MN-001 in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Hypertriglyceridemia...
Diabetes MellitusType 22 moreThe design of the Phase 2 clinical trial includes the following elements: Multi-center, two-arm, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate MN-001 (tipelukast) vs. placebo in approximately 40 patients in the U.S. Patients will be randomized 1:1 to receive either 500 mg/day of MN-001 (tipelukast) or placebo for 24 weeks. The co-primary endpoints are (1) change from baseline in liver fat content measured by controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) score at Week 24, and (2) change from baseline in fasting serum triglycerides at Week 24. FebroScan is a non-invasive, quantitative, and accurate measure of liver fat content commonly used in early phase trials to measure treatment response. Secondary endpoints include safety and tolerability and changes in lipid profile (HDL-C, LDL-C, and total cholesterol).

Soluble Fibre Supplementation in NAFLD
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseNon Alcoholic Steatohepatitis1 moreThe FIND study will look at the effect of a nutritional mixed fibre supplement, oligofructose and inulin (OF+INU), on children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In this randomized, double- blind controlled trial, subjects will be given a supplement, in the form of oral pills, and will have bloodwork performed, their diets analyzed, and liver fat measured at several timepoints. Liver fat will be measured by using a specialized MRI device located at St. Joseph's Hospital. Subjects will be recruited from the Children's Exercise and Nutrition Clinic.

The Impact of Ibutamoren on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
NAFLDNonalcoholic Fatty Liver1 moreNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), fatty infiltration of the liver in the absence of alcohol use, is an increasingly recognized complication of obesity, with prevalence estimates of about 30% of individuals in the United States. A subset of these will develop progressive disease in the form of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. The investigators hypothesize that LUM-201 (Ibutamoren mesylate) will decrease intrahepatic lipid accumulation as quantified by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS).

Moderately Carbohydrate-restricted Diet to Treat NAFLD in Adolescents
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseObesityThis will be a 6-month randomized clinical trial with two arms: moderately carbohydrate-restricted diet and a fat-restricted control diet. This 6-month study will have 2 phases: a 12-week controlled feeding phase and a 12-week "free living" phase. During the controlled feeding phase, all food will be provided to the families of the participants for the entirety of the 12 weeks. Participants (n=80) will have been diagnosed with NAFLD based on the presence of current evidence of active disease, which will be determined by the ongoing presence of hepatic steatosis estimated by diffusely echogenic liver via ultrasound suggestive of fatty liver and a serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level of 45 U/L or greater. All participants will be children and adolescents age 10-17 yrs.; will have an HbA1c <7.0; and will be overweight or obese (BMI >85th percentile). It is anticipated that most participants will be sedentary. The investigators will inquire as to routine physical activity at screening. All participants will be asked to maintain their usual level of physical activity throughout the study. Physical activity will be monitored via a smart watch provided to each participant at the beginning of the study, and participants will be queried weekly by the study dietitian regarding changes in physical activity. Participants who use oral contraceptives will be asked to maintain consistent use of these preparations throughout the study. Hormone use will be examined as a potential covariate in statistical analyses.

Norursodeoxycholic Acid vs. Placebo in NASH
Nonalcoholic SteatohepatitisThis is a double-blind, randomised, multi-centre, placebo-controlled, comparative, phase IIb trial. The trial will be conducted with three treatment groups in the form of a parallel group comparison and will serve to compare oral treatment with either 1500 mg/d or 1000 mg/d norUDCA tablets vs. placebo tablets for the treatment of NASH.

Biological Adaptations of Strength Training.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseA two-trial repeated measures design will be employed in this investigation. Both the control trial and the exercise trial will last for 3 months. During a week before the start of the study, participants will complete dietary recalls and record their habitual physical activity using accelerometers. Thereafter, body composition, ultrasound imaging of the muscle and liver, biochemical and hematological markers were measured. This range of measurements will be repeated the ended each month for both trials. Control trial succeeds exercise trial. An exercise intervention program will take place in the second trial, three times a week.

Lifestyle Guidance Methods in NAFLD
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseTo determine the efficiency of lifestyle modification (due to a dietitian or digital application) compared to standard of care.

High Oral Loading Dose of Cholecalciferol in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a metabolic disorder with high prevalence in patients suffering from chronic liver diseases [1]. NAFLD is characterized by the accumulation of > 5% of fat deposits in hepatocytes (hepatic steatosis) with no known other reasons for steatosis as excessive alcohol intake.The global prevalence of NAFLD differs depending on the population reaching 13% in Africa, 32% in the Middle East, and 30 % in the United States

Formula Diet Treatment for NASH Patients.
SteatohepatitisNonalcoholicNon-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) - also called fatty liver - is medically a serious problem because the liver tissue becomes fatty and stiff, and inflammatory reactions occur. This increases the risk of liver fibrosis (= scarring of the liver), liver cirrhosis (= shrunken liver), a liver tumor or death. So far there is no recognized treatment option for this disease. However, there is evidence that a lifestyle change based on a reduced carbohydrate diet, more exercise and a significant weight loss that can improve NASH.

A Randomized Controlled Study Evaluating Bariatric Surgery as a Treatment for Severe NASH With Advanced...
SurgeryObesity2 moreThe aim of the study is to demonstrate the superiority of bariatric surgery on the disappearance of NASH without worsening of fibrosis in comparison to medical standard treatment in obese patients (35 kg/m² > BMI ≥ 30 kg/m²) with NASH complicated of advanced fibrosis (F3 and F4 fibrosis grade according to Brunt score).