Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs in the Freeze-all IVF Cycle
InfertilityFemaleIn the early stage, the preliminary study found that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) intervention aimed at Nourishing kidney and regulating blood circulation in freeze-all IVF cycles can improve the clinical pregnancy rate. In order to further study the role of TCM in improving the pregnancy outcome of IVF-ET in infertility. A randomized controlled clinical trial will be used in this study. 90 infertile patients are randomly divided into two groups. The control group will be treated with conventional modern medicine, and the treatment group will be treated with traditional Chinese herbs on the basis of conventional modern medicine. The intervention starts from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle and lasts until the day before IVF-ET. After the transplantation, the TCM treatment continues for 14 days. The number of oocytes, antral follicles, AMH, serum FSH, and clinical pregnancy rate will be observed to evaluate the effect of TCM herbs on the improvement of pregnancy outcomes. In addition, all the participants will be asked to complete the self-evaluation of the anxiety/depression scale on the 7th day of the menstrual cycle, before and after transplantation, to analyze the emotional changes of the subjects during the study. The study will also observe the safety and health economic indicators of TCM treatment, so as to improve the overall efficacy of TCM Combined Application in assisted reproductive technology in the future.

The Effect of Metformin on Fecundability in an ART(Assisted Reproductive Technology) Setting - the...
Infertility FemaleThe basis for obesity's impact on reproduction is not well characterised and there is a controversy whether the key organ influenced by it are the ovaries or the uterus. Insulin sensitizers ameliorate insulin resistance in obese patients. This study seeks to determine if Metformin helps to increase fecundability by affecting the uterus in women undergoing ART. As a surrogate marker- flows in the uterus will be tested during the treatment.

Letrozole and Sequential Clomiphene to Improve the Outcome of Embryo Transfer
Female Infertility Due to Nonimplantation of OvumThe purpose of this study is to study the effects of letrozole and sequential clomiphene in ovulation and pregnancy in PCOS patients.

Long Acting FSH Plus Antagonist Versus Daily FSH Plus Antagonist Versus Short Agonist Protocol in...
Female InfertilityPoor ResponderDespite the progression in assisted reproductive technology (ART), poor ovarian response to controlled ovarian stimulation remains a challenge for clinicians and a source of distress for patients. Multiple strategies have been tried to overcome these obstacles. The increase of the gonadotropin administration have been associated with a very low pregnancy rate. The introduction of GnRH agonist protocol, which takes advantage of the initial rise in endogenous gonadotropins that follows the agonist administration in the early follicular phase and subsequently prevents a premature LH surge, with fewer cycle cancellations, have improved cycle parameters and increased pregnancy rate. Recently, GnRH antagonists were introduced in ART treatment. They are effective in preventing a premature LH surge and allow for a more natural recruitment of follicles in the follicular phase in a non suppressed ovary. However, the randomized studies comparing the efficacy of these two regimens reported conflicting and nonsignificant results. Moreover, more recently adjuvant therapies for COH such as growth hormone therapy or pyridostigmine, oral L-arginine, and transdermal testosterone failed to improve IVF outcomes. Recently, the new treatment option with corifollitropin alfa, able to keep the circulating FSH level above the threshold necessary to support multi-follicular growth for an entire week, in a GnRH antagonist protocol seems to have a potential beneficial effect in poor responders. The aim of this study is to compare long-acting FSH/GnRH antagonist with daily FSH/GnRH antagonist with short GnRH agonist protocol on IVF outcome in poor responder patients .

Personalized FET in RIF Patients With Displaced Dating
InfertilityFemaleThe endometrium becomes receptive as a result of a series of timed hormonal events during the menstrual cycle. The exposure of the endometrium to progesterone after ovulation initiates morphological and functional alterations that result in the change from a pre-receptive to a receptive endometrium. The morphological changes observed on histology for each specific day after ovulation were described by Noyes and his colleagues in 1950. An endometrial biopsy that shows a difference of more than 2 days between the histologic dating and actual day after ovulation is considered to be "out of phase" However, the clinical application of the Noyes criterion is relatively limited. We have verified the Noyes criterion in natural cycle in previous study which conducting endometrial biopsies respectively on day 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 of post-ovulation (PO+3/5/7/9/11)(unpublished data). The clinical value of the endometrial histological dating in RIF patients in natural cycle is still to be answered. In this study, we tried to investigate the clinical effects of pFET in unexplained RIF patients according to the use of classic histologic endometrial dating to estimate the timing of the window of implantation and to adjust embryo transfer time in natural cycle.

The Effectiveness and Safety of the Prolonged Down-regulation Protocol for Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation...
InfertilityFemaleSince the first "tube baby", Louise Brown, was born in the United Kingdom in 1978, many infertile couples have been benefitted from in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Although a late starter, China is developing rapidly in ART and playing a more and more important role in the area of reproductive medicine. In spite of the continuous development in ART, so far, the overall success rate of IVF/ICSI is still hovering around 25-40%. There are many factors influencing the success rate of IVF/ICSI. Among them, an appropriate controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) protocol is directly associated with the number of oocyte retrieved, as well as the number and quality of embryos, which exert an important influence on the success rate of IVF/ICSI. The luteal phase pituitary down-regulation protocol is one of the most widely used COH protocols in clinical practice, particularly in China. Though effective, it may lead to an increased incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), as well as a negative impact on endometrial receptivity. The coping strategy is to freeze all the embryos and transfer in the next cycle. Though avoiding the above mentioned adverse effects, such strategy increases the time to pregnancy (TTP) and therefore results in certain psychological and economic burdens for infertile couples. In recent years, some Chinese researches applied the early follicular full-dose down-regulation protocol that is always performed to women with endometriosis to a more general IVF/ICSI population and found a clinical pregnancy rate of 64% in the fresh embryo transfer cycle, much higher than that of the luteal phase down-regulation protocol. Furthermore, since this protocol decrease the risk of progesterone elevation on hCG day, it increases the fresh embryo transfer rate and shortens TTP. Given most studies regarding the effectiveness and safety of the early follicular phase full-dose down-regulation protocol are retrospective studies, the results may be biased by several confounding factors. Therefore, we would like to conduct a multicenter, randomized controlled trial to compare the pregnancy outcome and safety indicators between the early follicular phase full-dose down-regulation protocol and the luteal phase down-regulation protocol.

RCT of Ethiodized Poppyseed Oil VS the Second-generation Non-ionic Monomer Contrast in Hysterosalpingography...
InfertilityFemaleThis study evaluates the difference of imaging diagnostic quality and fertility promoting effect in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility by hysterosalpingography between using ethiodized poppyseed oil and the second-generation non-ionic monomer contrast. Half of participants will receive ethiodized poppyseed oil for hysterosalpingography, while the other half will receive the second-generation non-ionic monomer contrast for hysterosalpingography.

Transfer Strategy in an Oocyte Donation Programme
Oocyte DonationInfertility2 moreIt has been previously shown that although the activation of the embryonic genome can begin as early as two days of initiation of the embryonic development (D2), it is expressed on day 3 (D3). Without this activation, the embryo can not continue its development. Therefore, it has been suggested that extended culture to blastocyst stage could be an option to identify and better select embryos that have been able to carry out this activation. The purpose of this study is to compare cumulative pregnancy and live birth rates following transfer of cleavage embryos or blastocysts.

Comparison of Ovulation Induction Cycle Outcomes Between Early and Late Dose Increments for Low...
Polycystic Ovary SyndromeInfertility1 moreLow dose gonadotropin step-up ovulation induction treatment is the universally accepted and utilized teratment protocol for infertile women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). First dose increment is advised on 14th day of ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins to decrease multiple follicle generation and cycle cancellation rates. However, clinicians impatiently increase gonadotropin dose on 7th day of stimulation without strong scientific evidence. This randomised controlled study will be the first study which will compare safety and ovulation induction cyle outcomes of early and late dose increments among infertile women diagnosed with PCOS.

Short Course Rifapentine and Isoniazid for the Preventive Treatment for Latent Genital Tuberculosis...
InfertilityFemale5 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of the 1-month regimen of three times weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid in improving fertility outcome in recurrent implantation failure (RIF) patients with latent genital tuberculosis (LGTB), compared to no treatment and non-LGTB patients.