Study to Investigate the Influence of Compression Treatment in Patients With Pelvic Congestion Syndrome...
Pelvic Congestive SyndromePelvic vein embolization (PVE) is the current treatment procedure used to treat women with Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS). This treatment is not widely available, and many women when diagnosed with PCS cannot afford treatment. The purpose of this study is to assess whether compression therapy is an effective alternative treatment to PVE for women who are unwilling or unable to undergo treatment by PVE. Compression therapy would provide a cost-effective alternative to coil embolization.

ASC - Autism Study
Autism Spectrum DisorderGastrointestinal Dysfunction3 moreThe ASC - Autism Pilot Study is a single center randomized open dose titrating phase I clinical intervention pilot trial with the aim of investigating safety and treatment effect of an allogeneic adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stromal cell product (C2C_ASC) in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Brief Internet-delivered CBT After ACS
Psychological TraumaAcute Coronary SyndromeThe purpose of the present pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility and potential efficacy of a brief, internet-delivered CBT protocol provided early after acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

A Pilot Study of Metformin to Reduce Cerebrovascular Dysfunction in Participants With HIV and Metabolic...
Metabolic SyndromeHIV SeropositivityMetabolic syndrome is a constellation of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus which frequently occur together. Data is emerging suggesting metabolic syndrome causes brain disease by contributing to blood vessel damage and inflammation. People living with HIV (PLWH) are at high risk and the investigators will perform a pilot study of the well-known type 2 diabetes drug metformin to treat this blood vessel damage and inflammation in PLWH.

Low Intensity Ultrasound in Patients With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeTo investigate the influence of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on Pain level, pinch grip strength, sensory distal latency of the median nerve, motor distal latency of the median nerve and hand function in patients with chronic carpal tunnel syndrome

Impact of 60 Days Powdered Tart Cherry Supplementation on Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic SyndromeMetabolic syndrome (MetSyn) is a growing health concern, with up to 25% of the worlds population having the syndrome. MetSyn is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes development, and is independently associated with all-cause mortality, making it an important disease target. The primary treatment for MetSyn is exercise and weight loss, along with medically necessary treatment. Exercise, along with dietary changes such as increased fiber and polyphenol intake can positively impact many of the metabolic abnormalities seen with MetSyn. For example, polyphenols have been shown to decrease lipid concentration and improved glucose clearance as well as decreased oxidative stress and inflammation. Powdered tart cherry capsules, which contain the skin of the fruit, provides polysaccharides (fiber) that would likely act as a substrate for gut bacteria degradation, providing energy substrates and barrier integrity to the colonocytes and increasing the bioavailability of the polyphenols to other cells in the body. However there have been no long-term investigations into the use of powdered tart cherry supplements in MetSyn, therefore we aim to determine if 60 days tart cherry supplementation modify criteria for MetSyn in currently diagnosed individuals including body mass, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood lipid levels and blood glucose control.

TPN-101 in Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS)
Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS)A phase 2a multi-center, open-label single dose level study of TPN-101 in Patients with Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Post-Concussion Syndrome
Post-Concussion SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to decrease symptom burden, improve cognitive function, and improve quality of life outcomes in subjects with mild TBI and persisting post-concussion syndrome using Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment compared to a sham intervention. Specific Aims: Evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen treatment to improve outcomes for adults with persisting post-concussion syndrome. Specifically, the investigators hypothesize that a prescribed course of hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT) will improve outcomes and quality of life in adults with persisting symptoms >3 months after injury. Decrease symptom burden as measured by the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ). Improve cognitive function as measured by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Toolbox Cognition Battery. Improve quality of life as measured by the 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36). Assess the safety and tolerability of hyperbaric oxygen treatments and compliance with treatment in adults with persisting post-concussion syndrome.

Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Tenapanor for the Treatment of IBS-C
Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Constipation (IBS-C)This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of tenapanor (25 mg and 50 mg) in pediatric patients (≥12 and <18 years old) with IBS-C when administered twice daily (BID) for 12 consecutive weeks.

Hypnotherapy Through Self-exercises in Children With Functional Abdominal Pain in Primary Care
Functional Gastrointestinal DisordersIrritable Bowel Syndrome1 moreThe goal of this randomised controlled trial is to study the (cost-)effectiveness of home-based hypnotherapy by self-exercises in children with functional abdominal pain (FAP) or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in primary care. The main questions it aims to answer are: What is the effect of home-based hypnotherapy by self-exercises on adequate relief of abdominal pain and discomfort in addition to care as usual of general practitioners (GPs), compared to care as usual of GPs alone in children with FAP or IBS? What is the effect of home-based hypnotherapy by self-exercises in addition to care as usual by GPs compared to care as usual of GPs alone in children with FAP or IBS on: Frequency and intensity of abdominal pain and discomfort Pain severity Daily functioning and impact Anxiety and depression Pain beliefs Sleep disturbances School absence Use of health care services, including GP visits and referrals to secondary care Costs (healthcare and societal perspective) Participants in the intervention group will receive home-based hypnotherapy 5 times a week for approximately 15-20 minutes a day during 3 months in addition to care as usual by their GP according to the Dutch society of GPs' guideline for children with abdominal pain. Participants in the control group will receive care as usual by their GP according to the Dutch society of GPs' guideline for children with abdominal pain.