Long-term Follow Up of Patients in the Birmingham and Lambeth Liver Evaluation Strategies (BALLETS)...
Fatty LiverLiver DiseasesThis study will follow-up a cohort of patients from the Birmingham and Lambeth Liver Evaluation Strategies (BALLETS) study using a database search based on their individual National Health Service (NHS) numbers. The investigators will interrogate the Hospital Episode Statistics database and the Office of National Statistics database, and examine three categories of end points: death, inpatient attendance primarily due to liver disease, and outpatient attendance primarily due to liver disease. A logistic regression analysis will then be conducted to determine associations between these end points and the presence, and degree, of fatty liver in the original BALLETS study, adjusted for age, sex, alcohol intake, BMI, and baseline ALT measurement.

Non-invasive Evaluation of Liver Fibrosis, Steatosis, and NASH in NAFLD
Nonalcoholic Fatty LiverNonalcoholic SteatohepatitisTo evaluate hepatic fibrosis and steatosis using MR imaging, transient elastography (TE), and serum biomarker To develop non-invasive diagnosis marker for NASH and advanced fibrosis

Hepatic De Novo Lipogenesis (DNL)in the Pathogenesis of Hepatic Steatosis in Obese Youth
Hepatic SteatosisFatty LiverNonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is becoming the most common cause of liver disease in pediatrics, but little is known about its pathophysiology in children. While studies in obese adults with hepatic steatosis have described an increased hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) depending on the diet, there are no studies exploring the mechanisms by which excess hepatic triglycerides increases in obese youths, thus explaining the accompanying dyslipidemia and the metabolic syndrome. The central hypothesis of this study is that hepatic conversion of carbohydrates to lipid (DNL) is enhanced and associated with accumulation of excess liver fat, dyslipidemia and hepatic insulin resistance in obese youths with hepatic steatosis. The overall goal is to examine whether hepatic DNL is increased in obese youths with steatosis compared to matched controls without steatosis. Hypotheses: Hepatic conversion of carbohydrates to lipid (DNL) is enhanced and is associated with accumulation of excess liver fat, dyslipidemia and hepatic insulin resistance in obese youths with hepatic steatosis.

China Action on Spine and Hip Status
OsteoporosisLiver Steatosis2 moreTo determine the prevalences of osteoporotic fracture in elderly Chinese population. To determine the prevalences of osteoporosis in elderly Chinese population using QCT BMD measurement. To investigate the difference in the prevalences of osteoporosis between cities and urban-rural area in China. To investigate the association of body composition with osteoporosis To investigate the prevalence of liver steatosis in China To investigate the application of QCT fat measurement

Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) in Liver Allografts
Liver TransplantLiver Steatosis3 moreThe primary aim is to determine the accuracy of CAP in the quantification of liver steatosis using liver biopsies as reference. Secondarily, investigators will correlate transient elastography (TE) and CAP results, analyze possible associations between CAP/TE and post-liver transplant (LT) clinical outcomes, and evaluate the change in CAP after LT. The study aims to include as many donors as needed to achieve at least 120 transplanted liver allografts.

Breath Analysis Using an Electronic Nose in Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseThe purpose of this is to analyse human exhaled breath by means of a device called electronic nose(eNose) in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as a way to non-invasive assessment of liver disease.This device is medically adapted and clinically validated in patients with lung conditions.

Determinants of Liver Fat Composition
Fatty LiverNonalcoholic1 moreExcessive fat in the liver, in absence of high alcohol consumption, is diagnosed as non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL). NAFL prevalence is as high as 50-70% in obese people and is associated with impairments in metabolic health, e.g. insulin resistance. Not only the amount, but also the composition of the fat stored in the liver appears to be linked to health outcome measures, such as insulin resistance, but this evidence comes mainly from animal studies. Since fat composition has been linked to health outcome measures, it is important to understand what determines the fatty acid composition of liver fat. De novo lipogenesis (DNL) and adipose tissue fat composition are factors that could determine liver fat composition. Since the end product of DNL are saturated fatty acids and as the majority of fatty acids in the liver originate from adipose tissue, both may influence hepatic fatty acid composition profoundly. Here, our primary hypothesis is that DNL is associated with the relative amount of saturated fatty acids in the liver in overweight/obese humans differing in liver fat content. Furthermore, we hypothesise that adipose tissue fat composition is associated with liver fat composition and that liver fat composition is associated with liver, muscle and whole body insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans differing in liver fat content. To this end, liver fat composition, adipose tissue fat composition, DNL and insulin sensitivity will be measured in overweight/obese participants differing in liver content.

Fatty Liver and Ectopic Fat in Overweight and Obese Patients
SteatohepatitisThe aim of the study is to find new clinico-biological and medical imaging parameters associated with non alcoholic steatohepatitis in overweight and obese patients.

Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) Utilizing...
Fatty LiverProspective determination of the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)in a primary care setting using ultrasound and percutaneous liver biopsy.

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Taiwanese Children
Fatty LiverNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging and important disease in Taiwan. However, the prevalence and clinical characteristics have not been studied well. The purpose of this study is to resolve the aforementioned problem.