Combined Electroacupuncture and Auricular Acupuncture for Persistent Insomnia
InsomniaThis is a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the clinical efficacy of combined electro-acupuncture and auricular acupuncture for persistent Iinsomnia in the adult population in Hong Kong.

Mindfulness and RelaxationTraining for Insomnia (MRTI) on Postmenopausal Women: a Randomized Clinical...
Primary InsomniaSummary Introduction: Insomnia is a symptom of sleep disorders most prevalent. Primary insomnia, the investigators analyzed, often related to stress states acquired, generalized anxiety and stress, which are important factors that disrupt normal sleep. The investigators point out a fact that still intrigue the students of medicine and sleep that is distorted perception of sleep by the sleepless nights, polysomnography shows greater effectiveness than that perceived by them. On the other hand, there is evidence that mindfulness techniques may reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety as well as improve the general attention, which may contribute to a better perception of the effectiveness of sleep. In addition, there are studies showing that meditation is associated with metabolic and neurophysiological characteristics similar to normal sleep. Objectives: To compare sleepless menopausal women trained for 8 weeks in the technique of mindfulness insomniac postmenopausal untrained and also assess the quality of sleep experienced meditators menopausal comparing them to the group of healthy postmenopausal women untrained in the art.

Telemedicine Management of Chronic Insomnia
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersPost-Traumatic Stress DisordersInsomnia is commonly present in Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Treatment of insomnia with a specialized type of psychotherapy has been shown to be more effective than treatment with medications. Unfortunately, few psychologists are trained to provide this treatment, limiting Veterans' access to care, especially those Veterans in remote and rural areas. This project will evaluate the ability to deliver this psychotherapy to groups of Veterans by video teleconferencing. Groups of Veterans with PTSD and chronic insomnia will receive the psychotherapy treatment either by meeting in-person with the psychologist or by the psychologist delivering the treatment by video teleconferencing. Finding that video teleconferencing is a cost effective way to deliver this treatment could add an important new component to the care of Veterans with PTSD that provides an alternative to medications.

Acupuncture for Persistent Insomnia Associated With Major Depressive Disorder
InsomniaDepressionThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of acupuncture treatment on residual insomnia in major depressive patients.

New Clinical Applications for Internet-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia and Depression...
InsomniaMajor Depression1 moreThis study includes two sub-trials. Both are included in this singe registration since they have parallel inclusion of participants and have been approved by the Swedish ethics board together in one application. Trial 1 includes patients with both insomnia and major or minor depression. Participants are randomized to either a combined therapist guided Internet-CBT for insomnia and depression, or to Internet-CBT for depression with an addition of a placebo intervention for insomnia. The primary purpose is to evaluate changes in insomnia and depression severity for the combination treatment compared to the depression treatment, after treatment and at 6 and 36 months follow up. A secondary purpose is to evaluate cognitive functioning before and after treatment, as well as cost effectiveness. Recruitment is done in the Stockholm County through mass media and the Internet psychiatry clinic's regular patient recruitment. Trial 2 includes patients with insomnia who do not meet criteria for major or minor depression. All participants start therapist guided Internet-CBT for insomnia. After 4 weeks patients that are judged to be at risk of treatment failure are randomized to either continued treatment or treatment with added support intended to enhance outcome. The primary purpose is to evaluate change in insomnia severity for participants who get added support, compared to continued treatment with regular support level. A secondary purpose is to evaluate cognitive functioning before and after treatment, as well as cost effectiveness. Recruitment is done in the Stockholm County through mass media and the Internet psychiatry clinic's regular patient recruitment. NOTE: The first participants in trial 1 will be regarded as pilots, due to problems with the experimental treatment: technical issues as well as problems with the design of treatment modules. These problems were corrected when discovered. 12 participants in the experimental arm were affected by these errors. The pilot participants will not be included in the main analyses of data. This was decided upon on 31st of October 2014.

An Interactive Internet Intervention for Adults With Insomnia
InsomniaSleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersThis study will compare the efficacy of an interactive Internet intervention for adult insomnia (Sleep Healthy Using the Internet; SHUTi) to that of a static educational website to improve sleep, mood related symptoms, perceived health status, and overall quality of life.

Sleep Laboratory Study to Investigate the Safety and Efficacy of Neu-P11 in Primary Insomnia Patients...
Primary InsomniaThis is a phase II study. It is conducted using a randomized, double-blind, 3-arm placebo controlled, parallel group design. Eligible patients will be randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive Neu-P11 20 mg, Neu-P11 50 mg or placebo for 4 weeks The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of Neu-P11 (20 and 50mg) on sleep continuity parameters in insomnia patients aged 18-80 years, following the first two nights (immediate effect) and at the end of 4 weeks of double-blind treatment. The primary efficacy endpoint in this study is Latency to Persistent Sleep (LPS) measured by polysomnogram (PSG) at the first two nights of treatment (nights 15-16 of the study; mean of two consecutive nights recordings). The secondary endpoints are number of awakenings after sleep onset and the duration of wake after sleep onset measured by PSG at the first two nights of treatment (nights 15-16 of the study; mean of two consecutive nights recordings).

Efficacy and Safety of Temazepam in HIV Seropositive Patients With Insomnia
InsomniaThe purpose of this study is to test two study drugs, one of which is temazepam (15mg) and one of which is a placebo (an inactive substance that looks just like the temazepam), to see if insomnia (trouble sleeping) can be reduced in patients with HIV infection. Placebos are given in research studies to try and make sure that subjects are responding to the effects of the study drug and not to other factors, like the attention they are receiving. If you decide to take part in this study, you will take 1 capsule of study drug every night approximately 30 minutes before bedtime for approximately 12 weeks. This study is to test the study drug called temazepam for the treatment of insomnia (trouble sleeping) in patients with HIV infection. Temazepam has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of insomnia. However, because this study requires treatment for 12 weeks instead of the 7 to 10 days approved by the FDA, the use of temazepam is considered to be investigational in this study.

Mechanisms of Sleep Latency and Health: The Effect of a Melatonin Receptor Agonist in Inflammation...
InsomniaThe purpose of this study is to help scientist better understand the effect of a 12-week single daily evening dose of ramelteon (Rozerem ©), a drug that has been approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of insomnia (trouble falling asleep or staying asleep). The study will measure levels of inflammation, fasting insulin and fasting glucose (sugar) in subjects who are taking either ramelteon (8 mg) or placebo.

Effects of Resistance Physical Exercise in Patients With Chronic Primary Insomnia
InsomniaINTRODUCTION: The primary insomnia, according to the concepts of the DSM IV, is a disorder characterized by difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, waking early or by non-restorative sleep, resulting in losses in the daily functioning of patients, such as lack of attention, concentration and memory, fatigue, moodiness and irritability that are potentially associated with changes in sleep architecture, especially the reduction in slow-wave sleep. The most widely used therapy for the treatment of insomnia is the drug, but currently the resistive exercise is an important non-pharmacological intervention known to provide enough increase in slow wave sleep, and improve other parameters of sleep, as well as reducing symptoms of anxiety that are directly associated with the framework of insomnia. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of chronic resistive exercise in sleep patterns, the profile of mood and quality of life of patients with chronic primary insomnia. METHODOLOGY: 30 patients will be selected (male and female) with chronic primary insomnia. (Clinical diagnosis based on DSM-IV) referred for ambulatory sleep disorders Sleep Institute - AFIP. The protocol will be conducted at the Center for Psychobiology and Exercise (CEPE) of the AFIP and the Sleep Institute. Volunteers will be randomized into 2 groups of 15 participants, which will hold a resistive exercise and the other stretching exercise. This study will consist of three assessments: Pre-intervention (baseline), intermediate Rating (2 months) and post-intervention (at the end of 4 months). In the program of resistive exercise will be held 48 sessions that involve upper and lower limbs, abdominal and paraspinal region. It will be initially used a relative intensity 50% 1-RM. After 2 months of training intensity will be increased to 60% of 1-RM. Each exercise will be conducted in three sets of 12 repetitions, at intervals of 30 seconds between sets and one minute between each exercise. The total duration of the training session will be approximately 50 minutes. Before starting the training, participants will hold for 5 minutes stretching and warming on a bicycle ergometer (Life Cycle 9100) or treadmill (Life Fitness 9100) for the same period. After the session, the volunteers performed repeated stretches at the start of training. The group submitted to follow the practice of stretching protocol performed by Tworoger et al. that consist of 48 sessions of stretching for 60 minutes of low intensity, three times a week. The session will begin with 5 minutes of walking around the room, followed by 45 minutes of stretching exercises that involve the upper and lower limbs, 8 to 10 types for each region and end with 10 minutes of relaxation. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: The variables of sleep, body composition and maximal repetition test will be analyzed using the software Statistica 7.0 (StaSoft, INC). The appropriate statistical test, parametric or nonparametric, will be chosen according to the data of the sample groups.