Tranexamic Acid to Reduce Blood Loss in Spine Trauma Surgery
Spinal InjuriesSpinal DeformityThis study is designed to evaluate the efficacy of topical tranexamic acid to reduce perioperative blood loss, reduction in postoperative drain output and allogenic transfusion requirements. The proposed study will be a prospective, randomized, double-blind (subject, surgeons, investigators, research coordinators) placebo-controlled study. Patients following high energy trauma who have sustained thoracic or lumbar spine fractures, dislocations or ligamentous injury with resultant instability requiring posterior spinal fusion will be enrolled for this study. Furthermore, patients undergoing elective complex deformity surgery will also be enrolled. Both populations of patients will be randomized into two groups. Group I will receive standard of care operative fixation with topical tranexamic acid intervention (test); Group II will receive standard of care operative fixation with normal saline (placebo) intervention. This study will have a 2-year follow-up and will consist of three periods: screening/enrollment phase up to 21 days from the day of injury to the day of randomization and operative intervention, an inpatient data collection period for 4 days postoperative, and then a follow-up period for 2-years postoperative (visits occurring at 2 week, 16 week, 1 year, and 2 year) time points.

Telemonitored Exercise to Attenuate Metabolic Dysregulation in Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal InjuriesThe purpose of this research is to test the health benefits of using functional electrical stimulation for lower extremity exercise at home.

Does Prehabilitation Improve Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Complex Spine Fusion Surgery?
Lumbar Spine InjurySpinal Fusion4 moreA novel prehabilitation method has been implemented at our institution to decrease perioperative outcome complications for frail complex spine fusion surgery patients. The goal of this randomized trial is to evaluate whether this prehabilitation program improves preoperative functional status of frail spine disease patients and benefits patients in their postsurgical outcomes.

The Use of Dantrolene to Improve Analgesia in Posterior Lumbar Surgery
Lumbar Spine InjuryThe purpose of this study is to determine whether administration of a non-centrally acting muscle relaxants will improve the Overall Benefit of Analgesia Score (OBAS), and Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) scores in patients undergoing lumbar fusion.

Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of the Leg Lateral Reach Test in Adolescent Tennis Players...
Trunk InjuryMobility Limitation2 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Leg Lateral Reach Test to measure thoraco-lumbo-pelvic segment mobility in adolescent tennis players. The fact that the test is valid and reliable for tennis players will contribute to monitoring trunk rotation flexibility in athletes, comparing them bilaterally, and revealing the exercise training necessary to improve performance.

Locomotor Training With Testosterone to Promote Bone and Muscle Health After Spinal Cord Injury...
Spinal Cord InjurySpinal Cord Injuries24 moreThis pilot study will determine the feasibility of implementing a combinatory rehabilitation strategy involving testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with locomotor training (LT; walking on a treadmill with assistance and overground walking) in men with testosterone deficiency and walking dysfunction after incomplete or complete spinal cord injury. The investigators hypothesize that LT+TRT treatment will improve muscle size and bone mineral density in men with low T and ambulatory dysfunction after incomplete or complete SCI, along with muscle fundtion and walking recovery in men with T low and ambulatory dysfunction ater incomplete SCI.

Intraspinal Pressure Monitoring for Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Validation Study
Spinal Cord InjuriesSpine InjuryIntraspinal pressure monitoring has been advanced as a potential technique for evaluating spinal cord perfusion after traumatic spinal cord injury. In this study, the investigators aim to validate the technique for insertion of a fiberoptic pressure monitoring device in the subarachnoid space at the site of injury for measurement of intraspinal pressure and spinal cord perfusion pressure. The primary objective of this study is to validate the methodology of invasive intraspinal pressure monitoring to derive parameters for optimal spinal cord perfusion pressure, spinal cord reserve capacity and spinal reactivity index using data obtained during the patient's stay in the intensive care unit. Secondary objectives of this study will be to a) evaluate the safety of invasive intraspinal pressure monitoring, b) prospectively evaluate the overall relationship between spinal cord perfusion pressure and functional outcomes in patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injury and c) evaluate the relationship between spinal cord perfusion pressure, motor evoked potentials and functional outcomes after incomplete spinal cord injury.

Study of Probable Benefit of the Neuro-Spinal Scaffold™ in Subjects With Complete Thoracic AIS A...
InjurySpinal CordThis is a randomized, controlled, single-blind, multicenter, two Arm (Treatment or "Scaffold" Arm; Standard of Care or "Comparator" Arm) of a Neuro-Spinal Scaffold to evaluate whether the Scaffold is safe and demonstrates probable benefit for the treatment of complete T2-T12 spinal cord injury as compared to standard of care open spine surgery.

Effect of a Flexibility Program on the Extensibility of the Hamstrings and the Thoracic and Lumbar...
Spine InjuryHamstring Injury2 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to analyse the effect of an intervention program based on hamstring flexibility on the extensibility and curvatures of the spine in dancers. Participants will be dance student with ten years of experience that will undergo a program of stretching four times per week during seven weeks, followed by a detraining period, and a retraining period of three weeks. There will be a pre-test, a post-test and two re-tests after the intervention. The results will be compared with a control group of dancers that will not take part in the stretching program.

Wound Closure Techniques in Primary Spine Surgery
Spinal InjuriesThe Researchers are trying to determine if there is a difference in blood flow around a wound site when comparing three different types of wound closure techniques.