Efficiency of a Guiding Device for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block, EZ-Block®, Compared to a Conventional...
Tooth AvulsionThe success rates reported in the literature for the various truncal anesthesia techniques are extremely variable and have shown a lack of reproducibility of the techniques. The use of the EZ-BLOCK® guidance system would increase this success rate in a significant and reproducible way, as it is based on individualized anatomical foundations and therefore adapted to inter-patient variability. In order to determine its effectiveness in clinical situations encountered in current practice, a comparative clinical study of the 2 techniques (freehand reference technique and using the EZ-BLOCK® system) is necessary.

Surgical Extrusion: Volumetric and Insertion Analysis at 6 Months.
Tooth ExtrudedTooth Extrusion2 moreThe aim is to clinically evaluate the changes that occur in teeth that have undergone surgical extrusion treatment. Three parameters will be recorded before and 6 months after treatment: the position and the volume of the soft tissue, and the level of periodontal attachment.

Osteoradionecrosis Rate in Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer Treatment....
Head and Neck CancerOsteoradionecrosis2 moreObjectives High-dose radiotherapy (RT) for head and neck cancer has significant adverse effects on maxillofacial tissues, among which osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is the most severe and potentially life-threatening. Although tooth extractions seem to be the main risk factor, few perspective studies evaluated protocols to minimize the ORN risk due to extractions. The aim of this study is to evaluate incidence and risk factors of ORN in a cohort of patients receiving tooth extractions before RT and evaluate an algorithm about extraction decision. Methods One-hundred ten patients were consecutively recruited in this study: impacted third molars with radiographic sign of pericoronitis, teeth with periapical lesions, unrestorable teeth, periodontally compromised teeth (pocket probing depth >5 mm, clinical attachment loss > 8 mm, grade 2 tooth mobility, II grade furcation involvement) were extracted under antibiotic prophylaxis. A 15-days interval between the last tooth extraction and the beginning of RT was recommended. Patients were visited at 15 days, 1, 3 and 6 months after the beginning of RT. Data of patients with a minimum of 6 months follow-up are presented in this report. ORN was defined as irradiated exposed necrotic bone, without healing for 3 months, in absence of cancer recurrence. The protocol was approved by the Ethic Committee of Catholic University - Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli (Prot. OHHN-1, ID-2132).

Efficacy of a Collagen Hemostatic Dressing After Tooth Extraction
Tooth AvulsionThis study is a multicentric randomised (2 groups, ratio 1:1) Post Market Clinical Follow-up trial. 38 subjects (teeth) requiring a simple tooth extraction or multiple tooth extraction on the same quadrant and taking curative or preventive antithrombotic treatment will be included (19 in each group). The aim of the study is to assess the efficacy of ETIK COLLAGENE (Topical hemostatic collagen-product) on the hemostasis (time to stop bleeding) after tooth extraction. The hemostasis is measured by assessing the presence of bleeding within the first 8 minutes post-extraction. Group 1: intra-alveolar placement of ETIK COLLAGENE immediately after tooth extraction. Group 2: the alveolus is left empty after tooth extraction (the use of ETIK COLLAGENE is delayed 8 minutes after tooth extraction, before suture). Subjects will be followed-up to 7 days.

Effect of Pre-emptive Dose of Prednisone Versus Placebo in Impacted Third Molar Surgery
Facial SwellingTooth Position Anomalies4 moreThe present study proposes to compare the effect of a single preoperative dose of prednisone versus placebo in terms of facial swelling, trismus and pain after surgical removal of the mandibular third molar (M3M) in a split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial.

Non-closure of Alveoli After Avulsion of Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom Tooth AvulsionThe main objective of this study is to evaluate postoperative pain (measured by visual analogue scale (VAS) on day 2 post surgery) in patients operated for avulsion of four wisdom teeth under general anesthesia and for whom the resulting alveoli were NOT sutured versus a similar group of patients undergoing standard care (suturing for lower alveoli).

Assessment of the Impact of Virtual Reality on Patient Anxiety During Dental Avulsions Under Local...
Tooth AvulsionAnxietyFear of the dentist is a very common phenomenon which delays consultations and brings negative consequences on oral and general health. Virtual reality (VR) reduces children's pain and anxiety during dental care or oral surgery. The aim of this prospective, randomized and controlled study is to show the effectiveness of virtual reality to reduce anxiety in a sample of adults during tooth avulsions under local anesthesia. There is a group with virtual reality and a control group without virtual reality. Patients complet the State Trait Anxiety Inventory - State - (STAI-YA) questionnaire and the visual analog anxiety scale (VAS) just before and just after the surgery by transcribing the anxiety they feel during it. The main judgement criterion is the evolution of the STAI-YA score before vs during the surgery. Secondary criteria are the relevance of the chosen metric by comparing it to the VAS, defining the factors influencing the evolution of the anxiety score, studying the side effects of VR and the wish to repeat the experience.

Impact of a Alveolar Ridge Preservation Technique on the Need of Performing Guided Bone Regeneration...
Tooth AvulsionThe aim of this study is to investigate how a socket preservation procedure may reduce the need of guided bone regeneration surgery after tooth extraction and facilitate the placement of a dental implant in the optimal, prosthetic-driven position.