Ahmed Valve Implantation Coated With Poly Lactic -Co-glycolic Acid (PLGA) Saturated With Mitomycin-C...
GlaucomaSturge weber's syndrome is an oculcutaneous syndrome, ocular manifestations may include heamangioma in the eye lids, choroidal heamangioma, or glaucoma, the glaucoma may present at infancy and may be due to resistance to aqueous outflow through trabecular meshwork(1), it may develop later and this is due to episcleral venous raised pressure.(2-3) Glaucoma associated with Sturge weber syndrome is difficult to be treated medically with high risk of complications when treated with bleb -based surgeries. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage or detachment is a challenging complication which must be encountered. The usage of Ahmed valve in the management of glaucoma associated with Sturge weber syndrome is a bleb based procedure carries the risks of over filtration or encapsulation and decreased filtration with failure to control glaucoma. The use of Ahmed valve in the management of pediatric glaucoma associated with Sturge weber syndrome has better results as recorded by Nassiri et al. Ahmed valve implantation can have some drawbacks such as pupillary irregularity, lens opacification, or encapsulation.(4-7) Glaucoma drainage devices such as Ahmed valve, Molteno or Braeveldt valve can be used when other methods of treatment fail, they provide alternative pathway to the aqueous to be collected in a plate positioned under the conjunctiva, (8-10) Encapsulation is a major problem occurs around the end plate due to fibrous reaction and so the drainage of the aqueous is decreased , Epatein (11) attributed that to fibro vascular proliferation in the episcleral tissue .the fibrous reaction is multifactorial , it may be due to the size of the end plate, the biomaterial, design or the shape of the plate. The use of drainage devices with advanced drug delivery system can improve the success of drainage device. A double-layered porous coating for Ahmed glaucoma valves based on biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) was described by Ponnusamy et al. [12] to produce continuous release of antifibrotic agents [mitomycin C (MMC) and/or 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)] to the subconjunctival space. This release continue for about one month with decreasing fibrosis, the nanofiltration membrane could entrap the proteins passing out from the anterior chamber leading to minimal increase in aqueous resistance.(12-13)

Longitudinal Neuroimaging in Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Sturge-Weber SyndromeIn this project the accuracy of a novel, rapid magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approach to detect brain abnormalities in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) will be tested; this new imaging approach, that can create multiple types of MR images in about 5 minutes, without contrast administration (and sedation even in young children), can be also readily applied in other pediatric brain disorders in the future. The investigators will also study how advanced MRI, including susceptibility-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging can detect detailed signs of brain vascular and neuronal reorganization that helps improve neurological and cognitive outcome of children and young adults with SWS, who could benefit from targeted interventions in the future to minimize neurocognitive deficits in affected patients. All enrolled subjects will undergo advanced brain MRI and neurocognitive evaluation to achieve these goals.

Longitudinal Studies to Identify Biomarkers for Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Sturge-Weber SyndromeIndividuals with Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS) sometimes have brain involvement which can result in seizures, stroke-like episodes and neurologic deficits. The purpose of this study is to integrate longitudinal clinical data, radiological data, and blood biomarkers of Sturge-Weber syndrome patients. The research aims are: To integrate longitudinal clinical data, radiological data, and blood biomarkers of Sturge-Weber syndrome patients. Identify plasma and imaging biomarkers sensitive to exacerbation of clinical symptoms including seizures, headaches, or stroke-like episodes. For enrolled patients who present with severe neurological symptoms screen blood samples for inflammatory changes. The target enrollment for this study is about 250 individuals diagnosed with Sturge-Weber Syndrome. The goal of this study is to understand more about Sturge-Weber Syndrome, the possible treatments for this disease, and identify targets for clinical trials. Those participating in the database will be asked to consent to blood draws.

Treatment of Port-wine Mark in Sturge-Weber Syndrome Using Topical Timolol
Sturge Weber SyndromePort-wine MarkPrimary Objective: • To assess the possible utility of topical timolol in the management of port-wine mark (PWM) in Sturge-Weber syndrome in children.

Cannabidiol Expanded Access Study in Medically Refractory Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Sturge-Weber SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to determine the tolerability and optimal dose of cannabidiol (CBD) as an simultaneous treatment in children and young adults with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) and drug resistant epilepsy.

Use of the Atkins Diet for Children With Sturge Weber Syndrome
EpilepsySturge Weber SyndromeThis research is being done to find out if the Atkins Diet can be used safely and effectively to reduce seizures in children who have Sturge Weber syndrome. The ketogenic diet is a proven therapy for epilepsy, but can be difficult to use in children. The Atkins Diet is a high fat, high protein, low carbohydrate diet introduced in the 1970s to help with weight loss. It is different from the ketogenic diet in four major ways: no calorie restriction, no fluid restriction, no protein restriction, and is easy to start outside the hospital. People on the Atkins Diet become ketotic (produce high levels of ketones, a certain substance in the body), like patients on the ketogenic diet, and the investigators believe this may lead to seizure control. Children aged 2-18 with Sturge Weber syndrome and seizures at least monthly, who have used at least two anti-seizure drugs may join. 5 children in total will be enrolled.

Novel Cognitive Treatment Targets for Epidiolex in Sturge- Weber Syndrome
Sturge-Weber SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to better understand the utility of cannabidiol (CBD/ Epidiolex) for improving the treatment of cognitive impairments in Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS).

Trial of Sirolimus for Cognitive Impairment in Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Sturge-Weber SyndromeThe purpose of this research study is to gain a preliminary understanding of the safety of sirolimus in Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) and determine best outcomes to be used to assess the utility of sirolimus for the treatment of cognitive impairments related to Sturge-Weber syndrome.

A Study to Determine the Safety and Tolerability of 2 Concentrations of QLS-101
Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS)Glaucoma2 moreSafety and tolerability study of 2 concentrations of QLS-101 for adult subjects with Sturge Weber Syndrome (SWS)-related glaucoma due to elevated episcleral venous pressure (EVP).

Safety and Tolerability Study of QLS-101 in Adolescents With Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS)-Related...
Sturge-Weber SyndromeGlaucoma1 moreOpen-label study of an investigational product (IP), QLS-101, with 28-day every morning (QAM) dosing to both eyes (OU) in adolescents with SWS who have clinical evidence of glaucoma and/or ocular hypertension (OHT) related to SWS elevated EVP in at least one eye.