Effect of Resistive Exercise on Insomnia in Post Menopausal Women
Sleep Disturbances and Insomniathe aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy of resistive exercise on insomnia in post menopausal women

Efficacy and Safety of Auricular Acupuncture in Depression During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Depressive SymptomsDepression3 moreParticipants with moderate depressive symptoms measured by PHQ-9 will be randomized to receive auricular acupuncture. The triple blinded procedure will be conducted in 12 sessions (6 weeks). The primary outcome is the response to the treatment 3 months after inclusion.

Effect of Eszopiclone on Adherence to CPAP and Severity of Insomnia in Patients With COMISA
Obstructive Sleep ApneaInsomniaThe comorbidity between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and insomnia (COMISA) is common, and associated with poorer sleep quality. CPAP adherence among COMISA patients is worst than among those with OSA only. The investigators will compare the effect of Eszopiclone 3mg or placebo for 14 days on adherence to CPAP after 30 days and after 6 months.

Dose-finding Study Assessing the Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics of Daridorexant in Subjects...
InsomniaThis study assesses the efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of multiple-dose oral administration of daridorexant in pediatric subjects aged 10 to < 18 years with insomnia disorder.

Treatments for Insomnia in Veterans With PTSD
InsomniaPTSDThis randomized trial will compare a novel treatment, Acceptance of the Behavioral Changes to Treat Insomnia (ABC-I) to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) among Veterans with comorbid Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and insomnia disorder. ABC-I combines the behavioral components of CBT-I with components of another behavioral therapy (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and has been shown to improve treatment adherence. The study objectives are: 1) to evaluate the benefits of ABC-I in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among Veterans with comorbid PTSD and insomnia disorder compared to CBT-I, and 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of ABC-I in improving insomnia symptoms and sleep quality among Veterans with comorbid PTSD and insomnia disorder as compared to CBT-I. Veterans with insomnia and comorbid PTSD who receive care at Sepulveda and West Los Angeles facilities will be recruited for the study. Those who pass an initial eligibility screen will be enrolled and written informed consent will be obtained. A baseline assessment will be completed that includes measures of sleep, PTSD, and quality of life. Veterans who meet all eligibility criteria will be randomly assigned to the ABC-I (n=100) or CBT-I (n=100) treatment. Both treatments will be provided in 5 one-on-one sessions by a trained instructor who is supervised by a behavioral sleep medicine specialist. All randomized participants (n=200) will have 3 follow-up assessments (post-treatment, 3-months, and 6-months after randomization). The follow-up assessments will collect information on PTSD symptoms, insomnia symptoms and sleep quality.

App-delivered Sleep ThERapy for Older Individuals With Insomnia
InsomniaThis randomised, open, parallel controlled trial aims to compare the efficacy of a digital brief behavioural therapy for insomnia (dBBTi) against online sleep health education on insomnia symptom severity in older adults aged 60 years and over. The trial will be totally online with participants recruited from the community across Australia.

A Post Approval Study to Investigate the Efficacy of Daridorexant in Subjects With Insomnia and...
Insomnia DisorderNocturiaA post approval study to investigate the efficacy of daridorexant in subjects with insomnia and comorbid nocturia

Intranasal Dexmedetomidine and Zolpidem for Treatment of Primary Insomnia
InsomniaInsomnia is a significant public health burden, increasing work absenteeism and health care costs in a large proportion of the population. It causes altered cognition, emotional disturbances, and reduced quality of life. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the sleep promoting effect of dexmedetomidine is superior to the conventional sleep promoting drug, zolpidem. The main outcome of this study is to measure the time taken to fall asleep. Investigators will also look at incidences of wakening after sleep onset, sleep quality and wake time during sleep.

University of Colorado - Restoring Efficient Sleep After TBI
InsomniaTraumatic Brain InjurySleep disturbance is a common condition following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and impairs recovery and quality of life. While efficacious interventions exist many are not accessible to all patients due to a variety of factors (e.g., rurality, access to providers). Further, many of the available treatments have not been validated for individuals with moderate/severe TBI. The proposed study will evaluate a guided computerized version of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (cCBT-I) against enhanced treatment as usual (ETU) in individuals with moderate/severe TBI.

Solriamfetol and CBT-I in Patients With Insomnia Disorder
InsomniaMedication is FDA approved. The objective of this project is to test the efficacy of solriamfetol for treating insomnia (alone and in combination with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia [CBT-I]). Ultimately, this study will test whether wake extension (regardless of how it is achieved) will consolidate sleep and improve sleep continuity.