HIV-1-infectionAdiposity3 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of a drug called semaglutide and to see whether it can reduce IHTG. IHTG will be measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; an MRI machine contains a powerful magnet that uses simple radio waves to take pictures of organs). Semaglutide (brand name Ozempic®) is a drug that is used to treat people who have diabetes; it also causes weight loss and may provide some protection against cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In PLWH, the use of semaglutide to reduce weight and the level of IHTG are experimental.

Night Hyperglycemia and Fatty Liver in Type 1 Diabetes
Type1diabetesFatty LiverThis clinical trial aims to discover the relationship between hyperglycemia at night and early morning hours and the presence of fatty liver in patients with type 1 diabetes. The main question it aims to answer are: • if hyperglycemic patterns related to metabolic parameters in type 1 diabetes The data from the insulin pump and sensor will be processed. The patients will be divided into two groups. One group without night hyperglycemia and the other with night hyperglycemia. Investigators will perform liver elastography for these two groups. The presence or absence of hepatic steatosis will be evaluated in these groups according to the data.

Weight, Energy, Lipids, and the Liver (WELL) Study
Nonalcoholic Fatty LiverThe research study is a parallel arm, randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial designed to assess changes in hepatic lipid accumulation, visceral adipose tissue and postprandial lipid, markers of inflammation and energy metabolism in participants who consume 3 study foods per day for 16 week, while maintaining their body weight.

A Study to Assess Safety, Tolerability, PK and PD of AZD2693 in Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Patients...
Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)This study is intended to investigate the safety and tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of AZD2693, following subcutaneous (SC) administration of multiple ascending doses in participants with Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) with fibrosis Stage 0 to 3 and who are carriers of the patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 (PNPLA3) 148M risk alleles.

Determination of Pancreatic Steatosis Prevalence and Correlation With High-risk Cyst Features
Pancreatic SteatosisPancreatic CystPancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer mortality in Hong Kong and the seventh leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. In 2020, approximately 496000 new cases of pancreatic cancers were diagnosed globally . Pancreatic cancer is a highly fatal cancer with a case-fatality rate of 94.0% globally. In Hong Kong, both the incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer have increased over the past decade. Due to the deep-seated location of pancreas, it is difficult to diagnose pancreatic cancer at an early stage, which in turn leads to delays in cancer treatment and poorer survival. Despite advances in oncologic treatment, the 5-year survival rate of metastatic pancreatic cancer remains poor (~2.9%). As such, there has been growing interest to improve pancreatic cancer prevention and survival by: reduction of modifiable risk factors (eg, cigarette smoking, obesity, diabetes), screening for early detection of high-risk pre-malignant lesions in selected high-risks patients with strong family history of pancreatic cancer and/or certain germline mutations of pancreatic cancer susceptibility genes (eg, BRCA1, BRAC2, DNA mismatch repair genes in Lynch Syndrome, etc) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), and surveillance of pre-malignant precursor lesions such as mucinous pancreatic cystic neoplasms (PCN) by imaging and/or EUS to identify high-risk neoplastic progression indicated for surgical resection.

Efficacy of the echOpen Device to Detect Pyelocaliceal Dilation and Hepatic Steatosis
Hepatic SteatosisFatty Liver1 moreIn recent years, portable and ultra-portable ultrasound devices are increasingly used by the non radiologists, notably cardiologists or obstetrician gynecologist, at the patient's bedside to visualize and measure anatomical structures and fluid and provide the clinical examination with additional signs allowing quicker and more confident clinical decisions. This innovative approach is slowed down by the accessibility of these miniaturized devices, the price of which remains high. The echOpen device includes an ultra-portable ultrasound probe and a mobile application that allows the image to be displayed on a smartphone via a WIFI protocol. The objective of the clinical investigation is to show that the echOpen device, using three frequencies 3.5 Mhz, 5.0 Mhz and 7.5 Mhz, allows identifying the semiological signs or anatomical structures of interest located at several depths of the body, with a performance similar to other devices routinely used in clinical departments.

A Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of VK2809 for 52 Weeks in Subjects With Biopsy Proven...
NASH - Nonalcoholic SteatohepatitisThe study includes 52 weeks, double-blind treatment period. Clinic visits will occur at Randomization and every four weeks from Week 4 through Week 52 and through End of Study period. The study includes a post-dosing study visit that will occur 4 weeks after the last dose of study drug. This visit represents the End-of-Study Visit (Week 56 Visit). Three hundred thirty-seven subjects will be enrolled into five treatment arms and there will be an equal distribution of males and females in each treatment arm. Subjects will be stratified by gender, fibrosis stage, and diabetes status.

Clinical Outcomes From Enhanced SCREENing Strategies for Advanced NASH in Type 2 Diabetes (SCREEN...
Nonalcoholic SteatohepatitisType 2 DiabetesThe study is stratified cluster randomized trial (Phase 1) and prospective cohort study and NASH registry (Phase 2). The study population will include adults with T2D and presumed advanced NASH.

The Olmsted NAFLD Epidemiology Study (TONES)
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseNon-Alcoholic SteatohepatitisResearchers are assessing the prevalence of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in the population and assembling a well-characterized cohort of adults with NAFLD and NASH to validate models of NAFLD diagnosis and determine long-term outcomes.

Mild Hypothermia and Acute Kidney Injury in Liver Transplantation
CirrhosisEnd Stage Liver Disease8 moreAcute kidney injury (AKI), or worsening kidney function, is a common complication after liver transplantation (20-90% in published studies). Patients who experience AKI after liver transplantation have higher mortality, increased graft loss, longer hospital and intensive care unit stays, and more progression to chronic kidney disease compared with those who do not. In this study, half of the participants will have their body temperature cooled to slightly lower than normal (mild hypothermia) for a portion of the liver transplant operation, while the other half will have their body temperature maintained at normal. The study will evaluate if mild hypothermia protects from AKI during liver transplantation.