Prevention of Vasovagal Reactions in First-time Blood Donors Using a Combined PSYchological and...
Vasovagal ReactionThe prevention of vasovagal reactions (VVR) occurring during or after donation is a major issue for the French Blood Establishment (EFS), firstly to guarantee the safety of donors but also to retain them, as this reaction is one of the negative experiences affecting the return to donation. The EVASION study conducted in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region (AURA) on 4828 donors representative of the French donor population, reported a beneficial effect of muscle contraction exercises to prevent the occurrence of VVR during donation, while hydric solutions, and even more so isotonic solutions, were likely to decrease the frequency of delayed VVR. These preventive measures have been integrated into the internal guidelines and currently include muscular and breathing exercises and hydration. Nevertheless, the isotonic solution could not be routinely deployed for feasibility and cost reasons. A salty snack could replace the isotonic solution to produce the same effects with better feasibility and acceptability. Furthermore, a significant proportion of discomfort is psychological in origin, related to stress and anxiety which persist despite these measures, particularly in the first-time donor population. These measures, which are mainly focused on the prevention of VVR of physiological origin, are still insufficient and can be optimized and complemented to reduce the occurrence of VVR, especially in first-time donors for whom anxiety and stress play an important role in the etiology of VVR. Two measures could further reduce the occurrence of VVR: Reinforcement of the physiological strategy: ingestion of a salty snack before donation, the effect of which could be similar to the effect of the isotonic solution, which could not be delivered in practice because of its cost following the data of the EVASION study. Addition of a psychological strategy: flyer given at the interview presenting the four most frequent fears as well as a description of the recommended muscular and respiratory exercises, followed by the execution of the recommended exercises before the sampling. Hypothesis is that the combination of a psychological and physiological strategies would allow a reduction of the occurrence of immediate and/or 48 h delayed VVR during the whole blood donation in first time donors compared to the current practices.

Postural Tachycardia Syndrome and Vasovagal Syncope in Relation to Serum Electrolytes and Adrenal...
POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia SyndromeThe present study aims to: Estimate the prevalence of Postural Tachycardia Syndrome and vasovagal syncope among adults patients attend the Internal Medicine Clinic and ICU in period from 11/2022 to 10/2023 Detect of causes and the relationship between POTS and vasovagal syncope and serum electrolytes, and serum cortisol.

The Tilt Test-Induced REsponse in Closed-loop Stimulation (TIRECS) Study
SyncopeVasovagal1 moreMulticentre, prospective, double blinded, randomized study designed as an intrapatient comparison to evaluate the effects of the Biotronik Closed-loop Stimulation algorithm on prevalence and timing of haemodynamic variations and clinical prodromes induced by head-up tilt test in patients underwent pacemaker implantation for refractory cardioinhibitory vasovagal syncope.

Second Study on Cardio-neuromodulation in Humans
Cardiac DiseaseSyncope3 moreDifferent approaches to cardio-neuroablation (CNA) to treat neurally mediated syncope, sinus node dysfunction, and functional atrioventricular block have been published. Investigators have developed a more limited and specific approach of CNA, called cardio-neuromodulation (CardNM). This treatment is based on a tailored vagolysis of the sinoatrial node through partial ablation of the anterior right ganglionated plexus (ARGP); it is also based on an innovative anatomic strategy. The feasibility of CardNM has already been tested in our center in a limited first study in humans (CardNMH1), with a favorable outcome for the patients involved. The results of CardNMH1 have been submitted for publication. The purpose of this second study of CardNM in humans (CardNMH2) is to collect more procedural and clinical data in well-defined patient groups.

Effect of Closed Loop Pacemaker Treatment on Recurrent Vasovagal Syncope
Vasovagal SyncopeThe main purpose is to prevent syncope in patients with recurrent syncopal episodes caused by malignant vasovagal faints and bradycardia. Patients are treated by a special pacemaker (closed loop stimulation [CLS]) which can potentially identify an incipient attack and prevent syncope by pacing.

The Effect of CPC on Aborting Tilt Induced Syncope in Patients With a History of Vasovagal Syncope...
SyncopeVasovagalSyncope is defined as transient loss of consciousness associated with inability to maintain postural tone with rapid and spontaneous recovery. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of sublingual administration of a new medication called CPC on tilt-induced syncope in patients with a history of vasovagal syncope (VVS) or near syncope. 140 participants were randomized at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Each participant will be in the study for 1 day.

Benefit of Dual-chamber Pacing With Closed Loop Stimulation (CLS) in Tilt-induced Cardioinhibitory...
SyncopeThe purpose of this study is to assess whether the Closed Loop Stimulation (CLS) in addition to the DDD pacing is effective in reducing syncopal recurrences. The study hypothesis is that DDD pacing with CLS stimulation is able to prevent syncopal recurrences completely or partially by transforming syncope in pre-syncope.

Clinical Trial for the Prevention of Vasovagal Syncope
SyncopeVasovagal1 moreThe main question in the study is whether people taking fludrocortisone are less likely to faint than people taking an inactive pill called a placebo. Fludrocortisone is a drug that stimulates the body to retain salt and water. The investigators know from some studies that it might prevent people from fainting at home and in the community, while they are carrying on with their lives. There is some evidence that salt and water retention help prevent fainting, but no one has a clear idea about whether this is true. This study will try to determine if that is true.

Assessment of the Mechanism of Non-cardiac Syncope
SyncopeSyncope4 moreIdentifying the mechanism of non-cardiac syncope is the essential prerequisite for an effective personalized therapy. Aim of this multicentre, prospective, cross-sectional, observational study is to assess effectiveness and diagnostic yield of a two-step standardized assessment which consists of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and of tilt-table Short Cardiovascular Autonomic Function Battery (SCAFB) which consists in carotid sinus massage (CSM), limited to patients ≥40-year-old, standing test, and head-up tilt test (HUT) performed one after the other in an uninterrupted sequence as a single procedure on a tilt table

The Effectiveness of Metoprolol in the Prevention of Syncope Recurrence in Children and Adolescents...
SyncopeVasovagalThe purpose of this study to evaluate the effectiveness of metoprolol versus conventional treatment in the prevention of syncope recurrence in children and adolescents.