Late-presenting Hip Dislocation in Non-ambulatory Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Comparison of...
Cerebral PalsySpasticCerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by a fixed lesion that affects the neurological system during development. Pathologic hip conditions, such as subluxation or dislocation, are of great concern in non-ambulatory CP patients. Complete hip dislocations are commonly encountered in non-ambulatory CP patients and this can be quite problematic if pain is experienced or when sitting, balance, posture, or hygiene become affected. The management of this patient population includes both reconstructive surgery, which aimed to center the dislocated femoral head into the acetabulum, and salvage surgeries, which are performed to reduce associated pain and/or functional deficits (e.g., sitting problems). There are many options for salvage management of dislocated hips in CP patients, including proximal femoral resection (PFR) either with or without cartilage capping, proximal femoral valgus osteotomy, hip arthrodesis, and prosthetic hip arthroplasty. To date, there is no conclusive evidence to determine which option is superior compared to the others in terms of efficacy and postoperative complications in CP patients due to the lack of a comparison group and the small number of included patients. Furthermore, the decision to take reconstructive vs. salvage procedures is still a matter of debate in the literature. Therefore, this study is being conducted to compare outcomes between PFR, reconstructive hip surgery, and proximal femur valgus osteotomy in terms of clinical improvement (Including pain) and complications

Comparison Between AOT and Functional Training on Balance, Mobility and Cognition in Diplegic Cerebral...
Diplegic Cerebral PalsyThe aim of the study is to find out the effects of Action observation therapy as compared to the traditional physiotherapy in diplegic spastic cerebral palsy patients. We will check the effects on balance mobility and cognition of patients.

Whole Body Vibration Versus Functional Strength Training On Balance In Children With Hemiparetic...
Cerebral PalsyHemiparesisThe study will be directed to compare which of whole body vibration (WBV) training and Functional strength training (FST) has better effect on balance in children with hemiparesis

Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy in Virtual Reality Versus Standard Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive...
Hemiplegic Cerebral PalsyThe goal of this intervention study is- 1. To determine if a camp that solely uses VR software based on HABIT (HABIT-VR) still improves the motor planning and execution deficits in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (HCP) and 2. To determine if HABIT-VR improves bimanual coordination and affected hand function in children with HCP at least as well as a standard HABIT. Children with motor planning and execution deficits will receive 40 hours of either HABIT-VR or standard HABIT (4 hours per day, 5days/week, for two consecutive weeks), during which the investigators will track their performance of the tasks and their movements through 3-D motion tracking of the VR system. Post-camp, again the investigators will assess upper-extremity motor function. Additionally the investigators will assess pre to post camp improvement in hand function and bimanual coordination using Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA), Manual Ability Classification System (MACS), and manual dexterity using Box and Block test and 9 Hole Peg test.

Effects of Physical Activity on Prescription (PAP) as a Health-enhancing Intervention in People...
Physical InactivityCerebral Palsy5 morePhysical inactivity is an increasing problem in the general population in society. However, in people with disabilities, inactivity is even more frequently reported. Physical activity on prescription (PAP) is a well-established method to enhance physical activity. The prescribed physical activity can be activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, or gardening, and should be performed over a longer period. In children with cerebral palsy, PAP has shown to be feasible to increase participation in physical activity and to reduce sedentary behaviour, and the habilitation services in the Region of Skåne have decided to offer PAP to all children and youth with disabilities. It is of great importance to study these interventions when applied on a broader group of patients than previously studied. The aim is to study the effects of an individualised and health-enhancing intervention in physically inactive people with autism, intellectual and physical disabilities. Also, the cost-effectiveness of PAP will be studied. 60 physically inactive children, aged 8- 17 years, and 20 adults, with autism, intellectual or physical disability will be included. The participants are recruited by their clinical physiotherapists, who also will be carrying out the PAP-intervention. The self-selected physical activity/activities may either be a physical activity organized by a club and/or an everyday activity such as walking a dog or riding a bicycle to school. Each participant fills in an activity logbook. Motivational interviewing will be used to support the participants. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure can be used to identify what activities the participants are motivated to do, and to detect changes in the participants' perception of their performance of the activity. Quality of life will be monitored. Physical activity will be measured through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and a movement monitor (accelerometer). Study specific questionnaires will be filled in regarding costs and background information. Data on health care use of the participants will retrospectively be collected and studied using the health care database in Region Skåne. Data will be collected at 3 months prior to the intervention, just before the intervention starts, when the intervention is finished, and at 6, 12 and 24 months after the intervention. The study has been approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority.

Reciprocal Electrical Stimulation Versus Kinesio Taping
Cerebral PalsyThis study will be conducted to: evaluate the effect of kinesio taping on hand functions in hemiplegic cerebral palsy children compare between the effects of reciprocal electrical stimulation and kinesio taping on hand functions in hemiplegic cerebral palsy children.

Virtual Reality vs Functional Strength Training in Children With Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyVirtual reality (VR) has shown to be effective to improve arm function in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Recently, functional strength training (FST) starts to show to improve arm function in patients with stroke but has not been extensively explored in children with CP. This pilot study is to examine the effect of FST and VR on improving arm function in children with CP using a sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) to develop valid, high-quality adaptive intervention using VR and FST to improve arm function in children with CP. There is a growing interest and need for research on how to adapt and re-adapt intervention in children with CP in order to maximize clinical benefits. The treatment adapted here is by augmenting or switching to the other intervention. Forty children with spastic type of CP will be recruited from the greater Atlanta area. Children will be randomly assigned to receive either VR or FST for 6 weeks (60 minutes per day, 3 days per week). After receiving 6 weeks of intervention, the children will be evaluated to determine whether they are responders or non-responders. For those who are responders, they will continue receiving the same dosage and type of intervention. That is, children who are assigned to VR will continue receiving VR for the next 6 weeks; children who are assigned to FST will continue receiving FST for the next 6 weeks. For those who are non-responders, children will be randomly assigned to augmenting the other intervention or switching to the other intervention. That is, for children who are assigned to augmenting the other intervention (i.e. the combination group), they will receive the combination of FST and VR for the next 6 weeks. For children who are assigned to switch to the other intervention, children who are assigned to VR in the first 6 weeks will receive FST for the next 6 weeks; whereas children who are assigned to FST in the first 6 weeks will receive VR for the next 6 weeks. Similar instruction, visit, and email reminder will be conducted as what they receive in the first 6 weeks. At the end of the study, children and primary caregivers will be interviewed to understand their perception about the intervention they have received. The research team is expected children with CP will improve their arm function regardless which intervention they are assigned; however, children received VR will have a better improvement in arm function as compared with those who received FST at the end of the intervention.

Feasibility of Pediatric CIMT by Televideo
Hemiplegic Cerebral PalsyThe study will test a remotely delivered, intensive, therapist-led, pediatric CIMT intervention, to improve the quality and frequency of upper limb movement during functional activity. We will evaluate: remote assessment of patient motor outcomes; computer-based video interaction for parent training in shaping therapeutic activities; child, parent, and therapist interactions; remote delivery of treatment; and the usability and usefulness of technology (e.g. reliability of internet connection; video streaming). As a final product, the study will yield a feasible and acceptable tele-rehabilitation protocol that meets our fidelity and reliability criteria and is ready for larger-scale efficacy testing in children with hemiplegic CP, ages 1-10 years.

Using Augmented Reality to Promote Physical Activity in Children With Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyMobile Phone Use3 moreChildren with cerebral palsy (CP), Gross Motor Functional Classification Scale (GMFCS) I-II will be recruited to participate in a home based physical activity intervention for 12 weeks. Demographic data will be collected, and validated surveys assessing baseline activity level and quality of life will be administered. Participants will have an exercise program assigned and will be given a logbook to record their exercise adherence. They will be randomized to one of the two arms: Augment Reality (AR) app or control group. The AR app group will have exercises administered through the AR app. The Control group will do an at-home program using handouts. At the end of the program, participants will complete final surveys and activity tests. The control group will have access to the AR component after the 12 week period.

Lateral Cord Magnetic Stimulation For Refractory Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Spastic Cerebral PalsyDysarthriaLateral cord stimulation (LCS) was discovered by the author as the producer of an average threshold increase for abnormal muscle contraction responses, in experimental pathological conditions, as described and referred. This physiological effect is proposed to improve tone, motor function and speech, in patients with spasticity of different causes, such as cerebrovascular accident, congenital brain malformations, perinatal anoxia (image called cerebral palsy), sequels of neurosurgery, etc. Due to its non-invasiveness and possible efficacy, the use of magnetic stimulation is proposed to try to demonstrate its therapeutic utility. This is the clinical test of phase 2/3 of the method, in the future, and how its use could be extended, if the results were positive, its indications could be extended to other pathological conditions, giving a greater spectrum of spastic patients, potentially benefited