Immune Effect of Dexmedetomidine in Patients Undergoing to Spinal Fusion
Spine; ArthrosisSpondylolysis3 moreAlpha-agonist in anesthesia display immunomodulatory effect in addition to antiadrenergic control. This effect of the immune system can be a key to a better perioperative safety and quality. The association of dexmedetomidine at general anesthesia adds up organic protection and inflammatory control to a surgery trauma owing to antinociception and immunomodulatory effect. The aim this study is evaluate if the association of dexmedetomidine at general anesthesia standing effective immunomodulatory control to trauma and improve changes at outcomes in patients undergoing to spinal fusion.

Back in the Game: An Immediate Functional Progression Program in Athletes With a Spondylolysis....
Low Back PainSpondylosisHalf of all adolescents report experiencing low back pain (LBP), and adolescents who are active in sport report an even higher rate. The most common identifiable cause of LBP in the adolescent athlete is a stress fracture in the low back, known as a spondylolysis. Spondylolysis injuries have been found in up 47% of young athletes with LBP. The current recommendations of care for a spondylolysis consist of rest for at least 3 months, bracing, and physical therapy. These recommendations result in athletes being out of sport for as long as 46 months, and are based on low level evidence and expert opinion. In addition to the long period out of sport, 42% have poor long-term outcomes, and 1 in 6 athletes are no longer able to play at their former level specifically due to their back injury. These long periods out of sport and poor long-term clinical outcomes suggest current care recommendations are suboptimal. The overall objective of the proposed research is to test the feasibility of using an early functional progression program to reduce athletes' time out of sport and improve clinical outcomes. Specifically, to pilot altering the rest period in athletes with a spondylolysis and begin rehabilitation immediately. These young athletes will return to sport as they are able, after demonstrating predetermined pain free functional ability. Twelve young athletes with a confirmed active spondylolysis will be recruited to undergo the early function progression intervention. The specific aims of this study are to assess the feasibility of implementing the immediate functional progression protocol, refine the protocol if necessary, and estimate potential effectiveness of this intervention. The athletes' outcomes will be compared to historical controls. The investigators hypothesize that the immediate functional progression program can be successfully implemented and with only minor changes will be suitable for use in larger trials. It is estimated the immediate functional progression program has the potential to return athletes to sport more than a month sooner than current practice. Once able to demonstrate the feasibility of the early functional progression program, the investigators plan to progress this work into larger trials to fully assess effectiveness, safety and long-term outcomes.

Rest Before Physical Therapy in Adolescents With Active Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis
SpondylolysisSpondylolisthesis1 moreThis is a retrospective chart review with a short follow-up phone questionnaire for our patients who have been treated by Nationwide Children's Hospital physical therapy and sports medicine for a spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis injury. Currently, no research exists to guide referral for safe physical therapy rehabilitation for patients with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis injuries. By performing this retrospective study the investigators can gain information to better guide physical therapy referral time. This may also serve as foundation for a future prospective randomized trial. Currently, Nationwide Children Hospital physicians vary from immediate referral to physical therapy to 3 + months of rest prior to beginning therapy. By performing a retrospective chart review assessing time to referral to therapy and patient outcomes the investigator can gain some guidance for when it is safe to prescribe physical therapy rehabilitation for patients with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis injuries. Patients with an active spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis injury who are referred to physical therapy early will return to activity/sport sooner without increased risk of adverse reaction.