed31 enrollment criteria

Pimavanserin for Insomnia In Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress DisorderInsomnia

This preliminary, open-label study assesses the feasibility of 34mg at bedtime for 6 weeks in Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and insomnia.

Completed23 enrollment criteria

Reducing Health Disparities for Black Women in the Treatment of Insomnia


Black women are at a higher risk of developing insomnia than other women and insomnia has profound adverse physical and psychological health consequences. There is an internet-delivered treatment program for insomnia that has been shown to be effective in White individuals but there is little evidence of the effectiveness of this treatment among Black women. The goal of this study is to conduct a comparative effectiveness trial of three online insomnia therapies after a 6 month follow-up period--a cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) called SHUTi (Sleep Healthy Using the Internet), SHUTi modified for Black women (SHUTi-BWHS), and patient education (PE) (usual treatment). This study aims to provide the much needed evidence to help Black women make informed decisions regarding treatment for their insomnia.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Self-administered Acupressure for Insomnia Disorder

Insomnia Chronic

The study is to evaluate the clinical effects of self-administered acupressure for treating insomnia disorder delivered by a training course. Subjects will be offered either self-administered acupressure training or sleep hygiene education. Their insomnia severity will be compared after 8 weeks.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

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