Different Endodontic Treatment Techniques in Postoperative Symptoms, Apical Repair, Longevity of...
Endodontically Treated TeethPostoperative Pain2 moreObjective: The objective of this study will be to evaluate the effectiveness of different endodontic treatment techniques in postoperative symptoms, apical repair, longevity of rehabilitations, and oral health-related quality of life. Methods: This prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical study was approved at the Research Ethics Committee (nº 2.353.996) and will consist of a sample of 350 patients who will be attended in the clinics of the Federal University of Fluminense/Institute of Health of Nova Friburgo (UFF/ISNF), in which they will be selected based on eligibility criteria. Patients aged up to 18 years, with teeth with necrotic pulps and radiographic evidence of periapical lesion will be included. These patients will be randomly divided into 8 groups: I (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, sodium hypochlorite as irrigant, lateral condensation filling with MTA Fillapex; II (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, sodium hypochlorite as irrigant, photobiomodulation (aPDT and LLLT), lateral condensation filling with MTA Fillapex; III (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, chlorhexidine as irrigant, lateral condensation filling with MTA fillapex; IV (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, sodium hypochlorite as irrigant, lateral condensation filling with AH Plus; V (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, sodium hypochlorite as irrigant, cryotherapy with saline solution, lateral condensation filling with MTA Fillapex; VI (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, sodium hypochlorite as irrigant, cryotherapy with saline solution, lateral condensation filling with AH Plus; VII (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, sodium hypochlorite as irrigant, ozone therapy, lateral condensation filling with MTA Fillapex; VIII (35 patients): unirradicular teeth will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, sodium hypochlorite as irrigant, ozone therapy, lateral condensation filling with AH Plus; IX (35 patients): molars will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, conventional irrigation with sodium hypochlorite, lateral condensation filling with MTA fillapex; X (35 patients): molars will be submitted to endodontic treatment with foraminal enlargement, instrumentation with reciprocating rotation, passive ultrasonic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite, lateral condensation filling with MTA fillapex. The analysis of the postoperative symptoms will be performed by the visual analog pain scale at 1th, 2th, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 14th and 30th days and by the clinical evaluation of edema in 48 and 72 hours. The periapical lesion repair will be evaluated clinically and radiographically at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. The longevity of rehabilitations will be performed clinically and radiographically for 24 months. In addition, patients will respond a quality of life questionnaire (OHIP-14) on the day of endodontic treatment, on the 7th day and on the 30th day. Data analysis: The data will be inserted into a statistical program (SPSS), obtaining the frequencies of the characterization variables of the sample. The appropriate tests will be used to compare the means of the groups.

Impression & Prosthesis Quality Made From Different Polyvinylsiloxane Impression Techniques
Endodontically Treated TeethMissing Teeth5 moreThis randomized controlled trial is to clinically assess and compare impression quality of polyvinylsiloxane impression material using one step (experimental) and two step (control) impression techniques and its effect on marginal fit of prosthesis and proximal contact of prosthesis.

Comparison Between RCT in Single and Two Visits, With and Without Intracanal Dressing, in Apical...
TeethEndodontically-Treated5 moreThis is a randomized, prospective, double-blind, controlled clinical trial designed to evaluate 3 distinct clinical approaches used during endodontic therapy: Group 1- Root canal treatment in single visit (RCT-SV); Group 2- Root canal treatment in two visits with intracanal dressing (RCT-TVWD); Group 3- Root canal treatment in two visits without intracanal dressing (RCT-TVWOD). A total of 210 adult patients ages 18 to 60 years, with at least one tooth diagnosed with asymptomatic apical periodontitis and periradicular lesion will be randomized and will undergo one of the types of clinical approaches during endodontic therapy. Patients' postoperative pain levels will also be recorded in periods of 24, 48, 72 hours and 7 days. Subsequently, clinical findings and long-term follow-up evaluations, with periradicular repair will be performed by periapical radiograph and computed tomography (cone-beam) at 6th, 12th and 24th months.

Dental Photography and Numeric Shade Quantification as a Substitute to Conventional and Instrumental...
DiscolorationTooth3 moreVisual shade matching is the most common method, in which a color standard from a commercially available dental shade guide is compared to and matched with the target tooth. However, several factors can contribute to perception errors including: different lighting variables, multiple shade systems available in the market with lack of standardization in color systems and corresponding porcelain systems, individual human variables in color perception and lack of understanding of color science. Therefore, in order to eliminate the uncontrolled variables during the color matching process, instrumental methods have been developed. Spectrophotometric measurement methods employing computer calculations, based on color science and theories, allow quantitative evaluation which is objective and appears to be more accurate. However, extremely high costs, relatively low performance with respect to agreements of the computer-aided devices, and edge loss error make it less acceptable. One of the most powerful tools in communicating with both patients and dental ceramists is digital photography. Hence, this study is designed to explore the possibilities of a novel approach to shade management (eLABor_aid) utilizing a photocolorimetric (PCM) method and subsequent shade formulation without the use of stock shade guides in comparison to well-known visual and instrumental methods. The aim of the study is to evaluate the accuracy of digital photography combined with shade analyzing software (eLAB) in optimizing shade matching when compared to conventional and instrumental methods of shade selection. A Null Hypothesis is suggested where no significant difference regarding shade selection between eLAB protocol, conventional and instrumental methods will be found.

Outcome of Endodontic Treatment and Retreatment With a Bioceramic Sealer
Endodontic DiseaseEndodontically Treated TeethThis study is a prospective randomized controlled study of patients who come to the University. The aim is to evaluate the success rate of treatment and retreatment of canals using BioRoot ™ RCS cement compared with AH Plus up to 6 years of follow-up. The null hypothesis is that there will be no statistically significant differences in rates of successful treatment of root canals filled with BioRoot ™ RCS compared to gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer.

Outcome of Endodontic Retreatment in One or Two Visits
Endodontic DiseaseEndodontically Treated Teeth1 moreThis study is a prospective randomized controlled study of patients who come to the University and non-surgical root canal retreatment is considered as the election of choice in presence of periapical disease. The aim is to evaluate the success rate of non-surgical retreatment performed in one compared to two visit treatment up to 10 years of follow-up. The null hypothesis is that there will be no statistically significant differences in rates of success, when performing root canal non-surgical retreatment in one or two visits.

The Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth Using Indirect Full Coverage Restorations Compared...
Endodontically Treated TeethThe use of full cuspal coverage restoration for the management root treated teeth was advocated by many clinical studies and supported by systematic reviews. However, most of the studies did not take into account the amount of tooth structure remaining before providing cuspal coverage. The strength and fracture resistance of the tooth has been shown to be positively correlated with the amount of tooth structure remaining. A more conservative treatment option could be selected for a root treated tooth with good amount of remaining tooth structure such as direct restorations. The aims of this randomized clinical trial is to compare the survival and success of root treated teeth with occlusal cavities and at least three intact axial walls, when restored through the use of indirect full cuspal coverage restorations vs direct composite resin restorations.

Alternative EndoCrowns Designs for Chairside CAD/CAM
Endodontically Treated TeethThis investigation will be a longitudinal clinical trial to study the association of preparation design on the internal and marginal adaptation of the resulting restorations and the long-term clinical performance of chairside CAD/CAM endocrown restorations. Advanced lithium disilicate chairside CAD/CAM endocrowns (CEREC Tessera/Dentsply Sirona) will be adhesively bonded using a selective enamel etch technique with a universal adhesive (Prime and Bond Elect/Dentsply Sirona) and a dual cure resin adhesive cement (Calibra Ceram/Dentsply Sirona). All restorations will be followed over five years of clinical service.

Postoperative Pain After İntracanal Procedures
Endodontically Treated TeethAim: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different irrigation activation systems on pain after endodontic treatment in molar teeth with irreversible pulpitis.Post-operative pain values of the participants will be recorded and evaluated with the VAS scale. Postoperative pain values of the techniques will be compared with statistical evaluation.

Long-term Performance and Safety of Biodentine™ in Patients Treated for Endodontic Indications
Endodontically Treated TeethIn this observational, retro-prospective, and multicenter PMCF clinical investigation, Biodentine™, an active dentine substitute for professional dental use only, is evaluated at 10 years post-treatment, in its endodontic indications as followed: Repair of root or furcation perforations. Repair of root resorptions (internal and external). Root-end filling in endodontic surgery (retrograde filling). Apexification (tooth with open apex). Revitalization procedure by means of revascularization. Evaluation is done through a 10-year post-treatment follow-up with collection of radiographic, clinical examination and safety data.