Vitamin D Influence on Oocyte Donation
Disorder of PhosphateCalcium and Vitamin D Metabolism3 moreObjective: To investigate the correlation between total and bioavailable serum 25-OH vitamin D, ovarian reserve and ovarian response to controlled stimulation in egg donors.

The Evolution of Relationship Between Results of Peripheral Blood Test and Outcomes of in Vitro...
InfertilityFemale1 moreThe purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between infertility blood test results and outcomes of pregnancy and alive birth of women who underwent with or without intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) before in vitro fertilization.

Office Hysteroscopy in Secondary Infertility After Cesarean Section
InfertilityFemaleAll women with history of secondary infertility after caesarean section will be subjected to office hysteroscopy according to Royal college of obstetrics and gynecology guidelines to diagnose any subtle uterine abnormalities not detected by conventional means. Hysteroscopic examination will be done during the proliferation phase of the menstrual cycle. The hysteroscopic evaluation will include assessment of the cervical canal, intrauterine lesions, the endometrium and the uterotubal junction. . If hysteroscopy reveal a lesion, its type, size, location will be recorded. Transvaginal ultrasound will be done after the procedure to detect fluid in the douglas pouch to confirm patent tubes. Asses the uterine scar in details.

The Temporo-spatial Dynamics of Genital Tract Microbiota
InfertilityFemaleThe investigators aim to examine the endometrium with state of the art sequencing techniques to investigate the endometrial microbiota. The endometrial microbiota has been perceived to be sterile, however, this seems incorrect from recent studies. Thus, the primary outcome is to compare the rate of ascending infection from the semen to the vagina to the endometrium and to investigate which bacteria are capable of inhabiting these environments. Furthermore, cervical mucus will be obtained in order to test for immunological, microbiological and mechanical properties that may be involved in ascending infection. Finally, the study aim to characterize the temporal changes in the vaginal microbiota during estrogenic treatment with Estrofem® or Vivelle Dot (R) for preparation of the endometrium prior to embryo transfer.

DYG Versus Cetrorelix in Oocyte Donation
InfertilityFemale1 moreProspective controlled study to assess the reproductive outcomes of OD recipients in which the donors were subjected to the DYG protocol (20mg/day) compared with those subjected to the short protocol with cetrorelix (0.25 mg/day) from Day 7 or since a leading follicle reached 14 mm. The OD cycles were triggered with triptoreline acetate and the trigger criterion was ≥3 follicles of diameter >18mm.

The Role of Hysterolaparoscopy in Infertile Patients With Normal Hysterosalpingography
InfertilityFemaleThe hysteroscopy used was rigid continuous flow diagnostic hysteroscopy (Tuttligen, Karl Storz, Germany). It has a 30o panoramic optic which is 4mm in diameter and the diagnostic continuous flow outer sheath is 6.5 mm in diameter. The patient was placed in lithotomy position with the buttocks projecting slightly beyond the table edge. A reflex camera (Olympus) with an objective that has a focal length varies from f70 to f140 together with (Karl Storz) special zoom length, adapter to Hopkins telescope and a suitable cableware used with computer flash unit. The hysteroscopic picture which appeared through the optic, transmitted on the monitor by the camera which is fitted on the eyepiece of the optic where the panoramic diagnostic hysteroscopy could be informed with better visualization and accuracy. The light generator which is a metal halide automatic light source with a 150 watt lamp (model G71A,Circon ACMI, Germany) was switched on and the high cable was attached to the hysteroscope. Dilatation of the cervix was avoided whenever possible to avoid leakage of the medium into the vagina. The hysteroscope was then introduced into the external os and advanced under vision along the axis of cervical canal. Once the cavity was entered, an overview of the uterine cavity was performed. This was followed by systematic examination for fundus then tubal ostia on both sides then the uterine wall through slow rotatory movements of the telescope. Diagnostic laparoscopy was done in the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle .The patients were placed in the dorsal lithotomy position to allow vaginal access for uterine manipulation; the legs positioned so that the thighs are slightly flexed no more than 90o from the plane of the abdomen. The patient was placed in the complete horizontal position, Veress needle was placed through the umbilicus and into the peritoneal cavity, the primary trocar with sleeve (5mm in diameter) was placed at a similar angle in to the Veress needle. Secondary trocars were used, 2 secondary trocars were placed. The trocars were placed laterally, approximately 8 cm from the midline and 8 cm above the pubic symphysis to avoid the epigastric, vessels which are 5.5 cm from the midline at this level. Then laparoscopic dye chromotubation was performed

Study of the Cleavage of the Egg in Relation to the Stimulation Treatment
Female InfertilityThis post-marketing, single-center prospective study will be conducted in an open-label, non-interventional setting, for women seeking fertility treatment and will describe cleavage dynamics in relation to the age of the oocyte and gonadotrophin treatment.

Follow-up of Ovarian Function in Young Women Who Underwent Ovarian Cortex Cryopreservation
Female InfertilityEvaluation of ovarian function by a questionnaire and by medical file analysis of women and girls who underwent ovarian cortex cryopreservation for fertility preservation between 1997 an 2013 in the investigators' institution in order to evaluate their residual ovarian function. A second part of the questionnaire concerns these women's satisfaction regarding the procedure.

Role of Ratio of Progesterone to Number of Follicles as a Prognostic Tool for IntracytoplasmicSperm...
InfertilityFemaleThis study will be conducted at the In vitro fertilization Unit at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. Women will be recruited from the In vitro fertilization Unit who will fulfill the inclusion criteria. They will be counseled to be included into the study The study will assess Role of Ratio of Progesterone to Number of Follicles as a Prognostic Tool for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection outcome.

Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction and Anti-thyroid Antibodies in Infertile Women
InfertilityFemaleThe study population will be divided into three groups: Group (A) consisting of 40 infertile women with either unexplained or anovulatory infertility with/without associated male factor of infertility, Group (B) consisting of 40 infertile women with tubal (mechanical) factor of infertility with/without associated male factor of infertility, and Group (C) consisting of 40 women with exclusive male factor of infertility and will be used as a control group. . All women will be subjected to: Informed consent Full history taking, including age, duration of infertility and whether primary or secondary General and pelvix examination Trans-vaginal ultrasonography Determination of hormonal profile (FSH, LH, Estradiol, Prolactin) Determination of ovulatory status Determination of of tubal patency Determination of presence of male factor Determination of TSH and antithyroid antibodies (antithyroglobulin and antithyroid peroxidase) blood levels