In-Utero Endoscopic Correction of Spina Bifida
Neural Tube DefectsSpina Bifida1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of performing fetoscopic surgical correction of fetal spina bifida. Two surgical approaches will be utilized: the percutaneous technique versus the laparotomy/uterine exteriorization technique.

Intervention on Bone Health in Wheelchair Users
Bone LossSpinal Cord Injuries4 moreThe low mechanical loading of bones among wheelchair users leads to an increased risk of bone fractures and associated complications due to low bone mineral density (BMD). Adding mechanical loading through physical activity in combination with optimizing nutrition may counteract these negative consequences in wheelchair users and thereby provide positive impact for bone health, as well as for physical and mental health. In this project, a multidisciplinary team will tailor a bone-specific exercise and nutrition program to increase BMD in sport active and non-active wheelchair users with initial low BMD.

Safety and Efficacy of Devices Used in Fetoscopic Neural Tube Defect Repair Cases
Neural Tube DefectsThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of devices used in patients undergoing fetoscopic neural tube defect repair.

Effects of Progressive Resistance Exercise Training on Endurance and Functional Mobility in Children...
Spina BifidaIn this research the effects of progressive resistance exercise training on endurance and functional mobility in children with spina bifida are assessed.

High Intensity Functional Training for Individuals With Neurologic Diagnoses and Their Care Partners...
Neurologic DisorderParkinson Disease6 moreIndividuals with and without neurologic diagnoses greatly benefit from participation in regular exercise but the majority are physically inactive. This is an issue for both them and their care partners as their health is often linked. This study aims to examine the long-term physical and psychosocial effects of structured, group-based, high intensity functional training (HIFT) exercise for people with neurologic diagnoses and their care partners.

Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Skills on Wheels
Spina BifidaCerebral Palsy4 moreManual wheelchairs (MWCs) are widely used by children with physical disabilities, yet many of these children are unable to use their wheelchair independently. Instead, they depend on others to push them. This dependency results in limited opportunities to decide what they want to do and where they want to go, leading to learned helplessness, social isolation, decreased participation, and restricted involvement in physical activities. Furthermore, unsafe MWC use increases the risk of injury, as highlighted by the 44,300 children treated each year in emergency departments for MWC-related injuries. While independent MWC mobility can positively influence quality of life, MWC skills training must also be provided to promote safe, independent MWC use. The effectiveness of MWC training programs for adults is well established, yet the current standard-of-care does not include MWC skills training for children and research regarding the efficacy of pediatric MWC skills training programs is limited. Skills on Wheels seeks to address these gaps and provide pilot data for a future large-scale, multi-site research project involving a randomized controlled trial. Aim 1 is to explore the influence of Skills on Wheels on children's MWC skills and confidence in their MWC use. Aim 2 is to investigate the influence of Skills on Wheels on children's psychosocial skills, social participation, and adaptive behavior.

Investigation of Surgical Sectioning of the Filum Terminale in Treating Occult Tethered Cord Syndrome...
Tethered CordTethered Cord Syndrome2 moreThe investigators hypothesize that surgical release of the filum terminale (strand of fibrous tissue at the end of the spinal cord) is a more efficacious treatment option for symptomatic relief than medical management in subjects with Occult Tethered Cord Syndrome (OTCS) and that the risks do not outweigh the benefit profile.

Cryopreserved Human Umbilical Cord as a Meningeal Patch in Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Repair
Spina Bifida; FetusMyelomeningocele1 moreThe objective is to test the efficacy of a laparotomy-assisted fetoscopic surgical approach to cover spina bifida spinal cord developmental defects using cryopreserved human umbilical cords (NEOX Cord 1K®) as a meningeal and skin patch.

The Impact of Community-based Wellness Programs on The Triple Aim
Spina BifidaCerebral Palsy2 morePeople with disabilities experience a staggering incidence of secondary conditions that can result in death or negatively impact their health, participation in the community, and quality of life. Many of these chronic secondary conditions are preventable. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement has advocated for optimizing care through programs that simultaneously improve health and the patient experience of care, while reducing cost, called the "Triple Aim." Studies have shown that the Triple Aim can be achieved through programs that facilitate community integration; however the U.S. healthcare system lacks a paradigm of care for individuals with disabilities that promotes community integration. In order to identify potential models of healthcare delivery for individuals with disabilities that are effective in achieving the Triple Aim, we will conduct a rigorous research project to evaluate the impact of two different models of care on the Triple Aim: 1) a community-based care management program delivered by a non-profit organization through waiver funds, and 2) the Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) applied to younger individuals with disabilities between ages 55-64.

In Utero Fetoscopic Repair Program for Sacral Myelomeningoceles and Mye-LDM
Sacral MyelomeningoceleNeural Tube Defects1 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the feasibility and the maternal, fetal and postnatal outcomes of sacral myelomeningocele (MMC) and Myelic Limited Dorsal Myeloschisis (MyeLDM) fetoscopic repair at Trousseau Hospital (Paris, France).