Improving Patient and Caregiver Understanding of Risks and Benefits of Immunotherapy for Advanced...
Stage IV MelanomaAdvanced Lung Cancer20 moreThe purpose of this study is to refine and pilot test educational material developed to educate and support patients receiving immunotherapy for advanced cancer. The intervention is an educational video and question prompt list (QPL) to promote communication between patients, caregivers, and the oncology team about the risks and benefits of immunotherapy.

[68Ga]Ga-FAPI PET/CT in Gastric and Gastroesophageal Junctional Cancer
Gastric CancerGastro Esophageal Junctional Cancer1 moreTwenty (n=20) patients with gastric cancer or gastro-esophageal junctional cancer will undergo FAPI PET/CTs in addition to routing diagnostic workup (including FDG PET/CT) at primary staging and restaging. The FAPI PET/CT results will be compared to conventional imaging (including FDG PET/CT) using histopathology as reference standard, and the diagnostic accuracy will be determined. FAP-immunohistochemistry will be conducted in surgical specimens. FAPI PET/CT's impact on patient management and the prognostic value of FAPI PET/CT will be evaluated.

Safety and Activity Study of HER2-Targeted Dual Switch CAR-T Cells (BPX-603) in Subjects With HER2-Positive...
HER-2 Gene AmplificationHER2-positive Gastric Cancer4 moreThis is a Phase 1/2, open-label, multicenter, non-randomized study to investigate the safety, tolerability, and clinical activity of HER2-specific dual-switch CAR-T cells, BPX-603, administered with rimiducid to subjects with previously treated, locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors which are HER2 amplified/overexpressed.

Phase II Study of Oral S-1 Plus Irinotecan in Patients With Advanced Gastric Cancer
Gastric CancerTo assess the usefulness of irinotecan plus S-1 therapy based on the antitumor effect and survival period. by performing a phase II study of this combination in patients with inoperable or with postoperative gastric cancer

Individually Tailored Strategies for the Precision Prevention of Gastric Cancer and Colorectal Cancer...
Gastric CancerColorectal CancerGastric cancer is a global health threat. Helicobacter pylori is now recognized as the main risk factor that initiates this process; hence, H. pylori eradication has been considered the most effective method to ameliorate the burden of gastric cancer. Serum pepsinogen levels reveal the current atrophy of the stomach and predict gastric cancer risk. A risk prediction model with the combination of H. pylori infection and serum pepsinogen level could identify the highest-risk gastric cancer patients. Colorectal cancers (CRC) rank second and third as the leading causes of cancer-related death in men and women, respectively. For CRC prevention, a two-stage approach using the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) is popular; besides, the FIT levels may serve as a guide for priority setting in prompting residents to undergo colonoscopy. Therefore, the effectiveness and utility of aggressive referral confirmatory diagnosis protocol in a colorectal cancer screening program for those with high FIT levels urgently need to evaluate.

Magnetic Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Gastric Cancer
Gastric AdenocarcinomaThis phase I finds out the possible benefits and/or side effects of using magnetic tracer FerroTrace and the fluorescent dye indocyanine green to identify the lymph nodes that cancer is most likely to have spread to in patients with gastric cancer that are undergoing gastrectomy. Using FerroTrace in combination with the indocyanine green dye may help researchers better detect the disease.

Augmentation of Volatile Biomarkers of Oesophageal and Gastric Adenocarcinoma From the Tumour Lipidome...
Breath TestOesophageal Cancer3 moreNearly 10,000 people die each year in the United Kingdom from cancer of the lower gullet and stomach, known as known as oesophago- gastric adenocarcinoma (OGC). OGC is detected late as symptoms are non- specific and often mistaken for common problems such as heartburn. This translates to fewer than 2 in every 10 patients diagnosed with OGC living longer than 5 years. The breath of people with OGC is enriched with volatile chemicals (VOCs) that indicate cancer. When measured in a breath test, it detects OAC 80 out of 100 times. Whilst encouraging, there is scope to improve the detection rate by giving patients a stimulant drink that amplifies the production of tumour specific VOCs only, to increase their detection in the breath test. The goal of this observational study is to produce an enhanced second-generation breath test with superior ability to detect OGC through augmentation of breath. This will improve long term survival from cancer using an entirely non- invasive test. All participants (cancer and control participants) will consume an oral stimulant drink (OSD) and provide breath samples pre and post consumption of the drink at set time points (maximum 2 hours after consumption of the drink). The investigators will compare the breath VOCs from both groups, before and after consumption of the OSD to see if the OSD has a desired augmentation effect and can improve the accuracy of the OGC breath test. With this second-generation breath test, participants with vague symptoms can undergo a quick, non- invasive test, have samples analysed in a safe and accurate manner and be subsequently stratified based on their risk of having OGC, leading to earlier disease detection and improved clinical outcomes.

Combination of Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Gastric Cancer...
Gastric CancerThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and overall survival of the regimen of XELOX (Xeloda and oxaliplatin combination) in the patients with relapsed and refractory gastric cancer.

Wet Heparinized Suction for Abdominal Cancer
Cancer of PancreasCancer of Stomach3 moreThe purpose of this research is to compare the amount and quality of tissue obtained by EUS-FNB when the device is flushed with an anticoagulant or "blood thinner" vs. saline a salt water solution as well as the use of a microsieve in order for the doctor to look at the tissue to check the acceptability of the specimens before sending for analysis. You will be randomly assigned (like a flip of a coin) to have either the blood thinner or the salt water solution placed within the needle being used to sample your abdominal tumor and to have either a sieve used or not. You will be one of 42 participants enrolled in this data collection study which includes 1 sites in the United States.

Preoperative Intravenous Iron Therapy in Patients With Gastric Cancer
Gastric CancerAnemia3 moreThe main objective of this investigator initiated study is to study if preoperative intravenous iron is effective in reducing need for allogenic blood transfusion in patients with gastric cancer who will undergo a standardized gastrectomy including both total and subtotal gastrectomies. The hypothesis is that intravenous iron reduces the need for perioperative blood transfusions.