Cognitive Reserve and Response to Speech-Language Intervention in Bilingual Speakers With Primary...
Primary Progressive AphasiaDementia14 moreDifficulties with speech and language are the first and most notable symptoms of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). While there is evidence that demonstrates positive effects of speech-language treatment for individuals with PPA who only speak one language (monolinguals), there is a significant need for investigating the effects of treatment that is optimized for bilingual speakers with PPA. This stage 2 efficacy clinical trial seeks to establish the effects of culturally and linguistically tailored speech-language interventions administered to bilingual individuals with PPA. The overall aim of the intervention component of this study is to establish the relationships between the bilingual experience (e.g., how often each language is used, how "strong" each language is) and treatment response of bilinguals with PPA. Specifically, the investigators will evaluate the benefits of tailored speech-language intervention administered in both languages to bilingual individuals with PPA (60 individuals will be recruited). The investigators will conduct an assessment before treatment, after treatment and at two follow-ups (6 and 12-months post-treatment) in both languages. When possible, a structural scan of the brain (magnetic resonance image) will be collected before treatment in order to identify if brain regions implicated in bilingualism are associated with response to treatment. In addition to the intervention described herein, 30 bilingual individuals with PPA will be recruited to complete behavioral cognitive-linguistic testing and will not receive intervention. Results will provide important knowledge about the neural mechanisms of language re-learning and will address how specific characteristics of bilingualism influence cognitive reserve and linguistic resilience in PPA.

Clinical Feasibility & Validation of the Virtual Reality GlenxRose Speech-Language Therapies
Vocal Cord DysfunctionSpeech DisordersFactors related to successful rehabilitation are often directly related to adherence; for instance, dosage, frequency, and intensity can burden the patient regarding time and motivational factors. Furthermore, surrounding salience, patients may lose interest or find an intervention boring after a few sessions. It is well documented that nonadherence not only impacts rehabilitation for the patient but can also further prolong treatment, and increase hospital and clinician costs, in addition to a higher prevalence of future comorbidities. Therefore, strategies that improve patient adherence can significantly help optimize patient care and treatment outcomes. One avenue to increase patient adherence is through the gamification of rehabilitation therapies using virtual reality (VR). Gamification of rehabilitation therapy can make mass practice required in rehabilitation therapies seemingly fun and more personally engaging for the patient. Additionally, the immersive experience achieved through VR can further promote salience and be customizable to individual patient requirements. As VR systems are now highly portable and relatively simple to utilize, they can provide an excellent opportunity to continue rehabilitation practice on the home front. Overall, the VR gamification of rehabilitation may increase adherence by shifting patients' perspectives of therapy as tedious, boring, or a hassle, to a fun and engaging game that ultimately helps their recovery processes. The GlenXRose VR-delivered speech-language therapies (Cognitive Projections Lab, University of Alberta) have been developed and piloted in collaboration with the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital with the overall goal of increasing patient adherence, treatment outcomes, and satisfaction with vocal therapy. The proposed studies are to investigate the feasibility of implementing this technology in routine clinical care (specific to voice disorders), obtaining clinician feedback, examining associated financial costs, and continuing to examine the effect of the GlenXRose VR speech-language therapies on patient adherence and clinical outcomes, compared to traditional clinical care.

Building Sentences With Preschoolers Who Use AAC
Down SyndromeSpeech and Language Disorder3 moreThe focus of this investigation is to compare the effectiveness of the AAC Generative Language Intervention approach to an AAC Standard of Care condition on preschool sentence productions. All children will use existing AAC iPad applications.

Hear Me Read 2021 Clinical Trial
Hearing LossDeafness5 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate if the effects of in-person speech-language therapy with a novel digital storybook intervention platform (Hear Me Read) improves vocabulary, speech and language, and literacy outcomes in young children who are deaf or hard of hearing compared with in-person therapy alone.

Preventing Speech and Language Disorders in Children With Classic Galactosemia
Classic GalactosemiaSpeech Disorders in Children1 moreA critical knowledge gap is whether proactive intervention can improve speech and language outcomes in infants at known risk for communication disorders. Speech and language assessments and treatments are usually not initiated until deficits can be diagnosed, no earlier than age 2-3 years. Preventive services are not available. Children with classic galactosemia (CG) hold the keys towards investigating whether proactive services are more effective than conventional management. CG is a recessively inherited inborn error of metabolism characterized by defective conversion of galactose. Despite early detection and strict adherence to lactose-restricted diets, children with CG are at very high risk not only for motor and learning disabilities but also for severe speech sound disorder and language impairment. Delays are evident from earliest signals of communication and persist into adulthood in many cases but speech/language assessment and treatment are usually not initiated until deficits manifest. However, because CG is diagnosed via newborn screening, the known genotype-phenotype association can be leveraged to investigate the efficacy of proactive interventions during the acquisition of prespeech (2 to 12 months) and early communication skills (13 to 24 months). If this proactive intervention is more effective than standard care regarding speech and language outcomes in children with CG, this will change their clinical management from deficit-based to proactive services. It will also motivate investigating this approach in infants with other types of known risk factors, e.g., various genetic causes and very low birth weight. The Babble Boot Camp is a program for children with CG, ages 2 to 24 months. The intervention is implemented by a pediatric speech-language pathologist (SLP) via parent training. Activities and routines are designed to foster earliest signals of communication, increase coo and babble behaviors, support the emergence of first words and word combinations, and expand syntactic complexity. The SLP meets with parents online every week for 10 to 15 minutes to provide instruction, feedback, and guidance. Close monitoring of progress is achieved via regularly administered questionnaires, a monthly day-long audio recording, and the SLPs weekly progress notes. At age 24 months, the active phase of the Babble Boot Camp ends. The children receive a professional speech/language assessment at ages 2 1/2, 3 1/2, and 4 1/2 years.

MyoVoice to Restore Natural, Hands-free Communication to Individuals With Vocal Impairments
Rehabilitation of Speech and Language DisordersSpeech Disorders5 moreThis study will evaluate the ability of MyoVoice to replace natural speech. Referred to generally as an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device, MyoVoice uses electrical signals recorded non-invasively from speech muscles (electromyographic, or EMG, signals) to restore communication for those with vocal impairments that resulted from surgical treatment of laryngeal and oropharyngeal cancers.

Dopaminergic Therapy for Frontotemporal Dementia Patients
Frontotemporal DementiaDementia19 moreThis is a phase IIa 24-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The study is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Rotigotine (RTG) transdermal administration at the dosage of 4 mg or 6 mg per day versus Placebo (PLC) in newly diagnosed behavioural Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD) patients. 75 patients with a diagnosis of probable bvFTD will be randomly allocated to the 3 treatment arms (RTG 4mg/day, RTG 6mg/day or PLC), with 25 patients per group. Clinical and neurophysiological measurements and brain metabolism via FDG-PET will be collected before and after drug administration.

Functional Connectivity and Predictors of Affective Aprosodia Intervention in Subacute Right Hemisphere...
Right Hemispheric StrokeThis study is an investigation of a behavioral speech and language treatment for emotional prosody recognition and production deficits in subacute right hemisphere stroke.

Real World Testing of a Brain-Computer Interface
Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisBrain Stem Stroke3 moreThe goal of this project is to test a new AAC-BCI device comparing gel and dry electrode headgear used for communication while providing clinical care. Innovative resources will be employed to support the standard of care without considering limitations based on service billing codes. Clinical services will include AAC assessment, AAC-BCI device and treatment to individuals with minimal movement due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), brain stem strokes, severe cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their family support person. This is a descriptive study designed to measure and monitor the communication performance of individuals using the AAC-BCI, any other AAC strategies, their user satisfaction and perceptions of communication effectiveness, and the satisfaction of the family support persons.

Task of Acoustic-phonetic Decoding on Anatomic Deficits in Paramedical Assessment of Speech Disorders...
Speech IntelligibilityThe bridging of the gap between speech production and perception by the interlocutor would be made possible by the use of a more suitable and automatic task. An acoustic-phonetic decoding test (or DAP in French, i.e. the production of isolated pseudo-words in repetition or reading), created within the framework of the The French National Cancer Institute (InCA) C2SI project, avoids the effects of cognitive restoration by the interlocutor. An automatic score from the DAP would lead to an overall score per patient, but also to scores specific to each phonetic segment, to be correlated with the analytical scores from each anatomical oropharyngeal segment. The study hypothesis is that the automatic processing of an acoustic-phonetic decoding task during the assessment in current practice is a valid and reliable tool for diagnosing oropharyngeal analytical and dynamic deficits by highlighting deficient linguistic units. The study hypothesis is that the automatic processing of an acoustico-phonetic decoding task during the assessment in current practice is a tool for diagnosing oropharyngeal analytical and dynamic deficits by highlighting deficient linguistic units.