Feasibility of a Person-centred Digital Program Targeting Physical Activity in Spinal Stenosis Surgery...
Spinal Stenosis LumbarSpinal stenosis is the most common cause of degenerative spinal surgery. The majority do not achieve the global recommendations for health-promoting physical activity before or after surgery. Patients with a low level of physical activity and a high degree of fear of movement are at an increased risk of poorer health outcomes after surgery. Increasing the number of steps per day is a way to increase physical activity, which in long term can lead to health benefits. In addition, a digital format is a way to increase the availability of physiotherapy to strive for equal rehabilitation. The overall purpose of the research project is to improve health outcome and increase the availability of rehabilitation for patients at high risk of negative health outcomes after spinal surgery due to spinal stenosis through Get Back, a person-centered and digital program with a focus on physical activity. Before conducting a large-scale study, the investigators want to conduct a study that aims to investigate and develop the Get Back program regarding content and dose, treatment fidelity as well as feasibility in terms of study procedure, compliance, and acceptability. Approximately thirty patients with lumbar spinal stenosis and an identified risk profile for poorer postoperative outcomes will be recruited from two spine clinics in Sweden. The program involves meeting a physiotherapist digitally (through video call) approximately 1 week before surgery to formulate a person-centered health plan. The health plan is monitored and progressed by the physiotherapist by video until eleven weeks after surgery. The Get Back program includes 5 sessions (1 hour each) which are supplemented with 5 booster sessions (30 minutes) to reinforce the intervention. Get Back is based on three key components that run through all sessions. These are person-centeredness, behavioral medicine techniques to reduce fear of movement and worries about pain, as well as to optimize physical activity. The physiotherapist supports the participant's individual resources and abilities through validated behavioral medicine methods in combination with education/communication/knowledge support and behavior-strengthening tools (which are also used in-between sessions) to achieve the participant's personal goals linked to physical functioning, physical activity, and health. The program will be compared to standard physiotherapy.

TCM Conservative Treatment for the Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Degenerative Lumbar Spinal StenosisLumbar degenerative disease is a common disease develops into degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis(DLSS)in the elderly and eventually. The long course of disease and other characteristics determine that conservative treatment cannot be effective in a short time, surgery is recommended to relieve symptoms quickly. However, the incidence of complications and disease recurrence rate after surgical treatment is high, and the reoperation rate is as high as 30-50%. Conservative treatment has the advantages of low price and high acceptance, so the treatment strategy first returns to conservative treatment.The complexity and repeatability of DLSS are the main reasons for the adoption of comprehensive treatment in modern medicine, but the efficacy is not significant. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has its own theories and various methods to treat low back pain.

Feasibility of Prehab for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar Spinal StenosisPrehabilitationThe literature has shown evidence of the effectiveness of prehabilitation programs on post-operative recovery for musculoskeletal conditions; however, evidence for prehabilitation for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is limited. Investigators have found that there is very low to low quality evidence for the effect of prehabilitation interventions for improving outcomes following lumbar spine surgery. Therefore, the purpose of this study will be to determine the feasibility of a prehabilitation program for patients undergoing LSS surgery, and pilot test the protocol to provide the foundation for future design of a larger, multicenter randomized controlled trial.

Adaptix RCT Evaluating Adaptix™ Versus PEEK Cages
Spinal Canal StenosisSpondylolisthesis3 moreThe purpose of this randomized controlled trial is to assess and compare radiographic and clinical outcomes in patients who are to undergo combined interbody/posterolateral lumbar fusion procedures, supplemented with pedicle screw instrumentation, using one of the following interbody cages; the Medtronic Adaptix™ cage with roughened micro and nano-textured titanium surfaces or the CAPSTONE® poly-ether-ether-ketone cage.

Regional Anesthesia in Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery
Lumbar Spinal StenosisLumbar Disc Herniation8 moreOpioid overuse is a widespread public health crisis in the United States with increasing rates of addiction and overdose deaths from prescription opioids. Reducing the need for opiate analgesics in the post-operative setting has become a high priority in minimizing long-term opioid use in surgical patients. This study will serve to demonstrate the efficacy of the addition of regional analgesic techniques in reducing post-operative opioid requirements in patients undergoing common lumbar spinal surgical procedures.

Post Market Clinical Follow up Study With the Cervical Disc Prothesis MOVE®-C
DiscopathyHerniated Cervical Disc3 moreStudy design: International, prospective, multicentre, non-randomised, observational study according to § 23b MPG. Objectives: Observational study to confirm the safety and performance of the cervical disc prosthesis MOVE®-C.

Efficacy and Tolerance Study of B-DYN Versus Conventional Fusion in the Treatment of Lumbar Stenosis...
Degenerative Lumbar Spinal StenosisDegenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) is an extremely common condition affecting more than 102 million people each year. It is a narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back. It causes pain and even disorders of the lower limbs. When the symptoms get worse and the individual feels functional discomfort despite medical treatment, surgical intervention is recommended. Two surgical options are available: Rigid Stabilization Devices as conventional fusion with or without cage, or dynamic stabilization system as B-DYN device, this system is called "dynamic" because it allows the stabilization of the operated part while preserving a certain mobility. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of B-Dyn versus conventional bolted fusion (with or without cage) in the treatment of degenerative lumbar stenosis (DLS) on the degree of postoperative functional incapacity. So the investigator's hypothesis is that the use of the B-DYN device in the treatment of DLS could lead to the maintenance of functional disability related to low back pain (maintenance of walking and mobility). Another important point to be demonstrated in this study is the preservation of the mobility of the stage overlying the assembly performed by B-Dyn. Indeed, the continued degeneration of segments adjacent to lumbar vertebral fusions is a concern for surgeons For B-Dyn, which is a dynamic stabilization, the combination of rigid and flexible parts allows the mobility of the overlying stage to be preserved and could also lead to a decrease in adjacent syndrome in the long-term compared to the use of conventional fusion. The duration of patient follow-up is 60 months. The inclusion period is 24 months to recruit the necessary number of subjects for the study (a total of 216 patients is expected).

Clinical Outcomes Associated With the Use of ViviGen® for the Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Disc...
Lumbar SpondylolisthesisDegenerative Disc Disease4 moreThe objective of this study is to perform a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial to compare radiographic fusion rates and patient reported outcomes, including pain and function preoperatively and postoperatively, using Depuy ViviGen® Cellular Bone Matrix mixed with cortical/cancellous allograft in conjunction with an approved Depuy Synthes pedicle screw system compared to autograft mixed with cortical/cancellous allograft in conjunction with the same DePuy Synthes pedicle screw system used for a one or two - level posterolateral lumbar fusion.

Cost-effectiveness of Small Size Interarcuair Decompression Versus Extended Decompression in Patients...
StenosesSpinalRationale: Minimally invasive techniques have gained popularity to decompress lumbar spinal stenosis in the elderly. However, high quality evidence based on randomised controlled trials are not available. Objective: To investigate whether small size interarcuair decompression is more effective than conventional laminectomy in patients with intermittent neurogenic claudication caused by lumbar spinal stenosis. Study design: Double-blinded multi-centre randomised controlled trial Study population: In total 236 patients are to be included. The inclusion criteria are: subjects > 40 years of age with at least 12 weeks of complaints of intermittent neurogenic claudication based on MRI confirmed of LSS, with sufficient knowledge of the Dutch language. Intervention: Small size interarcuair decompression versus conventional laminectomy. Main study parameters/endpoints: Primary outcome is the Modified Roland Morris Questionnaire. Secondary outcomes are leg pain, back pain and a 6 minute walk test amongst others. Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation: based on available literature , it is believed that the risks associated with small size interarcuair decompression are no greater than that associated with a laminectomy, although these will be examined.

Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Lobster Dynamic Interspinous Spacer in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis...
Spinal Lumbar StenosisClaudication1 moreThe aim of this study is to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the Lobster interspinous spacer device for the treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in comparison to an SSED-based performance goal.