
Active clinical trials for "Infertility, Female"

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Oral Dydrogesterone (OD) Versus Micronized Vaginal Progesterone (MVP) for Luteal Phase Support (LPS)...

InfertilityFemale13 more

Female inability to conceive a child. The purpose of this prospective randomized, double-blinded, double dummy, two-arm cross-over study is to investigate the difference on histological, transcriptional and immunological level in endometrium between 3x10mg Dydrogesterone oral tablets and 3x200 mg Micronized progesterone intravaginal capsules for the luteal support in egg cell donors. Beside that, the pharmacokinetics, the impact on the peripheral immunology (by blood sampling) and the microbiota (by genital swabs) will be investigated.

Completed18 enrollment criteria

Luteal Phase Support During Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle

InfertilityFemale1 more

We aimed to decrease quantity of exogenous estrogen and evaluated the success rate of ongoing pregnancy in women undergone artificial FET who have a surplus embryos at previous fertility treatment cycles. In this study, endometrial prepared with standard long GnRH protocol and for luteal phase support patients received 6 mg oral E2 and intramuscularly P 100 mg/d and embryos on day 2-3 were transferred. Control group continued E2 until 12 week of pregnancy, while for cases after identify gestational sac with heart beat (the 6 week of pregnancy) by vaginal ultrasonography, E2 will discontinued.

Completed15 enrollment criteria

Efficacy Study Comparing the Effect of Clomiphencitrate to an Antagonist Protocol

Female InfertilityOvarian Insufficiency

The aim of this study is to assess the oocyte yield of infertile women with suspected or known poor ovarian reserve (POR) undergoing a GnRH antagonist protocol for IVF with Merional® starting either with a low (150 IU) or a high dose (450 IU) and adding 100mg of CC (Serophene®) in the early follicular phase of the stimulation (day 3 to 7). To date no RCT has been conducted to compare the reproductive outcome of patients with POR as defined by the ESHRE Bologna criteria after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with HMG in an GnRH antagonist protocol using low doses versus high doses of HMG and adding CC versus placebo. We hypothesize that adding 100 mg of CC on day 3-7 to a HMG antagonist protocol will lead to an additional increment of endogenous GT thus increasing the oocytes yield after controlled ovarian stimulation due to higher endogenous gonadotropin secretion.

Completed20 enrollment criteria

Clinical Efficacy of Virtual Reality During Office Hysteroscopy and Endometrial Biopsy in Subfertility...


This study is a comparison between the current standard practice of performing a diagnostic hysteroscopy and a relatively recently developed technology that is added to the standard diagnostic hysteroscopy. The aim of the study is to find out whether this newer technology has an advantage for the patient, in the form of anxiety and pain reduction.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Impact of Endometrial Compaction in Euploid Frozen Embryo Transfers


The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate whether a decrease in endometrial thickness (compaction) prior to progesterone exposure (endogenous or exogenous) to the day before a single frozen embryo transfer has an impact on the clinical pregnancy rate with euploid embryos in exogenous hormone and modified natural thaw cycles. Information derived from this study may give insight on ways to improve pregnancy rates in cryo-thaw cycles.

Active9 enrollment criteria

GnRh Antagonist Protocol With Delayed Start Stimulation in Patients With Poor Ovarian Response


The main outcome measures are the number of dominant follicles (≥13 mm) on the day of hCG trigger and the number of mature (MII) oocytes collected after conventional versus delayed-start ovarian stimulation protocol. Secondary outcome measures are including total number of oocytes retrieved, oocyte maturity rate (number of MII oocytes/total number of oocytes), oocyte yield (total number of oocytes retrieved/ antral follicle count [AFC]), mature oocyte yield (number of mature oocytes retrieved/AFC), total dosage of gonadotropin (recombinant FSH and/or highly purified hMG) needed, number of days needed for ovarian stimulation, quality of obtained embryos, fertilization rate (the proportion of total number of two-pronuclear [2PN] stage zygotes /per total injected MII oocytes), implantation rate (total number of observed gestational sac/ number of transferred embryos) and clinical pregnancy rate (presence of fetal heart beat by transvaginal ultrasound per embryo transfer).

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Initiation of Ovarian Stimulation With Recombinant-human FSH (Bemfola®) in the Late Follicular Phase...


A randomised controlled open-label clinical trial to compare the outcome parameters after ovarian stimulation using recombinant-human FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), starting on day 2 of the cycle versus start in the late follicular phase of the cycle.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Comparing Two Types of Needle for Oocytes Retrieval

InfertilityFemale1 more

In the early stages of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), oocyte retrieval was performed via laparoscopy, a cumbersome and expensive process requiring general anesthesia. Today, transvaginal oocyte retrieval for ART is a routine procedure performed under ultrasound guidance. Double-lumen retrieval needles, which are capable of flushing ovarian follicles, were developed to overcome the possibility of oocyte retention within the ovarian follicles and retrieval collection system. Single lumen needles have been introduced and are routinely used by most groups due to their supposed ability to retrieve the same number of oocytes in a shorter operation time.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

GnRH Agonist Plus Hormone Replacement Therapy vs Hormone Replacement Therapy on IVF Outcomes

Polycystic Ovary SyndromeInfertility1 more

The study is conducted at Arash Women's Hospital on all women undergoing the frozen embryo transfer cycle. Patients who signed informed consent will be randomly divided into two groups. The first group will receive GnRH agonist plus hormone replacement therapy for endometrial preparation. Group 2 will receive hormone replacement therapy. The random allocation and final outcome of the study will be assessed by a person who is unaware of the study process. Also, the statistician will be unaware of the study process

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Autologous Platelet-rich Plasma for Clomiphene Citrate-induced Thin Endometrium

InfertilityFemale1 more

This is a prospective self-controlled clinical study. Women with clomiphene Citrate failure with thin endometrium less than 7 millimeters for at least 3 cycles will be selected (N = 30). Patients will receive 2 ovarian stimulation cycles with Clomiphene citrate (CC) 100 mg/ day for 5 days from cycle day 3. A control cycle (CC only cycle) woman will continue on CC alone plus cervical irrigation of cervix with 1 ml of 0.9% normal saline at cycle day 8 and 10 to assure patient-blinded method. The study group, the same will be done plus the intrauterine infusion of Autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in 8th and 10th days of the cycle. In both groups, the endometrial thickness and Power Doppler evaluation of their endometrial and sub-endometrial blood flow will be measured on the day of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) administration.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

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