Implementing PrEP for Women Who Inject Drugs
HIVIntravenous Substance Abuse4 moreWomen who inject drugs are among the most vulnerable to acquiring HIV, but very few women who inject drugs are prescribed pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention largely due to barriers within our healthcare system. This research will consider the perspectives of women who inject drugs, healthcare providers, and clinic leadership to improve the way primary care and reproductive health clinics deliver PrEP to women who inject drugs, thereby reducing new HIV infections in this population.

Postoperative Antibiotic Management Duration Following Surgery for Intravenous Drug Abuse (IVDA)...
EndocarditisThe purpose of this study is to determine the safety and compliance of initial intravenous (IV) antibiotics followed by oral antibiotic therapy following uncomplicated IVDA endocarditis. Endocarditis has a high rate of sickness and death, involves a long hospitalization and a long-term use of IV antibiotics necessitating six (6) weeks of in-patient hospital stay, and comes with a high cost.

A Cross-Sectional Observational Study on Retained Drug Needle Fragments in People Who Use Intravenous...
Drug AbuseIntravenous4 moreIn addition to the well-known toxicological harms of intravenous drug (IVD) use, there can also be local tissue complications, including infections, venous sclerosis, tissue necrosis, and drug needle fragment retentions. Drug needle fragments in subcutaneous tissue may cause local symptoms (usually pain and infections), but they have also been identified as causing emboli to organs. The literature has described numerous case reports of people who inject drugs (PWIDs) and have retained needle fragments. The prevalence of the condition is not known, and the researchers therefore aim to perform the first cross-sectional study of PWIDs to estimate how common needle fragment retentions are and what their risk factors are in this population.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD)-Associated Infections' Treatment With Dalbavancin ENabling OUtpatient...
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsGram-Positive Bacteraemia2 moreThe Investigators aim to study the outcomes of serious infections due to vancomycin susceptible infections in gram-positive organisms susceptible to vancomycin in people who use drugs (PWUD). The Investigators hypothesize, that a simplified 2-dose dalbavancin regimen, will improve compliance with antimicrobial therapy and that it may facilitate engagement in the treatment of the underlying substance use disorder, and particularly injection drug use - often the true etiology behind these severe infections.

Telemedicine and Social Media for People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in Greece
Drug AbuseIntravenous3 moreThe current study seeks to address questions regarding internet and social media usage as well as telemedicine concept and knowledge, by conducting targeted focus group discussions (FGDs) and administering cross-sectional questionnaires among PWID in Greece. Further parameters, such as perceptions for high-quality healthcare access, confidentiality, privacy, and security, will also be explored.

The Long-Term Treatment of Drug Addiction and Unemployment
Substance AbuseIntravenousThe purpose of this clinical trial is to evaluate the effectiveness and economic benefits of a Wage Supplement Model of arranging long-term exposure to employment-based abstinence reinforcement.

Psychoeducation Reaches HCV-infected Methadone/Buprenorphine Substituted Patients in Standard Antiviral...
Intravenous Drug AbuseChronic Hepatitis CStudy objective: Feasibility and efficacy of a standardised psychosocial intervention (psychoeducation) in substituted opioid dependent patients

Hepatitis C Treatment in PWIDs: MAT or Syringe Exchange Assisted-therapy vs Standard of Care
Hepatitis CSubstance Use Disorders2 morehepatitis C virus (HCV) has traditionally been treated in subspecialty health centers given the complexity of older pegylated interferon containing regimens, formerly the standard of care. This model has persisted into the modern era of direct anti-viral agents (DAAs) despite their relative simplicity, creating a bottleneck of human resources necessary to fight the largest infectious epidemic in North America. In addition, stigma and fear over cost has lead payers to restrict treatment in People Who Inject Drugs (PWIDs), even though a majority of new infections occur in this population. This study evaluates the effectiveness of treatment of HCV with elbasvir-grasoprevir in PWIDs in a real world, community health clinic setting. There are two prospective cohorts of PWIDs of 25 patients each, both in primary care-based community health clinics in Portland, Oregon. Cohort one is actively engaged with ambulatory medication assisted therapy with buprenorphine or extended released injectable naltrexone. Cohort two maintains active injection drug use with needle exchange and risk reduction education. These groups are compared to a 50 patient retrospective cohort of people with substance use disorders at tertiary care hepatology-based treatment program. All patients have genotype 1 or 4 HCV and are treated with elbasvir-grasoprevir for 12 weeks. The investigators hypothesize there is no difference in sustained viremic response at 12 or 48 weeks post-completion of treatment (SVR 12, 48) when treating patients in a community health clinic setting as compared to the standard-of-care subspecialty setting.

Stage III Community-based Efficacy Trial for Mothering From the Inside Out
AddictionSubstance Abuse Drug Chronic9 moreThis is a Stage III community-based randomized clinical efficacy trial testing Mothering from the Inside Out (MIO), the first evidence-based parenting intervention designed to be delivered by addiction counselors in addiction treatment settings where parents of young children are enrolled in treatment.

Non-Invasive Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Opioid Use Disorders
Substance-Related DisordersSubstance Use Disorders8 moreSubjects in this study will be patients with opioid use disorders (OUDs) based on DSM-5 criteria recruited from the greater Atlanta metropolitan region. Recruitment will be from treatment programs in the greater Atlanta Metropolitan Region including the DeKalb Community Service Board residential, detoxification and other treatment programs which with over 30,000 patient visits per year represents the largest treatment program in one of two urban counties in greater Atlanta. This trial involves a second phase after completing an exploratory study in 20 patients with OUDs to assess different timing parameters of nVNS effects on sympathetic measures and symptoms of craving, as well as modelling to verify and iteratively refine the methods for vagal nerve stimulation. The investigators in this trial will then apply nVNS comparing active (N=10) to sham (N=10) in OUD patients recently started on medication, looking at opioid craving, brain functional response with HR-PET, and cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarker responses to imagery-induced opioid drug craving.