
Active clinical trials for "Fatty Liver"

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A Prospective/Retrospective, Observational Follow-up Study of Chronic Hepatitis B With Non-alcoholic...

the Effect of NAFLD on CHB

This is a prospective/retrospective, observational follow-up study of effects of fatty liver on chronic hepatitis B. Patients will join this study who undergo transient elastography with liver stiffness (LS) and CAP measurements or Ultrasonic examination. All recruited subjects will undergo comprehensive clinical, anthropometric and laboratory assessments at the time when transient elastography or Ultrasonic examination is performed. We plan to compare the relationship between chronic hepatitis B and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Patients will be divided into several groups based on the demand.

Recruiting1 enrollment criteria

Effect of Bempedoic Acid on Liver Fat in Individuals With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Type...

Type 2 DiabetesNon Alcholic Fatty Liver Disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a spectrum of liver conditions ranging from liver steatosis (NAFL), steatohepatitis (NASH), advanced liver fibrosis and ultimately leads to cirrhosis in a significant proportion of individuals. NAFLD is intimately associated with insulin resistance and associated disorders, such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia. Bempedoic acid, an ATP-citrate lyase inhibitor, is recently approved for patients with dyslipidemia as a second line drug. Bempedoic acid reduces liver fat in mice model of NASH. Data regarding the effect of bempedoic acid on human liver fat are scarce. Therefore, the current study is planned to evaluate the effect of bempedoic acid versus standard treatment on liver and pancreatic fat content in patients with NAFLD

Not yet recruiting28 enrollment criteria

Calisthenics Versus High Intensity Interval Training in NAFL

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

According to sample size calculation and after achieving the inclusion criteria, sixty patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) of both genders will be enrolled in this study and their ages will be ranged from30s-40s; they will be selected from internal medicine-outpatient clinics, Cairo University Hospitals; they will participate in the study for 8 weeks, and randomly be assigned into two equal groups in number. Group (A) (n =30) will receive calisthenics exercise three times /week for eight weeks, group (B) (n =30) will receive HIIT for three times /week for eight weeks and all patients in both groups will receive their prescribed medication (Statin 5mg ).

Not yet recruiting22 enrollment criteria

PROtocol of Metabolic and Cryptogenic livEr Disease regisTry for intEgration of Omic Studies

NAFLD - Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseDiabetes7 more

The main aim of the study is to set up an observational cohort with NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) at different stage of disease (from simple steatosis to cirrhosis and/or HCC-Hepatocellular carcinoma) and for comparative purpose a cohort of subjects with diabetes and/or obesity and/or other risk factors (i.e. psoriasis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), dyslipidemia) without NAFLD in order to have a clinical phenotypical characterization and the collection of biological specimens. We will collect clinical data, biological samples and imaging results in order to perform future cross-sectional studies and/or longitudinal studies for elucidating pathways of the disease and develop and validate biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring liver disease and comorbidities in order to contribute to precision medicine in this field.

Recruiting11 enrollment criteria

Sex Differences in Myocardial Steatosis Induced Left Ventricular Dysfunction

Heart DiseasesLeft Ventricular Dysfunction

To test the specific research questions, healthy men and age-matched healthy premenopausal females will be enrolled. Subjects will undergo cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/MRS) to evaluate cardiac morphology/function and fat metabolism. To acutely elevate myocardial triglyceride content, subjects will be asked to abstain from eating for 2 days (reproducibly causes a significant and physiological increase in myocardial fat deposition, transiently). Subjects will be allowed water and/or an isotonic saline solution in order to maintain hydration status. After screening, subjects will meet with the research coordinator or an investigator for a discussion, with opportunity for questions, before applicable consent forms are obtained. The subject will be screened for metal in or on their body and claustrophobia using a standard MR screening form. A venous blood sample will be taken for measurement of metabolic health, circulating hormones, and systemic inflammation. Imaging will include cine imaging for global morphology and function, tissue tagging for regional tissue deformation, spectroscopy for fat quantification. After baseline images of the heart are obtained, the subject will be asked to squeeze a MR-safe handgrip dynamometer at 30% of their maximum while images of the heart are obtained. Blood pressure will also be measured at rest and during stress. Each MRI will take approximately 90-120 minutes. Aim 1 will test the hypothesis that cardiac steatosis induced left ventricular dysfunction is sexually dimorphic, by comparing age-matched men and premenopausal women before and after 48 of fasting. Subjects will complete the MRI/MRS protocol described above before and after the fasting intervention. Aim 2 will test the hypothesis that estrogen is protective against cardiac steatosis-induced dysfunction, by suppressing ovarian sex hormones with a GnRH antagonist and repeating the fasting studies with and without estrogen add-back. 30 female subjects will be treated with GnRH antagonist and repeat the 48 hour fasting intervention and cardiac MRI/MRS protocol. 15 of the subjects will receive estrogen add-back using a transdermal patch, the other 15 subjects will receive a placebo patch. Aim 3 will test whether plasma and myocardial fatty acid composition is sexually dimorphic, by performing comprehensive plasma and myocardial lipidomics assessment.

Recruiting12 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the Efficacy and Adherence to an Adapted Physical Activity (APA) Program for Patients...

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD

Non-Alcoholic Fatty liver Disease (NAFLD) is a Public Health problem. NAFLD affects nearly 25% of the world's population. NAFLD includes hepatic complications related to insulin resistance and metabolic inflammation. NAFLD is in fact a continuum of liver abnormalities that progresses from pure steatosis, to Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis-NASH, then to hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis and even the appearance of primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). Although many drugs are being tested for advanced forms of NAFLD, steatohepatitis (NASH) with fibrosis and post-NAFLD cirrhosis, there are currently no drugs with marketing authorization. Excessive and unbalanced dietary intake, excessive physical inactivity and lack of regular physical activity are major contributors to the development of NAFLD. It is therefore logical that the preventive and curative treatment of NAFLD is based on hygienic and dietary measures. Physical exercise alone in patients with NAFLD has been shown to improve liver steatosis even in the absence of weight loss. Proof of concept of the improvement in hepatic steatosis has been shown to be achieved by physical activity, whether or not associated with dietary management. More recently, APA (Adapted Physical Activity) is thus seen as a new modality of care that will become central to the prevention and treatment of NAFLD. The aim of this work is to evaluate the decrease in hepatic steatosis by continuous CAP® and parameters evaluating non-invasive inflammation and hepatic fibrosis in patients with NAFLD subjected to the application of personalized dietary measures without or with the performance of personalized and reproducible physical activity via the prescription of adapted physical activity. The evaluation will be carried out initially, at the end of the operation and 6 months after the end of the operation in order to look for a persistent effect of the modification in lifestyle.

Not yet recruiting25 enrollment criteria

Study on GS300 on NAFLD

Nonalcoholic Fatty LiverWeight Loss

To determine the efficacy of GS300 when administered for 24 weeks in patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).

Not yet recruiting59 enrollment criteria

Role of Immune System in Obesity-related Inflammation and Cardiometabolic Risk

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseMetabolic Syndrome3 more

The purpose of this study is to learn more about how the body stores fat in and around organs (for example in the liver) and why this affects some people's health more than others. Understanding this may lead to better treatments for diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Recruiting14 enrollment criteria

Multi-morbidity Screening in People With Type 2 Diabetes and Pre Diabetes

Type 2 DiabetesPre Diabetes3 more

People with type 2 diabetes are at risk of complications linked with high blood sugars and these are monitored for in healthcare appointments. However, people with type 2 diabetes commonly suffer with additional health conditions that can affect the liver, heart and their breathing while sleeping. These conditions are thought to be caused by a similar underlying process that causes type 2 diabetes, as a result they are very common in people type 2 diabetes. Despite this they are not part of the routine health check for these people. Worryingly, current research suggests that the risk for developing these health problems, and direct complications of type 2 diabetes, can start at blood sugar levels below the threshold of type 2 diabetes. In a group of people said to have prediabetes. These people do not currently undergo annual healthcare appointments to monitor for these health complications or other linked health conditions. This study aims to pilot a new style of clinic to address these issues. The investigators will perform a multi-morbidity assessment, where they will look for several different health problems at the same time. The investigators will be looking at health problems linked with high blood sugars, this will include problems with the liver, heart, nerves, eyes, and participants breathing overnight. They have developed a clinic visit which uses questionnaires, simple examination techniques and modern devices to try and identify these health problems. An important part of healthcare is the burden it places on people with health problems, with this in mind the investigators will be giving the people involved in their study a voice to try and direct future research and healthcare, the investigators will ask them to provide feedback on their experience in taking part in the study and what their thoughts are in undergoing a longer but more comprehensive health appointment.

Recruiting9 enrollment criteria

A Trial to Learn if Having ALN-PNP siRNA is Safe and Well Tolerated, and How it Works in Adult Participants...

Nonalcoholic SteatohepatitisGenetic Risk Factor

The study is researching an experimental drug called ALN-PNP. The study is focused on participants who are known to have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and a specific variant of the patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 3 (PNPLA3) gene. The aim of the study is to see how safe, tolerable, and effective the study drug is. The study is looking at several other research questions, including: What side effects may happen from taking the study drug How ALN-PNP works to change liver fat content in NAFLD How much study drug and study drug metabolites (byproduct of the body breaking down the study drug) are in your blood at different times Whether the body makes antibodies against the study drug (which could make the drug less effective or could lead to side effects) Better understanding of the study drug and NAFLD

Not yet recruiting17 enrollment criteria

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