Ovarian Hyperstimulation and Fibrin Clot Properties.
Fibrin Blood ClotInfertility2 moreThe impact evaluation of ovarian hyperstimulation on coagulation and fibrinolysis in infertile women. Comparative analysis between different ovarian stimulation protocols on thrombin formation and efficiency of fibrinolysis in women diagnosed with infertility.

Study of the CAT RX Aspiration Catheter When Used in Patients With Large Occlusive Thrombus in Coronary...
Coronary Vessel OcclusionThe objective of this study is to demonstrate the safety and performance of the Indigo Aspiration System using the CAT RX aspiration catheter in a population presenting with acute high thrombus burden coronary vessel occlusion who are referred for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI).

Register of Patients Benefiting From a Coronary Bifurcation Angioplasty at the University Hospital...
Stent ThrombosisCardiovascular diseases are the second leading cause of death in France and the world's leading cause.Coronary bifurcations are conducive to the development of atheromatous lesions due to flow turbulence generating a pro-atherogenic effect. They represent about 15% of coronary lesions and 30% of lesions in pluri truncular patients.Coronary bifurcation angioplasty is a complex angioplasty with a high risk of complications.Numerous studies have compared different angioplasty techniques with 2 stents in bifurcation lesions. However, two studies of The Nordic-Baltic Bifurcation Study did not show at 6 months or 5 years of age any significant difference in major cardiovascular events (death, heart attack, stent thrombosis, emergency revascularization of the target vessel) in patients with a one-stent strategy compared to the systematic use of two stents. There are also several post-expansion techniques and the one that appears to be the most commonly used today (known as the "KISSING-BALLOON") consists of inflating two balloons at the same time, one in the main branch and the other in the daughter branch in order to open the meshes of the stent towards the daughter branch. Studies on a test bench to evaluate the deformation of a stent in different coronary anatomies according to the material and technique used have nevertheless revealed several limitations to this technique, in particular an elliptical deformation of the stent linked to the inflation of 2 simultaneous balloons. From this work, a new technique known as "POT SIDE POT" was born, consisting in post dilating the proximal part of the stent of the main branch in order to place it as closely as possible against the wall, then open the stent meshes towards the lateral branch by balloon dilation followed by a new post dilation of the proximal part of the mother branch stent to avoid the use of 2 simultaneous balloons and thus reduce stent deformation by maintaining a circular geometry while allowing proper stent attachment. However, to date, there are no clinical studies comparing the POT SIDE POT technique with that of KISSING-BALLOON in coronary bifurcation angioplasty. This is why we would like to compare these two post-dilation techniques by a retrospective study on the occurrence of major cardiovascular events and stent thrombosis in patients who received a coronary bifurcation angioplasty in 2017 at the University Hospital of Nîmes.

PMCF of Rotarex®S & Aspirex®S Catheters in Treating Thrombotic Occlusion of Arteriovenous Graft...
Arteriovenous Graft ThrombosisRetrospective Post-Market Clinical Follow Up of Rotarex®S & Aspirex®S Catheters in treating thrombotic occlusion of Arteriovenous Graft for dialysis access (Artificial Bypass)

Effect of Portal Vein Thrombosis on the Prognosis of Liver Cirrhosis
Liver CirrhosisPortal Vein3 moreThe prevalence of portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in patients with liver cirrhosis is 5-20%. Current evidence regarding the effect of portal vein thrombosis on the prognosis of cirrhotic patients remains under debate. Considering that PVT potentially elevates the portal pressure and thereby increase the risk of variceal bleeding, we focus on the patients with high-risk varices and variceal bleeding as the study population. Thus, the main goals are to analyze the effect of PVT on the incidence of first variceal bleeding in patients without any prior bleeding history but with high-risk varices, the incidence of recurrent variceal bleeding in patients with a history of variceal bleeding, and the treatment failure rate of variceal bleeding in patients with acute variceal bleeding. Certainly, the survival is also observed in all patients.

The Use of NMES as a Home-based Therapy Following Total Knee Arthroplasty
Venous ThrombosisThe use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) as a home-based therapy following total knee arthroplasty. Measures of interest: lower limb venous hemodynamics, joint range of motion, lower limb swelling, walking speed, quality of life, activities of daily living, device usability, device compliance, activity levels, and pain (VAS).

Heart and Hands Study II: A Retrospective Data Collection & Analysis Project
ThrombosisA recent pilot study conducted at HealthEast found use of manual pressure with the SoftSeal hemostatic pad for 15 minutes was successful in 9 out of 10 people fully anticoagluated using 4 French radial sheath. There was no evidence of radial artery occlusion in this small sample and bleeding was limited to grade 1. This evidence supports a larger retrospective study to confirm these results and define an alternative to the TR band use post radial artery access for cardiac catheterization. Primary Objective Determine the incidence of arterial bleeding after real-world use of SoftSeal hemostatic device at a transradial access site with a 4 French system with with manual pressure by compression of the ulnar artery. Secondary Objective Determine the incidence of thrombosis at the access site in all subjects as presence of thrombus in the radial artery by reverse barbeau test; the incidence of changes in circulation, movement and sensation (CMS) in the hand and wrist on the impacted hand; and the incidence of hematoma and ecchymosis, assessed just prior to discharge.

Age-adjusted D-dimer Cutoff Levels to Rule Out Deep Vein Thrombosis: a Prospective Outcome Study...
Deep Vein ThrombosisD-dimerProspective validation of an age-adjusted D-dimer cut-off to rule out deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Hemodialysis Vascular Access Imaging Study
Chronic Kidney DiseaseFistula1 moreThe goal of this study is to find the best techniques to take non-invasive images of the arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in hemodialysis patients.

Study of Rivaroxaban Use and Potential Adverse Outcomes in Routine Clinical Practice (Sweden)
Acute Coronary SyndromeVenous Thrombosis2 moreThis prospective cohort study will provide information about: Characteristics of Rivaroxaban use in patients who are prescribed Rivaroxaban for the first time compared to patients who are prescribed standard of care for the first time. The occurrence of intracranial haemorrhage, gastrointestinal and urogenital bleeding, and the occurrence of non-infective liver disease.