Inter-Observer Reliability and Accuracy of Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion in Patients...
Pulmonary EmbolismThe purpose of this study will be to evaluate the measurement of tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) by emergency physician performed echocardiogram on patients with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) who are scheduled to get a computed tomography of the pulmonary arteries (CTPA)

Clinical Echography in Emergency Prognostic Evaluation of Pulmonary Embolism: ECU -EP Study.
EmbolismPulmonaryPulmonary Embolism (PE) is a frequent disease, the third cause of cardiovascular death after stroke and myocardial infarction. According to European guidelines of European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and of European Respiratory Society (ERS), the prognostic stratification of PE severity is mandatory as soon as PE is diagnosed. This stratification includes the hemodynamic status, and specific tools : the assessment of the sPESI score, and the evaluation of PE's impact on right ventricle (RV) : increased biomarkers (troponin, BNP) and right ventricle/left ventricle (RV/LV) ratio. the RV/LV ration may be evaluated ideally by transthoracic echo (TTE), or by CT scan. Unfortunately, only 10% of patients with PE are evaluated with TTE by a cardiologist in the initial time of PE diagnosis. Hence, the CT scan is the most frequent way to assess RV/LV ratio. However, CT is not possible for all patients (patients with contra-indication) or may have difficulties to provide a clear assessment because of technical issues. Then, there is a need for morphological evaluation of RV as soon as PE is diagnosed, in every clinical setting. The improvement in technologies allowed the development of clinical echography (CE) in emergency departments. CE is already available, non-invasive, less expansive, and may be a good way to assess RV/LV ratio in patients with PE diagnosed in emergency departments. The investigators propose a prospective, multicenter study to assess the sensitivity of CE in patients with PE, compared to CT scan to detect RV/LV ≥0.9.

Registry Of Acute meDical Emergencies in Brazil
Acute Coronary SyndromesHeart Failure6 moreCritical patients in emergency room are seriously situations that need quickly diagnosis and treatment. Different predictors of prognosis can be related with mortality and morbidity in-hospital and in long-term. In Brazil, this kind of registry is not available. The aim of the study is analysis and report data about critical patients in Emergency Departments over all country, showing demographic, clinical and prognosis data about that in Brazil.

Etiologies, Investigations and Outcomes of Patients Presenting With Hemoptysis
HemoptysisHaemoptysis19 moreThe study consist of a retrospective analysis of the etiologies, investigations and outcomes of patients presenting between 2005 to 2010 with hemoptysis in a North-American Tertiary center.

Risk Assessment Strategies in Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary EmbolismThe aim of this study is to evaluate different scores of risk assessment in patients with pulmonary embolism. This study aim to compare the accuracy of these scores in predicting mortality during hospital admission.

Thromboembolic Events in Severe COVID-19 Patients
Pulmonary ThromboembolismThe main objective of this study is to describe the incidence of thromboembolic events in a population of patients hospitalized in intensive care units in France for severe COVID-19. The secondary objective of this study is to describe the evolution of hemostasis parameters during the first two weeks of intensive care hospitalization and to evaluate the influence of different anticoagulation regimens on these parameters and on the incidence of thromboembolic events

Vascular Abnormalities Detected With Chest CT in COVID-19
Covid19Pneumonia2 moreChest computed tomography of patients having coronavirus disease (COVID-19) will be analyzed with regards to vascular abnormalities (pulmonary embolism and vascular thickening), and their association with lung inflammation. The prevalence, severity, distribution, and prognostic value of chest CT findings will be assessed. Patients with vascular abnormalities will be compared to patients without, which is supposed to provide insights into the prognostic role of such abnormalities, and the potential impact on treatment strategy.

Does COVID-19 Infection Increase the Risk of Pulmonary Embolism?
Covid19Pulmonary EmbolismThe World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic on March 11, 2020. As of 19 July 2020, there have been 14.3 million confirmed cases and over 600,000 confirmed deaths. Up to 14% of infected patients develop interstitial pneumonia, which may evolve to acute respiratory distress syndrome. COVID-19 associated pulmonary arterial microthrombosis and coagulopathy has prompted physicians to implicate pulmonary embolism (PE) as a potential cause for acute respiratory deterioration. Literature review reveals few studies of varying size, quality and design. Recent meta-analysis reports venous thromboembolism in approximately 20% of COVID-19 patients. There has yet to be a case-controlled study which proves and quantifies the associated between COVID-19 and PE.Confirming and quantifying this association has numerous clinical implications for the treatment of critically unwell patients with COVID-19 infection. For example, clinicians will be more inclined to investigate and treat sudden deteriorations with the knowledge that pulmonary embolism is the commonest cause for said deteriorations.

Using a Novel Algorithm to Improve the Retrieval Rate of Inferior Vena Cava Filters (iRetrieve Study)...
Venous Thromboembolism,Pulmonary Embolism,1 moreSince 2003, that the first retrievable IVC filter was introduced in the U.S,improvements have been made in the filter design to resolve problems of structural integrity and increase the ability to remove the filter after longer periods of time.The FDA issued a communication in August 2010 advising physicians to remove retrievable filters whenever possible and updated that letter again in May 2014 due to concerns that these retrievable IVC filters, intended for short-term placement, are not always removed once a patient's risk for PE subsides. Known long term risks associated with IVC filters include but are not limited to lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT), filter fracture, filter migration, filter embolization and IVC perforation.

Prognostic Value of Prothrombin Fragments 1+2 for Pulmonary Embolism Incidence
Pulmonary DiseaseChronic Obstructive3 moreTo determine the possible association of prothrombin fragments 1+2 elevation with incidents of pulmonary embolism in patients with COPD exacerbation.