An Open Label, Single-arm, Multicenter Phase Ib/II Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of...
Gastric CancerGastroesophageal Junction (GEJ) CancerThis is a Phase Ib/II study to identify the RP2D of T-DXd combination with Ram and to assess the safety and clinical efficacy of this combined treatment in advanced gastric cancer after first-line treatment. The study will be conducted in two parts: Phase Ib dose escalation study to determine the MTD and RP2D of T-DXd combination and Ram, and Phase II to further evaluate the safety and tolerability of T-DXd combinations with Ram at the RP2D and determine anti-tumor activity.

Envollizumab Combined With Fruquintinib and SOX Versus SOX for Conversion Therapy in Advanced Gastric...
Gastric CancerTo investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of envollizumab combined with fruquintinib and SOX versus SOX in conversion therapy for patients with Her-2 negative, unresectable locally advanced gastric cancer.

The Australia and New Zealand Multicentre Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Tissue Resection Study...
Cancer of StomachOesophageal Cancer7 moreTo determine the long term outcomes of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD), Endoscopic Full Thickness Resection (EFTR) and Submucosal-Tunnelling Endoscopic Resection (STER) for upper gastrointestinal neoplastic lesions

Multi-parametric MRI and Dual-energy CT in Patients of Gastric Cancer
Gastric Cancer StageAccurate preoperative staging of gastric cancer is of major importance for guiding therapeutic decision-making, preventing both under- and over-treatment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the diagnostic performance of the Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) in gastric cancer.

TCRx_T Cells for Advanced or Recurrent Gastric/Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer After Failure of...
Gastric CancerGastroesophageal-junction CancerTo observe and determine the safety, tolerability, cellular pharmacokinetics and efficacy of TCRx T cells in patients with advanced or recurrent gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer after failure of first chemotherapy.

The Safe Study of Routine Closure of Mesenteric Defects Versus Non-closure After Radical Gastrectomy...
Gastric CancerTo compare the incidence of internal hernia, overall survival and short-term surgical safety of routine closure of the surgically created mesenteric defects versus non-closure for patients with adenocarcinoma of the gastric or esophagogastric junction who underwent radical gastrectomy (D1+/D2 lymph node dissection).

A Clinical Study Aims to Assess the Consistency of Clinical Efficacy in Gastric Cancer Treatment...
Gastric CancerOrganoidsThe study is a real-world observational clinical study. Patients diagnosed as gastric cancer through histopathology were screened and enrolled. Before anti-tumor treatment, gastroscopy biopsy tissue specimens, surgical specimens, and malignant pleural effusion or ascites specimens, etc. are collected. The investigators will perform a drug sensitivity testing based on a novel drug susceptibility testing method to test the commonly used anti-tumor treatment regimens. Patients were given conventional anti-tumor treatment according to the medical judgment of the doctors. Finally, the investigator will evaluate the consistency of clinical efficacy in gastric cancer treatment and drug susceptibility outcomes.

RCT of Intralesional Rituximab Injection Versus Involved Site Radiation Therapy in Ocular Adnexal...
Primary Ocular Adnexal MALT LymphomaThis project proposes to establish a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical study to compare the safety and efficacy of Intralesional Rituximab Injection versus Involved Site Radiation Therapy for the treatment of primary ocular adnexal MALT lymphoma. The aim is to provide high-level clinical evidence for the treatment of ocular adnexal MALT lymphoma and to offer patients treatment options that have fewer complications and comparable therapeutic effects.

A Retrospective Study of Immunotherapy in Conversion Therapy of Unresectable Gastric Cancer
Unresectable Gastric CancerThis study was an observational, non-interventional, multicenter retrospective study to evaluate the feasibility and safety of sintilimab combined with chemotherapy (SOX or PS) in the clinical practice of unresectable locally advanced or stage IV gastric cancer/gastroesophageal junction carcinoma.

Hereditary Gastric Cancer Syndromes: An Integrated Genomic and Clinicopathologic Study of the Predisposition...
Stomach NeoplasmsStomach Cancer3 moreBackground: Gastric cancers are cancers of the stomach. Hereditary ones are passed from parent to child. Researchers want to gather data about hereditary gastric cancers. They want to learn about changes these cause in the body and about the genes involved. Objective: -To gather data about hereditary gastric cancer. Eligibility: People at least 2 years old with personal or family history with a hereditary gastric cancer. People at least 2 years old with gene changes that lead to such cancer or a lesion that may be hereditary. Design: Participants will be screened in a separate protocol. Participants will have: Physical exam Medical history Blood tests Scans Photos of skin lesions and other findings Gynecology consultation for women Cheek swab (some participants) For some participants, their relatives will be asked to join the study. Some participants will be asked to allow the study to get stored tissue samples for relatives who have died. Some samples will be sent to outside labs. All personal data will be protected. Samples will be destroyed when the study ends. Participants will get the results of genetic testing. Participants who cannot come to the NIH clinic may just give a cheek swab and have genetic testing done. Some participants will be contacted for more testing.