Metabolic Biomarkers in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Psoriasis
Hashimoto DiseasePsoriasisHashimoto's disease (HT) and psoriasis (PsO) have a significant impact on patient's quality of everyday life, and early diagnosis is critical for the symptoms management and prognosis. There is evidence that HT and PsO share common metabolic pathways that relate to their pathogenesis, and are affected by dietary and lifestyle factors. Previous studies have identified potential metabolic biomarkers, although the small number of studies hamper their validation. Of note, most studies are not longitudinal thus do not capture the metabolic fluctuations in response to disease progression or dietary changes. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify metabolic biomarkers of HT and PsO and study the role of epigenetic factors (diet and lifestyle) on the involved metabolic pathways . In addition, a comparative analysis of the disease-related quality of life (QoL) will be performed in relation to dietary changes to unravel possible links between the QoL and the associated metabolic pathways in HT and PsO.

Calcium+Calcitriol Versus PTH for the Prevention of Hypocalcemia in Thyroidectomy. Randomized Clinical...
Thyroid CancerGoiter2 moreThe objective of this study is to compare the frequency of post-thyroidectomy symptomatic and biochemical hypocalcaemia between the strategy of routine prophylactic calcium + calcitriol vs the administration of calcium guided by PTH values.

Effect of Prednisone and Aspirin on IVF-ET Outcome Among Patients With Thyroid Autoimmunity
ThyroiditisAutoimmune1 moreThis trial was a 1:1 (active:placebo) randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of prednisone and aspirin for the in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer outcome among patients with thyroid autoimmunity.

In Vitro Effect Study of Interleukin-2 Muteins on Regulatory T Cells of Patients With Different...
Autoimmune DiseasesInflammatory Disease9 moreInterleukin 2 (IL-2) is a critical cytokine for the survival and function of regulatory T cells (LTreg). This cytokine has a dual role in the immune system. IL-2 stimulates immune responses by acting on the intermediate affinity IL-2R receptor, IL-2Rβγ, expressed by conventional T cells (LTconv) during activation, but also contributes to the inhibition of immune responses via LTreg that express the high affinity receptor IL-2Rαβγ. This difference in IL-2 receptor affinity for IL-2 has led to the development of low-dose IL-2 therapy to stimulate LTreg and improve control of excessive inflammation in autoimmune (AID), inflammatory or alloimmune diseases Low-dose IL-2 therapy is being studied in several of these diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, alopecia, HCV (hepatitis C virus)-induced vasculitis, atopic dermatitis and chronic allo-transplantation-related graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Some of these studies have shown an increase in LTreg numbers and an improvement in certain clinical signs. To improve LTreg targeting in autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases or GVHD, mutated IL-2s (muteins) have been developed with selective LTreg agonist properties. These IL-2 muteins are linked to an Fc fragment to increase their half-life. Two IL-2 variants (IL-2Vs)-Fc preferentially stimulate STAT5 phosphorylation in LTregs compared to conventional FoxP3- (LTconv) CD4+ or CD8+ T cells

Trial Comparing Complication Rates Associated With Robot-assisted Thyroidectomy to External Thyroidectomy...
Thyroid NoduleGoiter2 moreThe main objective is to compare 12 month complication rates between a new surgical method for thyroidectomy (robot-assisted endoscopic thyroidectomy via a sub-clavical approach) and open thyroidectomy.

Effectiveness of Cervical Rehabilitation Program on Neck Pain, ROM and Disability After Thyroidectomy....
ThyroiditisPostpartumThe aim of this research is to determine the Effects of cervical rehabilitation program on neck pain, ROM and disability after thyroidectomy. Randomized controlled trials will be done at Pakistan ordinance factory (POF) Hospital. The sample size will be 52. The subjects were divided in two groups, with 26 subjects in Group A and 26 in Group B. Study duration will be of 6 months. Sampling technique applied will be Non probability Convenience Sampling technique. Both males and females of aged 30-50 years with thyroidectomy will be included. Tools used in the study are Numeric Pain Rating Score (NPRS), goniometer and neck disability index (NDI).

The Effect of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Hashimoto ThyroiditisHashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune thyroid disease, which induced chronic inflammation of thyroid gland and destroys thyroid tissue. Hydroxychloroquine is used as disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) for treatment of several autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis(RA) for more than one century. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether hydroxychloroquine is effective in treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Low-Level Laser Therapy in Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis
Autoimmune ThyroiditisThe purpose of this study is to evaluate whether low-level Laser therapy is effective in ameliorating the thyroid function of patients with hypothyroidism caused by chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.

Adjuvant Therapeutic Effect of Vitamin D on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Hashimoto ThyroiditisThe purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between vitamin D and Hashimoto's thyroiditis and to explore whether vitamin D can play an adjuvant role in the treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Epidemiological surveys show that vitamin D deficiency rates are as high as 50%-90% in HT patients. Dietary supplementation with vitamin D has been evaluated as a way to protect the thyroid gland from autoimmune damage, but the results of randomized clinical trials are unclear.

Evaluation of the Effect of Gluten-Free Diet and Mediterranean Diet
Hashimoto ThyroiditisHashimoto DiseaseBackground: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that attacks thyroid cells through cell- and antibody-mediated immune processes and is characterized by the production of thyroid autoantibodies. In hashimoto, antithyroid peroxidase antibodies are increased and thyroid stimulating hormone levels are elevated. A gluten-free diet regulates thyroid autoimmunization by decreasing the concentration of antibodies. The Mediterranean diet also reduces disease-related oxidative stress parameters in patients with hashimoto's thyroid due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Aims: To evaluate the short-term effects of Mediterranean, gluten-free and Mediterranean gluten-free dietary patterns on thyroid function and autoantibody levels of patients. Study Design: Prospective, single-blind randomized controlled trial including case and control groups Methods: The 40 patients with hashimato thyroiditis included in the study were randomly divided into 4 different groups as gluten-free, Mediterranean, Mediterranean gluten-free and control group for 12 weeks. Thyroid function tests and autoantibody levels were analyzed at the beginning and end of the study. In addition, anthropometric measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the study and food consumption records and food consumption frequencies were evaluated.