Omentum Preservation Versus Complete Omentectomy in Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer
Stomach NeoplasmCurative therapy for gastric cancer usually consists of perioperative chemotherapy and a radical (R0) gastrectomy. A radical resection includes a modified D2 lymphadenectomy, and, generally, a complete omentectomy, to ensure the removal of omental metastatic lymph nodes and tumor deposits. The omentum has some essential functions within the peritoneal cavity. The omentum functions as regulator of regional immune responses to prevent infections and, additionally, it prevents adhesions that can lead to small bowel obstruction. Omentectomy is associated with increased incidence of early and late postoperative complications such as abdominal abscess, ileus, and wound infections in various types of surgery. There is little evidence regarding survival benefit of routine complete omentectomy during gastrectomy. The investigators hypothesize that omitting a complete omentectomy (and instead preserve the greater omentum distal of the gastroepiploic arcade) during gastrectomy for cancer does not negatively impact survival. OMEGA is a randomized controlled, open, parallel, non-inferiority, multicenter trial. Adult patients (>18 years) with primary resectable gastric cancer, clinical stage T2-4a N0-3 M0 or cT1N+ scheduled for open or minimally invasive (sub)total gastrectomy are included. The primary study objective is to investigate whether omentum preservation in gastrectomy for cancer is non-inferior to complete omentectomy in terms of three-year overall survival.

Gut Microbiota and Metabonomics
Stomach NeoplasmsGut Microbiota1 moreTo evaluate the correlation between gut microbiota and metabolites in Borrmann type IV gastric cancer; To find the effects of microflora and metabolites on target organs; To detect the mechanism of key flora and metabolite by in vitro and in vivo experiments; To construct models of gut microbiota and metabonomics by machine learning.

Nivolumab, S-1 Combined With Oxaliplatin Versus Nivolumab as Neoadjuvant Therapy in Advanced Gastric...
Gastric CancerChemotherapy EffectThe trial is a prospective, randomized, controlled phase Ⅱ study which will be conducted in Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China. Patients with eligibility will enrolled and assigned into either group A for 9 weeks of nivolumab, S-1 combined with oxaliplatin (Nivo+SOX) followed by D2 surgery and group B for 9 weeks of nivolumab followed by D2 surgery. The primary endpoint is the safety assessed by recording adverse events and the secondary endpoints are response rate, disease control rate, pathological complete response rate, D2 rate and R0 rate.

Indocyanine Green Tracer Using in Laparoscopic Radical Gastrectomy for Locally Advanced Gastric...
Gastric CancerSurgeryPatients with locally advanced gastric adenocarcinoma (CT2-4A N-/+ M0) were selected as study subjects to investigate the safety, efficacy, and feasibility of ICG near-infrared imaging tracing in guiding laparoscopic D2 lymph node dissection for gastric cancer by comparing injection ICG group and non-injection ICG group.

Nasal Endoscopic Screening and Risk Assessment for Early Gastric Cancer
Gastric CancerPrecancerous Lesion1 morePepsinogens (PGs) can be used for gastric cancer (GC) screening, but the cutoff levels vary among studies, and PG levels are influenced by numerous factors. To examine the diagnostic value of PG levels and Helicobacter pylori (Hp) status for GC and precancerous lesions screening in asymptomatic individuals undergoing health checkup in China.

Safety and Efficacy of Personalized Neoantigen Vaccine in Advanced Gastric Cancer
Gastric CancerThis trial is an investigator-initiated, single-center, open-label, single-arm exploratory study of mRNA neoantigen tumor vaccine in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer, including two phases: dose escalation and dose expansion. To evaluate the safety and tolerability of neoantigen tumor vaccine in subjects with advanced gastric cancer by conducting dose escalation trial in subjects diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer, and preliminarily evaluate the efficacy of neoantigen tumor vaccine in subjects with advanced gastric cancer. According to the characteristics of safety and efficacy data in the dose escalation phase, the dose expansion is performed at the intended clinical dose based on the investigator's judgment, and the treatment is performed in combination with PD-1/L1 to further evaluate the efficacy and safety profile of neoantigen tumor vaccine at a specific dose. Both the dose escalation phase and dose expansion phase include a screening period (Week -4 ~ Week -2), a baseline period (Week -1 ~ Day -1), a treatment period (Day 1 ~ Week 8 or 16), and a follow-up period. Subjects who signed and provided the formal informed consent entered the screening period. The treatment period included the initial treatment period (Day 1 ~ Week 8) and the enhanced treatment period (Week 12 ~ Week 16). The investigator determined whether to enter the enhanced treatment period based on the comprehensive judgment of the subject's efficacy, safety, compliance and other factors from Week 8 to Week 12. In the dose escalation phase, 18 subjects are expected to be enrolled at 100 μg, 200 μg and 400 μg (6 subjects in 100 μg, 6 subjects in 200 μg and 6 subjects in 400 μg). The low dose group was enrolled first, and the next dose group was started when the number of subjects met the requirements. If any subject withdrew early, the low dose group was given priority. The investigator will choose the optimal clinical dose for dose expansion, which can be one dose group or multiple dose groups. PD-1/L1 drugs are used in parallel to further confirm the efficacy and safety of neoantigen tumor vaccine, with about 18 subjects. The usage and dosage of PD-1/L1 should aligned with the package insert.

INTRUSION: Unraveling the INTRatUmoral PK/PD relatION for SAR408701
Metastatic Lung CancerMetastatic Breast Cancer1 moreThis study is a prospective, open-label, multi-cohort, exploratory phase II clinical trial in patients with either CEACAM5-positive NSQ NSCLC, ER+ breast cancer or gastric cancer. Eligible subjects will receive Tusamitamab ravtansine (100mg/m2 IV Q2W). The investigators hypothesize that intratumoral exposure of Tusamitamab ravtansine would be an important factor in determining treatment efficacy. Combining exposure with measurements of tumor PD reactions in a proper PK/PD study is the goal of this study.

MalnutritiOn Assessment With biOelectrical impedaNce Analysis in gastRic Cancer patIentS Undergoing...
Gastric CancerGastric Adenocarcinoma2 moreThe aim of this single-arm prospective, multicenter, cross-sectional study is to evaluate the nutritional status and body composition on tumor regression grade with bioelectrical impedance analysis in gastric cancer patients undergoing multimodal treatment. Results of this study will reveal whether nutritional status and body composition assessment based on bioelectrical impedance analysis will become a validated and objective tool to support clinical decisions in gastric cancer patients undergoing multimodal treatment.

An Exploratory Study of Immunotherapy Combined With Anlotinib and Chemotherapy in Perioperative...
Gastric Cancer1. Main objective: to evaluate the pathological complete response (pCR) of gastric cancer after local advanced COVID-19 infection by two kinds of immunotherapy combined with Anlotinib Hydrochloride Capsules and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 2. Secondary objective: to evaluate the major pathological response (MPR), disease-free survival (DFS), objective response rate (ORR), R0 resection rate (R0 resection rate) and safety of two kinds of immunotherapy combined with Anlotinib Hydrochloride Capsules and neoadjuvant chemotherapy for gastric cancer after local advanced COVID-19 infection。

MicroRNAs From Blood Samples as Biomarkers for Gastric Cancer Detection
Gastric CancerMicroRNAsThe goal of this observational study is to compare specific microRNA levels from the plasma of gastric cancer patients and healthy volunteers to see if there is an upregulated expression in gastric cancer patients. The main question it aims to answer is: - Can microRNAs be effectively used as diagnostic biomarkers for gastric cancer? Participants will be asked for their consent to obtain 5 cc of blood.