A Study of Endobiliary Radiofrequency Ablation in Malignant Biliary Obstructions
Biliary StrictureThe purpose of this study is to assess the impact of temperature-sensitive radiofrequency ablation (RFA) immediately before biliary stent placement on duration of biliary stent patency and re-intervention free survival. This is a research study meant to collect information to help other patients with malignant biliary strictures in the future.

Investigation of the NVT ALLEGRA Plus THV System in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis or Failed...
Transcatheter Aortic Valve ImplantationThe EMPIRE II study evaluates the safety and performance of the entire ALLEGRA THV System. The primary safety endpoint is composite of all-cause mortality or stroke rates at 12 months. And the primary performance endpoint is device success at 7 days. Based on the outcomes of a study with a similar device and considering a drop-out rate of 5%, 177 patients need to be enrolled in the study.

Feasibility Test of Virtual Reality Obstacle Detection for Low Vision Walking
HemianopsiaHomonymous Hemianopia5 moreThe investigators are developing a new test of pedestrian hazard detection in virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) headset, which shows virtual oncoming pedestrians in 3D while subjects are walking in real-world environment, for evaluation of visual field expansion to improve mobility in people with visual field loss.

Structural Stability of Carotid Plaque and Symptomatology
Carotid StenosisStroke4 moreThe purpose of the research is to understand structural plaque abnormalities that make a carotid plaque unstable and brake off (embolize) which would help to predict and treat individuals who are likely to suffer not only classic episodic major strokes but also cognitive impairment.

High-Sensitivity Troponin T Plasma Levels in Patients With Aortic Stenosis (Tyrolean Aortic Stenosis...
Aortic StenosisHeart Failure2 moreTASS-2 (Tyrolean Aortic Stenosis Study-2) aims to characterize the clinical value of minimally elevated troponin T plasma levels both in patients with asymptomatic and symtomatic aortic stenosis.

Prevalence and Post-surgical Outcomes of CARdiac Wild-type TransthyrEtin amyloidoSIs in Elderly...
Heart DiseaseAging2 moreBackground: The prevalence of both senile cardiac amyloidosis (CA) and aortic stenosis (AS) markedly increases with age. Aortic stenosis increases left ventricular pressure overload. Cardiac deposits have been observed in AS and the amount of these deposits has been correlated to post-surgical outcome. As they are strong echocardiographic and cardiac MRI imaging similarities between CA and AS, the investigators hypothesized that the deposit observed in AS is transthyretin amyloid deposit. The investigators objective is to demonstrate that amyloid deposit is associated with poor outcomes following aortic stenosis surgical valve replacement. Materiel and methods: 180 patients with indication for surgical aortic valve replacement will be recruited prospectively and consecutively in 5 French centers. A replicative study will be performed in one Austrian center. Echocardiography, cardiac MRI and bone scintigraphy will be performed prior to surgery. During surgery, a basal LV septum biopsy will be collected for determination and quantification of interstitial deposits using specific staining which will be performed in a blind fashion. Clinical outcomes will be recorded during the hospitalization period following the surgery and at 1 year. Alive and re-hospitalization status will be determined. Patients will be classified according to the presence or not of amyloid deposits. Expected results and impact: This study will emphasize how pressure overload stress accelerates and magnifies amyloid deposition usually known to be related to cardiac aging process. It will develop reliable imaging tools and markers to detect cardiac amyloid deposition. Correlation between anatomopathologic analyses and the three different imaging technics will identify accurate imaging markers of CA. A risk stratification model based on amyloid deposits level for the clinical management of these patients will be created combining imaging and biological markers.

ENAVOgliflozin Outcome Trial in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis After Transcatheter Aortic...
Aortic Valve StenosisThe goal of this trial is to determine whether the use of a novel SGLT2 inhibitor(Sodium-glucose Cotransporter-2), Enavogliflozin is safe and effective for the improvement of adverse clinical outcomes and the reversal of adverse cardiac remodelling among patients who had undergone TAVR as compared with the standard-of-care therapy.

A Clinical Trial of the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation System With a Prospective, Multi-Center,...
Aortic StenosisA Clinical Trial of the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation System with a Prospective, Multi-Center, One-Arm Approach to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety in the Treatment of Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis

Progression of Ascending Aorta Diameters in Bicuspid Aortic Valve After Transcatheter or Surgical...
Bicuspid Aortic ValveAortic Valve Stenosis5 moreThe goal of this prospective, non-randomized, single-center, observational study is to assess whether there is a progressive dilation of ascending aorta after surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in patients who underwent elective aortic valve replacement or TAVR for stenotic bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) at our institution from 2015 to June 2022. Participants will undergo both a CT and an echocardiographic assessment at least 90 days after surgery.

4D CT Scan Versus 3D CT Scan Concerning Cardiac Dosimetry Assesment for Left Sided Breast Cancers...
Breast CancerRadiation-Induced Vascular Disease5 moreTo establish if the cardiac radiation dose assesment is well aproximated with routine 3D CT scan compared to 4D CT experimental scan with respiratory gating (breath motion monitoring). The study population relates to left side breast cancers female patients that require a radiation therapy treatment.