Hall Technique or Modified Hall Technique of Deep Carious Lesions in Primary Molars
Dental Caries in ChildrenTooth Diseases2 moreThe purpose of this randomized clinical trial is to compare the clinical/radiographic success of Hall technique and modified Hall technique in the treatment of primary molars with deep dentine carious lesions in children (3-12-year-old). The secondary aim is to examine the effect of marginal ridge breakdown level on treatment success.

ART Compared to the Hall Technique for Management HSPM
HypomineralizationToothAims: Evaluation of treatment success on HSPM-affected molars after ART and Hall technique. comparison of pain during treatment with ART and Hall technique in HSPM. comparison of child and parent satisfaction with restorations used by ART and Hall technique. Design: A randomized, controlled, crossover clinical study including thirty children.

Evaluation of Optical Coherence Tomography in Dentistry
Dental CariesTooth DemineralizationOptical coherence tomography (OCT) is a medical diagnostic tool, providing non-invasive, non-radiative and high resolution imaging. OCT has been established since many years in ophthalmology. In dentistry the diagnostic potential of OCT is currently increasingly being noticed. This clinical study includes two individual trials: (i) Longitudinal assessment of surface sealant thickness using optical coherence tomography and (ii) comparison of crevicular fluid levels of inflammatory cytokines after the application of surface sealants.

Resin Infiltration and Fluoride Varnish Lesion Arresting Efficacy on Non-cavitated Proximal Lesion...
Dental Caries on Smooth Surface Limited to EnamelTooth Demineralization5 moreProtection of dental hard tissues is one of the most important points of cariology. For this purpose, oral hygiene training (effective brushing and motivation), non-invasive approaches such as flouride varnish applications and micro-invasive approaches such as resin infiltration technique are applied in clinical practice. In this study, the effect of resin infiltration or fluoride varnish application on lesion depth in individuals with moderate/high caries risk was investigated. The study was a randomized controlled, prospective and parallel designed clinical trial. 60 patients were included in the study and patients were randomly allocate to the groups. Caries risk of individuals was determined according to Cariogram, which is a computer program․ According to visual clinical examination, stage the caries continuum were (ICDAS 1,2) scored and the caries diagnostic criteria scored acording to (Nyvad 1, 2, 4, 5) The teeth wich has one caries lesion in border of enamel or prolonged to first 1/3 part of dentin in bite-wing radiograph (lesion level: E1, E2, D1) included in this study. Patient's gingival condition evaluating at initial and control sessions with gingival index (0=healthy, 1=mild inflammation, 2=moderate inflammation and bleeding on pressure). Oral hygiene training was given to all subjects included in the study and the use of fluoride toothpaste (1450 ppm, NaF) was recommended. This study was performed in a single center by experienced physicians. Resin infiltration (Icon DMG, USA) was applied to one of the groups(n=30), while fluoride varnish (ClinproTM White Varnish 22600 ppm, 3M ESPE, USA) was applied to the other group(n=30). The patients follow-up time was anticipated for 60 months in 6-month periods. The inicial visual clinical examination(T0) and follow-up sessions (T 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) were conducted by two experienced researchers blind to the group information. At the aim of the study, evaluation difference in non-cavited proximal lesion progression between the resin infiltration (micro-invasive) and fluoride varnish (non-invasive) treatment options at the individuals with moderate or high risk of caries.

Fluoride Delivery to Prevent White Spots During Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic Appliance ComplicationTooth DemineralizationThe aim of this 2-armed, parallel, randomised, controlled trial is to assess the effect of different ways of applying fluoride to teeth on the formation of white spots (enamel demineralisation), during orthodontic treatment with fixed metal braces, in children and adolescents.

Effectiveness of Educational Interventions in the Prevention of Caries in Patients With Orthodontics...
Dental CariesTooth DemineralizationDental caries is classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an important public health problem due to its high prevalence and incidence worldwide despite the development of public policies to combat it. It is a chronic disease that has a severe impact in terms of pain and suffering, impairment of function and effect on quality of life. During orthodontic treatments, the most common adverse event is the appearance of dental caries lesions due to increased retention, change of dental biofilm composition or difficulty of removal with conventional oral hygiene techniques. Efforts to implement various conventional preventive interventions of self-care and education have not decreased its incidence, so it is necessary to implement motivational interventions to help adolescents and young adults to make positive changes in their oral health habits, which are constant and lasting and prevent and control caries.

Evaluation of Esthetic Performance of Resin Infiltration Technique on Enamel Lesions
Tooth DemineralizationThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the esthetic performance of resin infiltration technique on superficial hypo-mineralized and demineralized enamel lesions of anterior teeth

Study of Treatments Used for White Spot Lesions After Orthodontic Treatment.
Tooth DemineralizationThe purpose of this study is to learn more about the management of white spot lesions that occur after orthodontic treatment. White spot lesions generally improve slightly with time. To date, there is no proven method to help white spot lesions improve faster. Two treatments, called MI Paste Plus and fluoride varnish, have shown some potential benefits in a laboratory setting but have not undergone testing in a clinical setting. Approximately 240 subjects are to be enrolled in this study. The study will take place in approximately 30 dental and orthodontic offices across Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Washington as part of Northwest PRECEDENT, a five-state research network that was created to study the practical issues facing dentists/orthodontists and their patients, and to provide information that will improve the quality of oral health care as a whole. Researchers at the University of Washington and Oregon Health & Science University share management and oversight of the network and research projects.

Oral Health Intervention Program for Children With Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital Heart DefectDental Caries in Children4 moreBackground: Children with congenital heart defects (CHD) are reported to have poorer oral health compared with healthy children. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of an intensive oral health care program among children with CHD followed from infancy to the age of five years, by comparing their oral health status at five years with a control group of children with CHD who had not received the program. Methods: In this longitudinal study, children in western Norway with a need for lifelong follow-up due to congenital heart defects were invited to participate (n=119). Children born in 2008-2011 were offered a promotive oral health intervention program from infancy to the age of five years. The outcome measures for evaluating the intervention were dental caries prevalence, dental erosion, plaque index and gingival bleeding index. The data of the intervention group were compared with cross sectional oral health data of five year old controls with CHD born 2005-2007 (already published).

Hydroxyapatite-toothpaste and Enamel Caries in the Primary Dentition
Tooth DecayHydroxyapatite2 moreThis multicenter, non-inferiority trial randomized, double-blind, active controlled parallel group study evaluates the hypothesis that the home regular use of a toothpaste containing microcrystalline hydroxylapatite (HAP) (test toothpaste) provides a caries preventive effect in caries-active children with primary dentition age 3-6 which is comparable to the caries preventive effect provided by the regular use of a fluoridated tooth paste (F) (control toothpaste) over observation periods of max. 336 days. Caries development will be assessed according to the clinical criteria of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Condition or disease: Intervention Procedure: Tooth Brushing HAP or Procedure: Tooth Brushing F