Pilot Study of the Osteo-Fluidic-Sensitive (OFS) in Tension-type Headache.
Tension-Type Headache EpisodicThe hypothesis of the study is the Osteo-fluidic-Senstive is effective for lowering headache pains (Reduction of the number of days of headaches per month) for patients having frequent episodic tension-type headache. The OFS method will improve quality of life and will reduce the consumption of crisis treatments. Compare the efficacy of the Osteo-Fluidic-Sensitive method versus a placebo method on patients with tension type headache for the reduction of the number of days of headaches per month after 3 months of treatment at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Poitiers.

Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Headache
Cervicogenic HeadacheTension-Type HeadacheThis is a pilot and feasibility randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy in patients with tension-type and cervicogenic headache.

Botulinum Toxin A in Frequent and Chronic Tension-type Headache
Tension-Type HeadacheChronic tension-type headache (CTTH) is an underestimated disabling condition that affects a large number of patients. The treatment options for both episodic tension-type headaches, but especially CTTH are few. Poor long-term effects of existing treatment for CTTH (Sarotex, SSRIs, physiotherapy) are reported. Patients with CTTH also have a high risk of developing drug overdose headache (MOH). Non-drug treatments with physiotherapy or alternative medicine also show poor long-term effects. Literature reviews show that there is surprisingly little research on CTTH. Some small clinical trials report a good effect of treatment with botulinum toxin A, but larger controlled trials are needed to confirm or deny this. The investigators will study effect of treatment with botulinum toxin A in CTTH in BACT study, and will include participants with both frequent and chronic TTH with 10 or more headache days per month. If BACT outcomes are positive, this will open a possibility for a new treatment for TTH patients.

Fascial Distortion Model in Tension Type Headache
Postural; DefectTension-Type Headache4 moreTension-type headache is a headache that starts from the cervical and suboccipital regions, spreads from the back of the head to the parietal, frontal and temporal regions, and is felt in the form of compression, pressure and heaviness. Increased muscle and fascia tone in the cervical and cranial region, together with active trigger points and factors that trigger pain, cause tension-type headache. Head and neck fascia serves as an important proprioceptive structure in our body. Abnormal inputs from mechanoreceptors and structures around the joint cause deterioration in joint position sense. This study was planned to investigate the effects of the new facial distortion model on pain intensity, cervical posture and joint position sense, unlike the manual techniques used in previous studies in tension-type headache.

Laser Therapy on Tension-type Cephalea and Orofacial Pain in Post-covid-19 Patients
Tension-Type HeadacheOrofacial Pain1 moreConsidering the auxiliary potential effect of photobiomodulation in controlling persistent CTT and TMD-related pain in patients who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and are recovered from the viral infection, we intend to conduct a clinical trial comparing two modalities of therapeutic laser application: local application and transcutaneous application in the radial artery. One of the main advantages of auxiliary techniques in pain control is the decrease of the use of drugs for analgesia, avoiding side effects and tolerance caused by them, and promoting an improvement in the individual's quality of life.

Progressive Relaxation Training Effect On Pain, Activity And Social Participation In Women With...
PainChronic2 moreObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the effects of PRT on pain characteristics, attack frequency, activity self-efficacy perception, and social participation in women with two different types of headaches, TTH and migraine. Methods: A total of 58 women within the age range of 20 to 45 were screened for eligibility in terms of suitability for participation in the study. Two separate progressive relaxation training sessions were administered to two distinct groups: one comprised of women with TTH and the other consisting of women with migraine. Pre- and post-training assessments were conducted for both groups as follows. Both intervention groups were instructed and trained by a physiotherapist 2times a week for 30 minutes each over 6 weeks,

Vitamin D Supplementation in Episodic and Chronic Tension-type Headache
Chronic Tension-Type HeadacheThe goal of this clinical trial is to learn about the effect of vitamin D in patients with prophylactic therapy for episodic and chronic tension-type headache in amitriptyline or topiramate treatment. The main question it aims to answer are: • What is the effect of vitamin D in patients with prophylactic therapy for episodic and chronic tension-type headache? Patients will have the next selection criteria: Patients diagnosed by a neurologist in the headache clinic Criteria for episodic and chronic tension-type headache Poor clinical response to prophylactic treatment (amitriptyline, topiramate) Use of at least 1 prophylactic medication or a history of having used them. Onset of disease between the ages of 18 and 60 Signature of informed consent The population will be randomly divided into the following 3 treatment groups: Participants amitriptyline or topiramate treatment. Patients with placebo (Calcium) + topiramate/amitriptyline, Participants with vitamin D3/calcium+topiramate/amitriptyline. Researchers will compare the groups to see if vitamin D can decrease the intensity of your headache and therefore have a new therapeutic option.

Vestibulodynia: Understanding Pathophysiology and Determining Appropriate Treatments
VestibulodyniaTemporomandibular Disorder8 moreVestibulodynia (VBD) is a complex chronic vulvar pain condition that impairs the psychological, physical, and sexual health of 1 in 6 reproductive aged women in the United States. Here, the investigators plan to conduct a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial to 1) compare the efficacy of peripheral (lidocaine/estradiol cream), centrally-targeted (nortriptyline), and combined treatments in alleviating pain and improving patient-reported outcomes and 2) determine cytokine and microRNA biomarkers that predict treatment response in women with distinct VBD subtypes. Positive findings from this study will readily translate to improved patient care, permitting the millions of women with VBD, their partners, and their clinicians to make more informed decisions about pain management.

HVLAT, Electric DN, Exercise Vs. Mobilization, STM, Exercise, TENS for Tension Type Headaches
Tension-Type HeadacheThe purpose of this research is to compare two different approaches for treating patients with tension-type headaches: thrust Manipulation, electric dry Needling and exercise Vs. non-thrust mobilization, soft-tissue mobilization, exercise and TENS. Physical therapists commonly use all of these techniques to treat tension-type headaches. This study is attempting to find out if one treatment strategy is more effective than the other.

Exercise Treatment in Tension Type Headache
Tension-Type HeadacheTension-type headache (TTH) is a common type of headache. Its incidence in women has been reported as 18%. It is thought to be associated with stress, contractions in peripheral muscles, and changes in pain transmission and inhibition mechanisms in the central nervous system. As a chronic pain, it can cause a decrease in the quality of life and work capacity, and significant disabilities in daily living activities and functions of the person. Exercise treatments are one of the non-pharmacological methods in the management of TTH. Exercise reduces pain by activating descending inhibitory pathways, reducing stress response, increasing relaxation and oxygenation, and thus provides healing. By this mechanism, the effects of aerobic exercise programs on pain severity, depression, and quality of life in migraine and TTH have been demonstrated. One of the underlying causes of TTH is head-forward posture, causing ischemia, increased muscle tone, and abnormal loads in the upper cervical region. Therefore, cervical region strengthening and deep cervical flexor stabilization exercises also have an effect on TTH. Although it has been shown in the literature that different types of isolated exercise are superior to control groups in TTH, there is a need for higher quality studies showing the effect of exercise. There is a lack of evidence on the feasibility and effectiveness of combined exercise programs. It is thought that additional benefits can be obtained by using exercise types in combination in order to focus on the central and peripheral mechanisms of TTH. The effects of a structured exercise program in which aerobic, strengthening, and stretching exercises are used together are intriguing. The aim of our study is to determine the effects of the structured exercise program and whether it is superior to isolated aerobic exercises. Our study will also provide evidence to the literature on the effects of aerobic exercise programs. 64 volunteer patients who were diagnosed with chronic TTH in the neurology outpatient clinic and met the inclusion criteria will be included. Participants will be included in one of the structured exercise programs and aerobic exercise programs. Both exercise programs are planned for 12 weeks, 2 days a week for 45 minutes. Participants will be evaluated with outcome scales before and after exercise programs.