Effect of Cervical Mobilization on Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
Rotator Cuff Tendinitisthis study aimed to investigate the effect of 3 types of cervical mobilization on the strength of shoulder abductors, external rotators and pain level in patient with rotator cuff tendinitis. the measurement will be made immediately, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes after mobilization

Effect of Collagen Supplementation on Tendinopathy
TendinopathyTendon injuries represent a significant problem in elite athletes. Therefore, prevention and effective treatment of tendon overload injury/tendinopathy is important. Among different treatment options, heavy-slow loading based rehabilitation is considered among the most efficient treatments in athletes. In this study, we will investigate if supplementation with hydrolyzed collagen in combination with a heavy-slow loading based 12 weeks rehabilitation regime can improve treatment of tendon overload injury/tendinopathy. The investigators will examine elite athletes with overload injury/tendinopathy with regards to symptoms (pain, function), tendon morphology (ultrasonography), and vascularization (Doppler US). The investigators hypothesize that collagen supplementation can have an improving effect on tendon pain and function. Thus, the investigation will show if a rehabilitation regime of collagen supplementation combined with heavy-slow mechanical loading can improve tendon healing compared to mechanical loading alone.

Efficacy and Safety of Salonsip Compared to Sabiá Plaster
ContusionsSprains3 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy in reducing signs and symptoms in patients with contusions, sprains, muscular injuries and injuries with less than 24 hours early or holders of myalgia, pain and tendonitis in regions miofasciais articulated with Salonsip compared to Sabiá plaster. It is clinical, open, multicenter, randomized, prospective and comparative, with patients entering at random. Patients will be included in sufficient quantity to achieve the minimum number of 70 evaluable patients.

Eccentric Training With or Without Elbow Brace for Epicondylitis
EpicondylitisTendinopathy1 moreLateral epicondylitis is a painful overuse condition also described as lateral elbow tendinopathy. As at the Achilles tendon or the patella tendon, lateral elbow tendinopathy has striking clinically and histologically similarities. As such, neovascularisation closely related to pain-mediating fibers are encountered. Eccentric painful exercise is of clinical use in Achilles and patella tendinopathy. We sought to evaluate the clinical effect of a painful eccentric training (supination and pronation) with or without a orthopedic elbow brace in lateral epicondylitis.

Autologous Stem Cells in Achilles Tendinopathy
Achilles TendinitisRight Leg6 moreThis study is looking at a new treatment, using the patient's own stem cells (the repair cells of the body), to see whether this can help reduce pain and promote healing of the Achilles tendon, without side effects.

Perineural Injection and Supraspinatus Tendenopathy
Supraspinatus TendinopathyAtotal of 150 consecutive patients with chronic supraspinatous tendinopathy were invited to participate in the study .patients were recruited from the out patient clinic of rheumatology and rehabilitation department,Mansoura university hospital a. perineural injection therapy group (subcutaneous prolotherapy) This group included 30 patients aged from 18 to 60 years Deep prolotherapy injection group The injection fluid contain 1 ml of 255 glucose and 1ml of lidocaine. The pathological area of the supraspinatous tendon was identified and graded using ultrasound pathology rating scale guided by ultrasonography (Simens Acuson p300 machine) Proper preparation with antiseptic solution of skin overlying the point of injection .

A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Transferring the Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon...
Achilles TendinopathyThe optimal surgical treatment for insertional Achilles tendinopathy remains unclear. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term outcome of surgical treatment by comparing the patient reported outcomes of Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy; Achilles tendon debridement, excision calcaneal exostosis, Strayer procedure, secondary repair of Achilles with flexor hallucis longus (FHL) transfer and Achilles tendon debridement, excision calcaneal exostosis, Strayer procedure, secondary repair of Achilles without FHL transfer.

Calcific Tendinitis: Comparing Minimally Invasive Modalities
Calcific TendinitisCalcific tendinitis is a common and challenging problem in the orthopedic surgeon's office. The chronic and variable course of the condition can lead to dissatisfaction with conservative management. Current standard of care at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is referral for treatment by either needle decompression therapy by a radiologist or shockwave therapy by a physiotherapist. The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacies of these treatment options.

Cartography and Quantitative Characterization of Achilles Tendon Fibrocartilage by TE = 0ms Imaging...
SpondyloarthropathyTendinopathyThe purpose of this study is to accurately map calcaneal fibrocartilage using TE = 0 ms imaging, and then apply measurements of our control population to SpA patients with peripheral enthesis study using the calcaneal tendon as a clinical model

Ultrasound Guided Interventions of Calcific Tendonitis of Rotator Cuff (SUCTION)
Rotator Cuff Calcific TendonitisThe purpose of this study is to determine whether minimally invasive treatments like ultrasound guided needle fragmentation with and without lavage is associated with better clinical outcomes compared to the subacromial bursal corticosteroid injection treatment only.