Respiratory Training vs Interoceptive Exposure in the Treatment of Transdiagnostic Pathological...
Anxiety DisordersTrauma8 morePurpose of the Research: The primary aim of the proposed study is to conduct a randomized parallel-group 3-arm clinical trial comparing two mechanistically distinct interventions for pathological anxiety - (1) Interoceptive Exposure (IE) utilizing graduated exposure to somatic cues (respiratory, cardiac, vestibular) with the primary aim of reducing fear responding to the presence of interoceptive perturbations; (2) Capnometry-Guided Respiratory Intervention (CGRI) aimed at raising end-tidal CO2 levels thereby lowering hyperventilation-induced respiratory alkalosis and its associated fear-eliciting somatic reactions; and (3) Psycho-education about anxiety and its effects (PsyEd), which will serve as a credible control comparator.

Virtual Reality for AnxIety Disorders - Randomized Controlled Trial
Social AnxietySocial PhobiaSocial anxiety disorder (SAD) has a high prevalence and an early onset and has a lengthy recovery period often taking decades to occur. Current evidence supports the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with virtual reality (VR) exposure. However, the evidence is based on a small number of studies. This trial examines the efficacy of an intervention that combines CBT with individually tailored exposure in VR. During exposure, participants' anxiety level is estimated in real time based on heart rate and electrodermal activity. Estimated anxiety level can guide the therapist's adjustment of the VR content. The above treatment is compared with the gold standard treatment for SAD which is cognitive behavioral therapy with exposure conducted in real life. Treatment is individual, manual-based and consists of 10 weekly sessions with a duration of 60 minutes. The aim of the study is to investigate whether CBT combined with exposure in VR (adapted on the basis of estimated anxiety level) is more effective than CBT with exposure in real life. The trial is a randomized controlled trail (RCT). The study includes 90 participants diagnosed with SAD. Assessments are carried out pre-treatment, mid-treatment and at follow-up (6 and 12 months). The primary outcome of the study is self-reported symptoms of social anxiety using Social Interaction Anxiety Scale. The primary endpoint is post-treatment.

Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: An 8-Week Pilot Study
Generalized Anxiety DisorderSocial Anxiety Disorder2 moreThis proposed study aims to evaluate the efficacy of daily Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil Capsules in treating symptoms of DSM-5 anxiety disorders, using a two-arm, 8-week randomized, placebo-controlled trial in adults aged 21-65 years. The study will also evaluate the relationship between inflammation, anxiety and CBD using biological markers as well as examine the neuro-cognitive effects of CBD treatment.

CBT Versus CBT With Virtual Reality Exposure for Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia
Social Anxiety DisorderAgoraphobiaIntroduction: Anxiety disorders have a high lifetime prevalence, early-onset, and long duration or chronicity. Exposure therapy is considered one of the most effective elements in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety, but in vivo exposure can be challenging to access and control, and is sometimes rejected by patients because they consider it too aversive. Virtual reality allows flexible and controlled exposure to challenging situations in an immersive and protected environment. Aim: The SoREAL-trial aims to investigate the effect of group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-in vivo) versus group cognitive behavioral therapy with virtual reality exposure (CBT-in virtuo) for patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and/or agoraphobia, in mixed groups. Methods & Analysis: The design is an investigator-initiated randomized, assessor-blinded, parallel-group and superiority-designed clinical trial. Three hundred two patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and/or agoraphobia will be included from the regional mental health centers of Copenhagen and North Sealand and the Northern Region of Denmark. All patients will be offered a manual-based 14-week cognitive behavioral group treatment program, including eight sessions with exposure therapy. Therapy groups will be centrally randomized with concealed allocation sequence to either CBT-in virtuo or CBT-in vivo. Patients will be assessed at baseline, post-treatment and one-year follow-up by treatment blinded researchers and research assistants. The primary outcome will be diagnosis-specific symptoms measured with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for patients with social anxiety disorder and the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia for patients with agoraphobia. Secondary outcome measures will include depression symptoms, social functioning, and patient satisfaction. Exploratory outcomes will be substance and alcohol use, working alliance and quality of life. Ethics and dissemination: The trial has been approved by the research ethics committee in the Capital Region of Denmark. All results, positive, negative as well as inconclusive, will be published as quickly as possible and still in concordance with Danish law on the protection of confidentially and personal information. Results will be presented at national and international scientific conferences.

Internet-Based, Parent-Led Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Youth With ASD
Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAutism Spectrum Disorder5 moreThis study compares the effectiveness of two levels of therapist support for an internet-based, parent-led cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with anxiety and ASD.

Evaluation of Family-Based Behavioral Treatments for Youth With Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive...
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in ChildrenAnxiety Disorder of Childhood7 moreAnxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders are among the most common in children. Although cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective and evidence-based treatment for such disorders, access to CBT is often limited. Family-based and internet-delivered therapy is one method to increase access to care. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the comparative efficacy and treatment mechanisms of two lower-intensity but effective treatments for families of children with anxiety or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) via telehealth compared to an adapted Relaxation and Mentorship Training (RMT) intervention involving breathing exercises with a therapist.

Virtual Reality for Youth Phobias
Specific PhobiaSocial Anxiety Disorder1 moreThe purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of virtual reality (VR) delivered exposure therapy for youth with phobias or social anxiety, with and without autism spectrum disorder. The study team is also interested in collecting information to better understand phobias and social anxiety.

oVRcome - Self Guided Virtual Reality for Social Anxiety Disorder
Social AnxietySocial anxiety is characterised by excessive fear of being negatively judged, embarrassed or humiliated during social interactions and is common with a lifetime prevalence of 12.1%. Cognitive behavioural therapy is the first line of treatment, but people may not seek treatment due to a number of factors including the discomfort experienced in seeking help, inconvenience, and the experience of psychotherapy itself. With Virtual Reality (VR), users can have increased control in how gradually they expose themselves to social situations. In studies of VR in people with specific phobias, 76% of people prefer VR exposure to in vivo exposure. There is emerging evidence for the use of VR in social phobia. oVRcome, is a self-help VRET for social anxiety symptoms and specific phobias, that is delivered through a smartphone application (app) in combination with a low cost headset that holds the smartphone and uses 360º video. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of the oVRcome social anxiety program for social anxiety symptoms. We hypothesize that oVRcome will reduce social anxiety symptom severity over a 6-week treatment period compared to waiting-list control

Where We All Meet: ACT Approach to Adolescents Anxiety Disorders
Social Anxiety DisorderGeneralized Anxiety DisorderTransdiagnostic approaches have been proposed as more truthfully representing mental health problems. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a transdiagnostic approach that proposes Psychological Inflexibility/Flexibility (PI/PF) as the root of human suffering/flourishing. ACT has been recognized as conceptually and clinically relevant for adult disorders. However, during adolescence, when anxiety disorders are highly prevalent, the same evidence is scarce. Specifically, methodologically robust designs investigating ACT's efficacy on adolescents' ADs are scarce and mechanisms underlying change during ACT for adolescents with ADs have not been investigated. Therefore, this study aims to adapt, implement, and investigate the efficacy of an online delivered (through videoconference) ACT intervention to adolescents presenting SAD or GAD, thus contributing to amplifying the transdiagnostic application of ACT to these disorders. A Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with 3 groups (i.e., Control, GAD intervention, and SAD intervention groups) of adolescents aged between 14 and 18 years old will be conducted. Outcome measurement will be assessed at pre-intervention, post-intervention, and at 3- and 6-month follow-ups. The investigators expect improvements in outcome variables (e.g., anxiety symptoms) at post-treatment for intervention groups. When comparing changes in outcome variables between the control and the intervention groups, improvements are expected only in the groups receiving intervention. Additionally, similar effects on outcome measures are expected in both intervention groups with gains being maintained over time (i.e., at 3- and 6-months follow-up). Finally, changes in PI/PF processes are expected to predict changes in outcome variables in both intervention groups. This RCT will provide valuable insights that can potentially enhance the efficacy of treatment modalities, contributing to improved well-being for adolescents with ADs.

Transdiagnostic Versus Diagnosis-specific Cognitive-behavioral Therapy
Panic DisorderGeneralized Anxiety Disorder3 moreThe primary aim of the pilot study is to investigate the feasibility of conducting a randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing the effects of transdiagnostic and diagnosis-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for patients with anxiety disorders in routine psychiatric outpatient care in Stockholm, Sweden. It is hypothesized that an RCT is feasible in terms of recruitment, retention, therapist competence and adherence to treatments, and that the treatments are well received by participants.