Effectiveness of Trauma Therapy Using Prolonged Exposure for Patients With PTSD and a Comorbid Psychotic...
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderPTSD1 morePsychosis patients with comorbid PTSD will be treated with trauma therapy.

Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Stress DisordersPost-TraumaticThis study effects the effects of transcutaneous cervical vagal nerve stimulation (tcVNS) or a sham control on brain, physiology, and PTSD symptoms in Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Veterans undergo brain imaging and physiological measures in conjunction with traumatic scripts before and after three months of twice daily treatment with tcVNS or sham stimulation at home.

Respiratory Training vs Interoceptive Exposure in the Treatment of Transdiagnostic Pathological...
Anxiety DisordersTrauma8 morePurpose of the Research: The primary aim of the proposed study is to conduct a randomized parallel-group 3-arm clinical trial comparing two mechanistically distinct interventions for pathological anxiety - (1) Interoceptive Exposure (IE) utilizing graduated exposure to somatic cues (respiratory, cardiac, vestibular) with the primary aim of reducing fear responding to the presence of interoceptive perturbations; (2) Capnometry-Guided Respiratory Intervention (CGRI) aimed at raising end-tidal CO2 levels thereby lowering hyperventilation-induced respiratory alkalosis and its associated fear-eliciting somatic reactions; and (3) Psycho-education about anxiety and its effects (PsyEd), which will serve as a credible control comparator.

Tackling Intrusive Traumatic Memories After Childbirth
Posttraumatic Stress DisorderIntrusive Traumatic MemoriesThis single-blind waitlist randomized controlled trial aims to investigate the efficacy of a single-session behavioral intervention composed of a brief evocation of the childbirth memory followed by a visuospatial task (the computer game "Tetris"), on childbirth-related intrusive traumatic memories (CB-ITM) and other childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder (CB-PTSD) symptoms. Women who report CB-ITM after 6 weeks postpartum can be included in the study. Participants will be randomly allocated to either the immediate treatment (IT) group or to the waitlist (WL) group. Women in the IT group will first report their CB-ITM in a daily diary during 2 weeks (diary 1). On the 15th day, they will meet a psychologist to receive the single-session behavioral intervention. They will then complete a daily diary during the 2 weeks post-intervention (diary 2) and during the 5th and 6th weeks post-intervention (diary 3). Women in the WL group will report their CB-ITM continuously during 4 weeks in diary 1 and 2 before receiving the same intervention on the 30th day. They will also complete a last diary during the 2 weeks post-intervention (diary 3). It is expected that women in the immediate treatment group (IT group) will have fewer CB-ITM in diary 2, in comparison to the WL group, for which we expect no significant change in the number of CB-ITM between diary 1 and 2. This study will contribute to the development of a single-session behavioral intervention to reduce CB-ITMs and other CB-PTSD symptoms, which would reduce the distress experienced by mothers and may improve the well-being of the whole family.

ERP to Improve Functioning in Veterans With OCD
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Comorbid Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and OCDObsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a debilitating psychiatric illness impacting work, social, and family functioning. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the sole evidence-based psychotherapy for OCD; however, no randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have examined the effectiveness of ERP among Veterans or individuals with both OCD and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This 4-year Hybrid Type I trial will compare outcomes of ERP to those of a control condition among Veterans with OCD. Primary and secondary aims will examine whether Veterans' functioning, quality of life, and OCD symptoms differ between the ERP and control in the full sample of Veterans with OCD, and in the half of the sample with both OCD and PTSD. The tertiary aim is to conduct a mixed-methods formative evaluation of the implementation potential of ERP in VA mental health settings.

Family Involvement in Treatment for PTSD (FIT-PTSD): A Brief, Feasible Method for Enhancing Outcomes,...
Posttraumatic Stress DisorderAlthough effective treatments for PTSD exist, high rates of treatment dropout and sub-optimal response rates remain common. Incorporating family members in treatment represents one avenue for improving outcomes and providing Veteran-centered care, and surveys of Veterans in outpatient VA PTSD care indicate that 80% desire family involvement. The VA has invested many years and millions of dollars on the dissemination of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Prolonged Exposure (PE) for PTSD. A family-based intervention that complements these two first-line treatments would capitalize on existing treatment infrastructure while also potentially boosting outcomes and retention. Preliminary testing of the proposed Brief Family Intervention (BFI) resulted in 50% less dropout from CPT/PE among Veterans whose family members received the BFI. There was also a large impact on PTSD symptoms at 16 weeks (d = 1.12) in favor of the BFI group. The goal of this study is to test the effectiveness of the BFI among a fully-powered sample. One hundred Veteran-family member dyads (n = 200) will be recruited. Veterans will be beginning a course of usual-care CPT or PE at one of two VA sites. Family members will be randomized to receive or not receive the BFI, a two-session psychoeducational and skills-based protocol. PTSD symptom severity and treatment retention will be the primary outcomes. Assessments will be conducted by independent evaluators at baseline, 6-, 12-, 18-, and 26-weeks. Veterans whose family members receive the BFI are expected to have lower dropout and a greater rate of change in their PTSD symptoms compared to Veterans whose family members do not receive the BFI. If the BFI is found to increase the effectiveness of and retention in CPT/PE, it will be a highly appealing option for incorporating families into Veterans' PTSD care.

The Safety and Tolerability of COMP360 in Participants With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderThe Safety and Tolerability of COMP360 in Participants with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Integration of PE & Coping Long-Term With Active Suicide Program for PTSD & Suicide Risk in Military...
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderSuicidal IdeationThe purpose of this study is to develop an innovative, safe, acceptable, feasible, and efficacious integrated CLASP-PE intervention and to Collect pilot data to evaluate the preliminary evidence of the promise of the intervention. We hypothesize that the CLASP-PE intervention will demonstrate safety, acceptability, feasibility, and efficacy in the open trial.

Suvorexant: A Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonist for Treating Sleep Disturbance in Posttraumatic Stress...
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersStress Disorders1 morePost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common consequence of combat that can result in trauma-related hyperarousal and sleep disturbances. Poor sleep, one of the most common complaints in Veterans with PTSD, can be distressing, impair concentration and memory, and contribute to physical health conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease. The orexin neuropeptide system underlies both sleep and stress reactivity. Suvorexant, a drug that reduces orexin, improves sleep in civilians, but has not yet been tested in Veterans with PTSD. This study will test whether suvorexant can improve sleep disturbances and PTSD symptoms in Veterans. Suvorexant may benefit Veterans by improving sleep quickly while also reducing PTSD symptoms over the long term, and with fewer side effects that were common in previous medications used to treat these conditions. Improving Veterans' sleep and PTSD symptoms could lead to better emotional and physical well-being, quality of life, relationships, and functioning.

CPT-SMART for Treatment of PTSD and Cigarette Smoking
SmokingStress Disorders1 moreSmoking is the leading cause of preventable illness, disability, and death in the United States. The rate of smoking is disproportionately higher among Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, smoking cessation efforts that are effective in the general population have shown limited effectiveness in smokers with PTSD. The high smoking rate and difficulty with achieving abstinence indicate a critical need to develop effective interventions for Veterans who smoke and have PTSD. The investigators' data indicate that negative emotions and trauma reminders are associated with relapse for smokers with PTSD. In this context, an ideal strategy may be to combine evidence-based PTSD treatment with intensive smoking cessation treatment to maximize quit rates. Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a well-established evidence-based treatment for PTSD. The investigators have successfully developed a treatment manual that combines CPT with cognitive-behavioral counseling for smoking cessation. Contingency management (CM) is another intensive behavioral treatment that has been shown to help with reducing smoking. CM provides positive reinforcers such as money to individuals misusing substances contingent upon abstinence from use. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment that combines CM with cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation counseling, smoking cessation medication, and CPT. Proposed is a randomized, two-arm clinical trial in which 120 Veteran smokers with PTSD will be randomized to either: 1) COGNITIVE PROCESSING THERAPY with SMOKING ABSTINENCE REINFORCEMENT THERAPY (CPT-SMART) or 2) COMBINED CONTACT CONTROL, an intervention identical to CPT-SMART in PTSD and smoking treatment, except for using payment that is not contingent on abstinence. Specific aims include: AIM 1) To evaluate the efficacy of CPT-SMART on rates of short- and long-term abstinence from cigarettes; AIM 2) To evaluate the impact of CPT-SMART on treatment engagement and utilization; and an EXPLORATORY AIM) To explore mechanisms of CPT-SMART on long-term smoking abstinence. The positive public health impact of reducing smoking among Veterans with PTSD could be enormous as it would prevent significant smoking-related morbidity and mortality.