Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Children With Stroke
HemiparesisNeonatal Stroke3 moreThis is a pilot study of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to test tolerance and efficacy in children who have hemiparesis from acquired or presumed perinatal stroke.

Rescue Intracranial Stenting in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Acute StrokeIschemic Stroke9 moreIn acute ischemic stroke caused by intracranial large vessel occlusion, rescue intracranial stenting has been recently a treatment option to achieve recanalization in patients with the failure of mechanical thrombectomy. Nevertheless, there are few studies supporting this beneficial treatment in two cerebral circulations. We aimed to analyse whether the use of rescue intracranial stenting would improve prognosis of patients at 3 months.

Ischemia Care Biomarkers of Acute Stroke Etiology (BASE)
Ischemic StrokeAtrial Fibrillation5 moreThe proposed study will validate the clinical use of new biomarker blood tests to identify blood components that may differentiate between diverse stroke etiologies and clinical outcomes as listed below: Differentiate between cardioembolic and large artery atherosclerotic ischemic strokes, when hemorrhagic stroke is ruled out. In cases of ischemic strokes of unknown or "cryptogenic" etiology, determine the ability of biomarker blood tests to predict etiology between cardioembolic and large artery atherosclerotic. In cases of cardioembolic ischemic stroke, further differentiation of cardioembolic ischemic strokes into those caused by atrial fibrillation (AF) and those not caused by AF. Differentiate "transient ischemic attacks" (TIAs) from acute ischemic strokes. Differentiate TIAs from non-ischemic "transient neurological events" (TNE) with similar symptoms.

ReAl-life Multicentre Survey Evaluating Stroke Prevention Strategies (RAMSES)
Thrombotic StrokeAtrial Fibrillation and FlutterThe aim of this study is to evaluate the present status of stroke prevention strategies in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) have been the only available oral anticoagulant therapy for decades. Recently novel oral anticoagulants have emerged as an alternative for VKAs. This study is planned to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics, thromboembolic and bleeding risks, stroke prevention strategies and appropriateness of oral anticoagulant use in NVAF patients. Time in therapeutic range (TTR) is going to be calculated as the percent of visits in range (2-3) for warfarin patients. This is a national multicenter observational study in which Turkey is divided into seven regions. A proportional number of patients to the population of every region is planned to be included.

D-dimer In Patients With atRial Fibrillation rEceiving antiCoagulation Therapy
Atrial FibrillationStrokes ThromboticThis is a sigle-center, prospective study to evaluate the role of D-Dimer testing in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving Dabigatran or warfarin anticoagulation therapy.

Assessing Accuracy of Clinical Diagnosis and Lesion Location in Acute Neurological Deficits - How...
Stroke SyndromeStroke Hemorrhagic5 moreThe emergency setting for acute neurological conditions, such as stroke, is peculiar due to time pressure and limited resources for further diagnostics. Clinical skills are essential for swift and accurate bedside diagnosis and thus are the basis for early and correct treatment. This is especially evident in the context of computed tomography being the standard neuroimaging method world-wide with its limitations for detecting smaller infarcts, strokes in the posterior fossa and reduced sensitivity for stroke mimics, such as epileptic seizures or migraine aura. To date, the accuracy of clinical bedside diagnosis of stroke by neurologists verified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the emergency setting has not been studied in detail. In order to improve clinical diagnosing and future treatment it is essential to quantify the accuracy of clinical diagnosis of stroke in the emergency setting ("how good are neurologists?") and to assesses whether there are any differences between experienced staff neurologists and junior physicians.