Visual Acoustic Biofeedback for RSE Via Telepractice
Speech Sound DisorderThis research will meet a public health need by evaluating the efficacy of speech intervention supplemented with real-time visual-acoustic biofeedback when delivered using remote technologies.

Auditory-Perceptual Training Via Telepractice
Speech Sound DisorderThe objective of this study is to measure the effects of online perceptual training on perception and production in children with RSE who exhibit atypical perception relative to norms from our lab-based pilot data. In a multiple-baseline across-subjects design, 10 children with RSE will begin in a baseline phase probing perceptual acuity for /r/. Perceptual training with multiple types of stimuli will be initiated in a staggered fashion. Production probes elicited before and after treatment will assess the extent to which perception gains transfer to /r/ production.

Influence - Intervention Break - Children - Speech Sound Disorders
Speech Sound DisorderMany of the children with speech and language disorders have speech sound disorders. In German-speaking countries, it is estimated that around 16% of children between the ages of three and eight are affected by school entry. The treatment of speech sound disorders aims to enable the transfer of the learned into spontaneous speech. The purpose of this study is to ascertain, whether children, by means of a break in therapy, succeed in transferring, the target phoneme or target consonant cluster - from a certain threshold - to spontaneous language. The researchers compare the effect of the transfer to spontaneous speech situations by means of a twelve-week break from therapy with a continuous therapy. In addition, the researchers would like to find out whether the acquisition of the grapheme has an additional positive influence on the generalization of the target phoneme or target consonant cluster in spontaneous speech situations. The researchers also seek to understand individual differences in the generalization effects on the production of the target phoneme / target consonant cluster in spontaneous speech situations, in which the researchers document and evaluate information on the treatment method and treatment duration before the therapy break.

Correcting Residual Errors With Spectral, Ultrasound, Traditional Speech Therapy
Speech Sound DisorderChildren with speech sound disorder show diminished accuracy and intelligibility in spoken communication and may thus be perceived as less capable or intelligent than peers, with negative consequences for both socioemotional and socioeconomic outcomes. While most speech errors resolve by the late school-age years, between 2-5% of speakers exhibit residual speech errors (RSE) that persist through adolescence or even adulthood, reflecting about 6 million cases in the US. Both affected children/families and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have highlighted the critical need for research to identify more effective forms of treatment for children with RSE. In a series of single-case experimental studies, research has found that treatment incorporating technologically enhanced sensory feedback (visual-acoustic biofeedback, ultrasound biofeedback) can improve speech in individuals with RSE who have not responded to previous intervention. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing traditional vs biofeedback-enhanced intervention is the essential next step to inform evidence-based decision-making for this prevalent population. Larger-scale research is also needed to understand heterogeneity across individuals in the magnitude of response to biofeedback treatment. The overall objective of this proposal is to conduct clinical research that will guide the evidence-based management of RSE while also providing novel insights into the sensorimotor underpinnings of speech. The central hypothesis is that biofeedback will yield greater gains in speech accuracy than traditional treatment, and that individual deficit profiles will predict relative response to visual-acoustic vs ultrasound biofeedback. This study will enroll n = 118 children who misarticulate the /r/ sound, the most common type of RSE. This first component of the study will evaluate the efficacy of biofeedback relative to traditional treatment in a well-powered randomized controlled trial. Ultrasound and visual-acoustic biofeedback, which have similar evidence bases, will be represented equally.

Building Sentences With Preschoolers Who Use AAC
Down SyndromeSpeech and Language Disorder3 moreThe focus of this investigation is to compare the effectiveness of the AAC Generative Language Intervention approach to an AAC Standard of Care condition on preschool sentence productions. All children will use existing AAC iPad applications.

Neural Indices of Intervention Outcomes in Children With Speech Sound Disorders
Speech Sound DisorderChildren with speech sound disorders (SSD) are thought to be unable to detect subtle differences between sounds, though there is little understanding of the underlying perceptual mechanisms implicated in SSD. The investigators suggest that children with SSD may have difficulty creating phonological representations due to inaccurate perception and representation of speech sounds, which then directly impacts speech production abilities. Children will be randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions in the present study: 1) Traditional speech treatment alone or 2) Traditional speech treatment in conjunction with speech perceptual training. By identifying an underlying mechanism of the disorder, the clinical approach to the treatment of SSD will be better informed and treatment approaches targeting all deficient areas can be utilized.

A Framework For Linking Sequential Pattern Rules in DLD: Perception in Toddlers
Developmental Language DisorderSpeech Sound Disorder1 moreThis broad aim of this clinical study is to assess the hypothesis that morphological and phonological deficits are linked by a broader deficit in sequential pattern learning. This hypothesis applies to learning in general, but is especially critical as an avenue for developing earlier assessments and more powerful interventions for children with developmental language disorder (DLD; AKA specific language impairment). Other populations, such as at-risk toddlers, may also benefit from this new approach.

A Developmental Framework For Linking Phonological And Morpho-syntactic Sequential Pattern Rules...
Developmental Language DisorderSpeech Sound Disorder1 moreThe broad aim of this clinical study is to assess the hypothesis that morphological and phonological deficits are linked by a broader deficit in sequential pattern learning. This hypothesis applies to learning in general, but is especially critical as an avenue for developing earlier assessments and more powerful interventions for children with developmental language disorder (DLD; also known as specific language impairment). Other populations, such as at-risk toddlers, may also benefit from this new approach.

Orthognathic Speech Pathology: Phonetic Contrasts of Patients With Dental Discrepancies Pre- and...
Dentofacial AbnormalitiesDentofacial Deformities9 moreThe investigators are studying how speech is effected by jaw and tooth position in jaw surgery patients. Eighty percent of our jaw surgery patients have speech pathologies, compared to five percent of the general population, but speech pathologists do not understand why. The investigators hypothesize that open bites and underbites prevent most patients from being able to pronounce words normally and surgical correction will lead to improvement in speech. Patients will be audio recorded speaking and patients' tongue gestures ultrasound recorded before and after their jaw surgeries to observe what changes occur in their speech and tongue movements.

A Framework For Linking Sequential Pattern Rules in DLD: Perception in Adults
Developmental Language DisorderSpeech Sound Disorder1 moreThis broad aim of this clinical study is to assess the hypothesis that morphological and phonological deficits are linked by a broader deficit in sequential pattern learning. This hypothesis applies to learning in general, but is especially critical as an avenue for developing earlier assessments and more powerful interventions for children with developmental language disorder (DLD; AKA specific language impairment). Other populations, such as at-risk toddlers, may also benefit from this new approach.