Progestin Primed Double Stimulation Protocol Versus Flexible GnRH Antagonist Protocol in Poor Responders...
InfertilityFemaleThe worldwide prevalence of primary and secondary infertility is estimated at ~2% and 10.5%, respectively, among women aged 20-44 years and attempting to conceive. Poor ovarian responders (PORs) involve 9-24% of patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF). proper tailoring of the ovarian stimulation protocol in order to maximize the number of oocytes collected represents a crucial step for them to eventually conceive. Recent evidence indicates that in the same menstrual cycle, there are multiple follicular recruitment waves. This coincides with the theory that folliculogenesis occurs in a wave-like fashion. Thus, within a single menstrual cycle, there can theoretically be multiple opportunities for a clinician to collect oocytes, as opposed to the conventional single cohort of antral follicles during the follicular phase. Utilizing this concept, clinicians have been attempting to retrieve oocytes from poor responders using both the follicular-phase stimulation (FPS) and the luteal-phase stimulation (LPS) protocols to increase the number of oocytes collected shorter within shorter period of time. By increasing the number of the retrieved oocytes collected, a better clinical can be assured since there is a clear relationship between the number of oocytes collected and live birth rates across all female age groups. which protocol is the most effective remains controversial and the efficacy of PPOS in POR compared with that of conventional protocols is unclear.

Is There A Role For Mechanical Stimulation In Ovarian Follicular Activation?
InfertilityFemale2 morePremature ovarian failure (POI) is a loss of normal function before age 40, leading to infertility and hypoestrogenism. About 1% of women younger than 40 years old and 0.1% before 30 are affected. Most patients already had impaired or complete loss of fecundity when diagnosed. Hence, the treatment of POI is particularly tough. Currently, no optimal regimen exists to ameliorate ovarian function.

Responsive Web-based Roadmap (InT-mAp) in Infertility Treatment
InfertilityFemale3 moreInfertility affects approximately 48 million couples and 186 million individuals globally, and it has biological, psychosocial, and economic problems in couples. It is a vital global reproductive health problem that has burdens and affects not only families but also society and the state. Studies indicate that many situations experienced during the infertility treatment process negatively affect the treatment results, and the anxiety of individuals receiving treatment, especially women, is high. The previous literature reports that during the infertility treatment process, women experience a decrease in their anxiety and self-confidence about drug administration, they have doubts about the dose, administration, and time of drugs, and the rate of mistakes made regarding drug administration is too high to be ignored. Such cases may lead to cycle cancellations in infertility treatment, interrupting the treatment, adversely affecting the success of the treatment, and thus exposing the couple to more than one treatment trial. The interruption of the treatment with the cycle cancellation, the increase in the number of treatment attempts, the repetitions cause the woman to be exposed to a higher amount of drug, the cost to increase with each treatment trial, an increase in the economic burden of the couples, and an increase in the financial burden for the country. In addition to these physical and economic burdens, feelings such as anxiety, concern, hopelessness, and depression increase in couples, and they may eventually experience burnout. In order to improve the care of infertile individuals, it is clearly stated in the literature that couples need open communication channels with health care professionals, obtaining qualified information, instilling realistic hope, empowerment, accessibility of care services, and they have unmet and high-quality care needs. The increase in the use and use of web-based education services in the globalizing world gives us hope in providing a solution to this issue. This project was mainly designed to answer the question of "Is the responsive web-based roadmap (InT-mAp) developed in solving the problems encountered in drug administration, treatment success and reducing anxiety in infertile women treated with Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)?" With InT-mAp, which investigators will develop using web-based education technology, which is a distance education method in this age of technology; investigators aimed to reduce/reduce the margin of error in ART treatment-drug practices, to contribute positively to the treatment process, and to reduce the social, economic and psychological burdens by reducing the anxiety level of individuals in this process. Besides, the InT-mAp, which will be developed to meet individuals' education and counseling needs for general infertility issues and the treatment process, will reduce the workload of healthcare professionals working in this field and make a positive contribution to drug administration consultancy. With this study, investigators aimed to provide participants with time-saving, individualized care, to reach the right information whenever they want, regardless of time and place, on every subject they need in the field of infertility. Investigators predict that sufficient follicle development, healthy oocytes and pregnancy can be achieved by creating awareness in infertile women and minimizing the conditions that may adversely affect the treatment process and results. Contributing to the health and economic indicators of the country by reducing cycle cancellations and reducing costs are among our important goals. The most important features that make the project unique are the absence of online support and a sensitive web-based training platform, where the infertility treatment process in Turkey can be followed in detail by the users, and individualized care and training needs are met.

Effect of Estradiol Pretreatment on Antagonist ICSI Cycles
Female InfertilityDepended on the hypothesis that growth asynchrony of antral follicles is a consequence of the gradual follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) elevation that occurs during the late luteal phase, the aim of this work is to study the effect of estradiol pretreatment on follicular synchronization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcome in antagonist cycles

Impact of Vaginal Microbiome on Vaginal Absorption of Exogenous Progesterone: a Pilot Study.
InfertilityFemaleIs already demonstrated that around 30% of patients undergoing an artificial cycle with vaginal progesterone do not reach a minimum threshold value of serum progesterone levels on the day of embryo transfer. Women with serum progesterone levels below this threshold have 20% lower ongoing pregnancy and live birth rates, decreasing their chances of success. However, the cause of this high heterogeneity in exogenous vaginal progesterone absorption among our patients remains unknown. It has been suggested that vaginal microbiome, and vaginal pH (due to its impact in microbiota growth), may explain the differences in vaginal progesterone absorption. The aim of the present pilot study is to assess if certain vaginal conditions, such as its microbiome status or its pH level, might affect vaginal progesterone absorption (measured by serum progesterone levels) and, in turn, the chances of success. In order to evaluate it, a prospective cohort unicentric study will be conducted in IVI RMA Valencia (Spain). Infertile patients undergoing an embryo transfer in the context of an artificial cycle when using vaginal progesterone will be recruited. Serum progesterone and estradiol levels, microbiome genetic analysis in vaginal samples and vaginal pH will be measured both on the embryo transfer-scheduling day and on the embryo transfer day.

Antagonist Protocol in Poor Responders
Female Infertility Due to Diminished Ovarian ReserveThe effect of use of the growth hormone with antagonist protocol on the outcome of the IVF/ICSI cycles in poor responders.

Effect of GH Administration in Poor Responders Undergoing Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)...
Female InfertilityDespite the use of various treatment strategies, poor response to ovarian stimulation remains a major clinical challenge with lower chance to obtain sufficient number of oocytes and thus less likely to conceive with high risk of cycle cancellation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of recombinant human GH administration to gonadotropins on clinical and laboratory ICSI outcomes in expected poor responders more and less than 35 years (Poseidon group 4 and 3 respectively).

The Angiotensin-Melatonin Axis in Poor and Hyper Responders for IVF Treatment
Poor Response to Ovulation InductionPCOS3 moreAccording the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. In-vitro-fertilization (IVF) is considered to be a successful tool to overcome infertility. However, the current methods used to assess the ovarian reserve and to develop an optimal individualized controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) protocol have shown some limitations. Growing evidence indicates that altered renal renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and/or melatonin are linked to infertility. Aims and Objectives: The current 2 years duration study aims first to investigate the demographic and clinical profiles of patients undergoing IVF in the UAE. In the second phase of the study, we hypothesis that an altered angiotensin-melatonin axis may be considered as an unfavorable prognosis factor in poor and hyper responders undergoing IVF treatment. This hypothesis will be assessed using an observational, longitudinal, prospective clinical study to determine whether the urinary angiotensinogen and/or melatonin deficiency might be present in poor and hyper responders undergoing IVF treatment. Thus, negatively impacting the clinical pregnancy rate. Methodology: various patient's data will be collected using a questionnaire and the levels of angiotensinogen and melatonin in patient's urine will be measured using ELISA test prior to, during and after the IVF treatment. To determine whether the angiotensinogen-melatonin axis disruption affects the IVF treatment outcome, we will analyze the following parameters: the AMH, Antral Follicular Count (AFC), day 2-4 FSH levels, the stimulation cycle in regards to number of stimulation days and amount of gonadotropins used for stimulation, number of oocytes retrieved and number of mature oocytes, quality and embryo's ploidy, number of available euploid embryos and the clinical pregnancy rate after frozen embryo transfer.

Multicenter, Randomized, Open Label, Parallel Study to Evaluate the Efficacy & Safety of IVF-M HP...
InfertilityFemaleThe objective of this study was to demonstrate the non-inferiority of IVFM HP Inj. by evaluating its efficacy versus Menopur® Inj. in infertility women undergoing the in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) among the assisted reproductive technologies.

NAC Effect on Hox Genes Expressions in RIF
Female InfertilityComparison of the group treated with NAC-supplementation and placebo- administered groups showed elevations in HOXA cluster genes (all members) expression level in endometrium of women with RIF.