Investigation of Effects of Physiotherapy Interventions on Mechanical Properties of Muscle in Head...
Head and Neck CancerSpinal Accessory Nerve Injury4 moreAs the head and neck cancer (HNC) survival rate has increased and therefore, the focus of post-treatments is to improve the quality of patients' life by decreasing the side effects. Treatment of HNC leads to acute and chronic soft tissue damage, and functional loss. However, patients with HNC need having rehabilitation throughout the post-treatment phase so as to improve functional outcomes because of the long term side effects. Chronic shoulder morbidity is one of the complications after surgery due to spinal accesory nerve injury. Moreover, pain, dysphonia, and musculoskeletal impairments are observed in the individuals after the treatments and the patients also have trouble swallowing problems, loss of taste, dry mouth, trismus, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue during and after therapy. Since there is limited research on the usage of manual therapy techniques in HNC patients, this study aims to investigate muscle changes after surgery and the effectiveness of physiotherapy on muscle material behaviour from a biomechanical perspective by using shear wave elastography. In this respect, the hypothesis is: H0: Physical therapy interventions do not impact mechanical properties of muscle, pain, quality of life, cervical and shoulder functionality in HNC patients after neck dissection. H1: Physical therapy interventions will improve mechanical properties of muscle, pain, quality of life, cervical and shoulder functionality in HNC patients after neck dissection.

Lidocaine Reduces Muscle Tremor is Beneficial for Intraoperative Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring...
Thyroid CancerNeck Cancer3 moreIn recent years, the application of intraoperative recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring in thyroid surgery has greatly reduced the complications of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. The use of intraoperative neurological monitoring requires the reduction of the dose of neuromuscular blockade, which often leads to muscle tremors during the application of electrical energy, which affects the fine separation around the muscles. This study explored the effect of local application of lidocaine on reducing muscle tremor during surgery and its optimal dose.

Therapeutic Resistance Group Exercise Training for Head & Neck Cancer Survivors
Head and Neck NeoplasmsAccessory Nerve Injury1 moreThe investigators will conduct a randomized controlled trial examining 12-week, 24-week and one year outcomes from a combined therapeutic and physical exercise program that aims to bridge head-and-neck cancer survivors from acute care rehabilitation services to community-based exercise programming.

Do AxoGuard Implants Decrease Shoulder Disability After Neck Dissections
Spinal Accessory Nerve InjuryCervical LymphadenopathyThe purpose of this study is to determine whether Axoguard nerve protectors have a role in preventing shoulder disability and pain following spinal accessory nerve sparing neck dissections.