Mobile App-assisted Behavioral Treatment in Children and Adolescents With Tics
Tic DisordersChronic tic disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders affecting 0.5-1% of children and adolescents. Tics present as sudden, rapid, repetitive non-rhythmic movements or vocalizations or a combination. Tics may be extremely distressing in a child's life, but the severity of tics is often variable. The group of children/ adolescents with tic disorders are heterogenous when it comes to symptom presentation, comorbid conditions and social status. This places great demands on professionals to offer the right treatment at the right time. The aim of the current project is to make optimal tics training more accessible, including for patients managed in primary care, to make optimal treatment available in the immediate environment, and to ensure increased adherence to treatment. As part of this project, an app has been developed and the study aims to evaluate mobile app-assisted behavioral treatment as an efficient and feasible approach that may be a valuable tool together with other treatment approaches. The mobile app-assisted training is based on the manual "Niks til Tics", which describes training with a combination of Habit Reversal Training (HRT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) over nine sessions. Both HRT and ERP are known to be effective treatments of tics. In this project a randomized controlled superiority trial evaluates the effect of app-assisted training versus an educational approach. Participants are randomized to manualised treatment combining HRT and ERP as app-assisted training, or to one session of psychoeducation supplemented with access to videos repeating the information. The participants are included according to the same criteria as in a pilot trial, and primary outcome measure is YGTSS at session 8. Furthermore, the change in tics intensity from baseline to randomization will be included as to evaluate the effect of being admitted and examined at the hospital. This project contributes to increased knowledge about tics and tic treatment especially treatment using digital based interventions. An app has been developed for this project and the hypothesis is that a mobile app-assisted tic training program requiring minimal hospital contacts is superior to app-based psychoeducation alone, which is the most likely intervention that these patients will be offered.

Investigating Distress Tolerance in Adults With Tourette Syndrome
Tourette SyndromeTic Disorders1 moreAlthough behavior therapy is recognized as a first-line intervention for Tourette's Disorder (TD), less than 40% of adults with TD respond to this evidence-based treatment. Limited tolerance for aversive premonitory urges and affective states that accompany tics may be one likely factor that impedes behavior therapy outcomes. This study examines the relationship between distress tolerance and tic inhibition among adults with TD, and investigates the mechanism and effect of therapeutic skills training to enhance distress tolerance abilities. Findings will determine the optimal approach to enhance distress tolerance among adults with TD and ultimately lead to better behavior therapy outcomes.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Augment Behavior Therapy for Tics
Tic DisordersTics7 moreThe study will examine whether combining Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) with inhibition of the supplementary motor area (SMA) using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) normalizes activity in the SMA-connected circuits, improves tic suppression ability, and enhances CBIT outcomes in young people with tic disorder. The study will also examine different TMS dosing strategies.

Investigating Circadian Rhythms in Youth With Persistent Tic Disorders
Tourette's DisorderThis study examines circadian rhythms and morningness-eveningness preference in youth with Persistent Tic Disorders (PTDs), including Tourette's Disorder (TD); and assesses the effects of wearable short wavelength light therapy on circadian rhythms and tic symptoms.

Evaluation of an Online Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) Therapist Training...
TicsTic Disorders1 moreTic disorders are a class of childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorders that occur in 1-3% of the population. Studies have shown that a non-drug treatment known as Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) is more effective than supportive therapy for reducing tics in children and adults. Although CBIT is now recommended as a first-line intervention for tic disorders, many patients do not have access to CBIT, in part due to a lack of trained therapists. Currently, the only option available for training therapists in CBIT is an intensive, two day, in-person behavior therapy training institute (BTTI). This study will compare the traditional in-person training approach to a recently developed online, self-paced CBIT therapist training program called CBIT-Trainer with regard to (1) therapists' ability to accurately administer CBIT and (2) change in the severity of patients' tic symptoms after being treated by a CBIT-trained therapist.

Treatment Outcome of Combined Virtual Tic Training in Children and Adolescents With a Chronic Tic...
Chronic Tic DisorderTics are unwanted, repetitive movements or sounds that are either simple or complex in appearance. Tic disorders often have a huge impact on children's life. The investigators have previously shown a positive outcome of tic training combining habit reversal training (HRT) and exposure response prevention (ERP) either as an individual therapy or in a group setting. However, young people and families are often busy, and having to use a full day as to attend to tic training often is difficult both for the young person and their families. Therefore, the present study focuses on the clinical outcome of combining virtual training with training at the hospital

A Handwriting Intervention Program for Children With Tic Disorders
Tourette SyndromeTic DisordersThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a computerized handwriting training protocol (MovAlyzeR), through daily practice of handwriting on an electronic device to improve handwriting skills in children with tic disorders (TD).

Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Tic Disorder and Tourette's Disorder: a...
Chronic Tic DisorderTourette SyndromeTic disorders, including Tourette's Disorder (TD) and Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder (CTD), are neurodevelopmental motor disorders characterised by motor and/or vocal tics. TD/CTD are impairing conditions with onset during childhood that often persist into adulthood. Behaviour therapy (BT) is an effective treatment for TD/CTD and is recommended as a first-line intervention in both in children and in adults. However, most adults with TD/CTD do not have access to BT due to a lack of trained professionals and geographical barriers. The objective of the study is to adapt and extend existing face-to-face BT treatment protocols for adults with TD/CTD to an internet-delivered format and evaluate its feasibility and preliminary efficacy. A total of 30 adult TD/CTD adult patients deemed eligible for the study through the recruitment process involving both psychologist and physician assessment will be enrolled in the project. The 8-modues treatment program, mainly based on exposure with response prevention with addition of other techniques will be made available for the participants in a secure treatment platform. The participants will keep in touch with a therapist using two-ways written communication in the same platform. The therapist's role will be to introduce the treatment and its modules, give feedback on the homework assignments and open the new modules as well as monitor the participants psychiatric symptoms and activity in the plattform. The measures will include tic severity secifically and disease severity in general, anxiety and depression symptoms, quality of life, treatment credibility and therapeutic alliance. The measures will be administrated at baseline, min- and post-tretment, as well at 3 and 12 months follow-up. Upon completion, this project will be the first crucial step towards the implementation of internet-delivered behaviour therapy (I-BT) for adults with TD/CTD in regular health care.

Neuromodulation of Inhibitory Control in Tic Disorders
Tic DisordersThe present study aims to assess the effects of non invasive electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve via transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) on cognitive functions, inhibitory and tic control in patients with tic disorders. Taking into account the role that GABA plays in inhibitory control, the presence of alteration of GABA neurotransmission in Tic disorders and the possibility to increase GABA release with tVNS, the investigators hypothesized that tVNS might improve behavioral control in Tic disorders. Moreover, as suggested by previous studies investigating the effects of tVNS in other patient populations, the investigators expected that tVNS will be safe and well tolerated. Such results would encourage the use of tVNS in Tic disorders.

Sertraline vs. Placebo in the Treatment of Anxiety in Children and AdoLescents With NeurodevelopMental...
Neurodevelopmental DisordersAutism25 moreThere are currently no approved medications for the treatment of anxiety in children and youth with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), both common and rare. Sertraline, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, has extensive evidence to support its use in children's and youth with anxiety but not within NDDs. More research is needed to confirm whether or not sertraline could help improve anxiety in children and youth with common and rare neurodevelopmental conditions. This is a pilot study, in which we plan to estimate the effect size of reduction in anxiety of sertraline vs. placebo. across rare and common neurodevelopmental disorders, and determine the best measure(s) to be used as a primary transdiagnostic outcome measure of anxiety, as well as diagnosis specific measures in future, larger-scale clinical trials of anxiety in NDDs.