The Treatment of Insomnia in Symptomatic Peri- and Postmenopausal Women
MenopauseInsomniaTo examine the change in sleep patterns and mood symptoms in response to eszopiclone (Lunesta) using a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study design in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who experience insomnia, mild depression and/or anxiety.

Insomnia and Osteoarthritis Study
OsteoarthritisInsomniaThis research is being done to evaluate the effects of a sleeping pill (eszopiclone, Lunesta)in patients with arthritis of the knee who also suffer from chronic insomnia. This study will test whether Lunesta improves sleep, pain sensitivity, and daytime symptoms in patients with knee pain.

Effectiveness of Internet Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention for Treating Insomnia
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersThis study will evaluate the effectiveness of an online cognitive behavioral therapy intervention in improving sleep, mood, and cognitive functioning in people with insomnia.

Treatment of Insomnia in Patients With Parkinson's Disease: A Multi-site, Placebo-controlled Study...
Parkinson's DiseaseInsomniaParkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the US, affecting nearly 1 million Americans. Up to 82% of community dwelling individuals with PD complain of sleep disturbances, typically sleep fragmentation. Despite the high prevalence of sleep problems and their impact on the life of these individuals, there has been, until recently, little research focus on the problem. This will be a multi-site, double blind, placebo-controlled, two arm, parallel group, fixed-dose trial which will last 6 weeks. Seventy patients at four sites (30 at the PI's site and a total of 40 patients at three external sites) will be equally randomized to eszopiclone or placebo. The primary hypothesis is that eszopiclone will be superior to placebo for the treatment of insomnia in patients with Parkinson's disease

Randomised, Double-blind Study to Investigate the Safety and Efficacy of Brotizolam in Insomnia...
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersTo investigate the efficacy and safety of Brotizolam in the treatment of patients with insomnia in comparison with that of Estazolam

Cognitive Behavioral Insomnia Therapy for Individuals With Fibromyalgia
FibromyalgiaSleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersFibromyalgia (FM) is a common and chronic disorder characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points. The majority of individuals with FM report sleep problems, including delayed sleep onset, extended awakenings, and non-restorative sleep. These sleep disturbances may worsen FM-related pain, fatigue, low mood, and low energy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral insomnia therapy in reducing sleep disturbances and improving other FM-related symptoms.

Efficacy Study of EVT 201 to Treat Insomnia
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersThe purpose of this study is to determine whether a compound known as EVT 201 is effective in treating people diagnosed with primary insomnia ( difficulty sleeping with no other significant contributing factor, such as depression).

Study of Eszopiclone Compared to Placebo on Daytime Function in Subjects With Insomnia Related to...
InsomniaArthritis1 moreTo demonstrate subjective sleep efficacy of eszopiclone 3 mg in subjects with insomnia related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Sleep Homeostasis in Primary Insomnia
Primary InsomniaAbout 10% of the population is believed to suffer from Primary Insomnia. It is also believed that people with chronic insomnia have a sleep system that is essentially out of alignment (we call this "homeostatic dysregulation"). We also know that a certain form of non-medication therapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy is a very effective treatment for insomnia. It is not known, however, whether cognitive-behavioral therapy actually works by bringing the brain's sleep system back into alignment ("sleep homeostasis"). One of the methods used to measure sleep homeostasis is to observe a person's brain waves during sleep and particularly during sleep that follows a period of sleep loss. The purposes of this study are to first learn whether persons with insomnia do have a misaligned sleep system compared to persons who do not have insomnia by assessing the sleep of people before and after a period of extended sleep loss. Second, the study will determine whether cognitive-behavioral therapy can re-regulate the sleep system and its response to sleep loss. Third, the final purpose is to examine whether the immune system of people with insomnia is more altered following sleep loss than in the comparison group and whether cognitive-behavioral therapy can alter immune function.

A Study of Gaboxadol in Primary Insomnia
Primary InsomniaTo evaluate the efficacy safety and tolerability of gaboxadol in primary insomnia.