The Safety and Tolerability of CLZ-2002 in Patients With Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease.
Charcot Marie Tooth DiseaseType 1A Phase 1, Open-Label, Prospective, Dose-finding Clinical Trial for Evaluation of Safety and Tolerability of Intramuscular Injections of CLZ-2002 for the Treatment of Subjects with Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1(CMT 1)

Treatment of the Mandibular Dental Crowding With and Without Corticotomy Surgery
Dental ResearchOrthodontics4 moreThe use of corticotomy surgery in addition to orthodontic standard treatment could accelerate the treatment. Corticotomy involves vertical interdental incisions of the gingiva and the bone with a very low thickness. Orthodontic appliances are placed immediately after the surgery. This study aims to compare the tooth movement when correcting mandibular dental crowding in two groups of patients: Test group: orthodontic treatment and minimally invasive corticotomy surgery. Control group: standard orthodontic treatment without surgery.

Hall Technique or Modified Hall Technique of Deep Carious Lesions in Primary Molars
Dental Caries in ChildrenTooth Diseases2 moreThe purpose of this randomized clinical trial is to compare the clinical/radiographic success of Hall technique and modified Hall technique in the treatment of primary molars with deep dentine carious lesions in children (3-12-year-old). The secondary aim is to examine the effect of marginal ridge breakdown level on treatment success.

Radiographic Comparison of Obturation Performed by Conventional Method and Obtura II.
Tooth DiseaseRoot canal therapy plays an importanmt role in dental health care.An importanat parameter necessary to achieve a proper endodontic treatment is quality of root canal filling.This study compare the radiographic quality of obturation with cold lateral condensation and thermoplasticiszed gutta percha technique and obtura II system.

Assessing Long Term Safety and Tolerability of PXT3003 in Patients With Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease...
Charcot-Marie-Tooth DiseaseType IAAll randomised patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 1A (CMT1A) who completed the primary study CLN-PXT3003-02, i.e. treatment with PXT3003 or placebo, are eligible to continue in the extension study CLN-PXT3003-03. Period 1: Patients randomised to PXT3003 dose 1 or placebo in the primary study (CLN-PXT3003-02) continued in the extension study on PXT3003 dose 1 (5 mL). Patients randomised to PXT3003 dose 2 (5 mL) in the primary study (CLN-PXT3003-02) continued in the extension study on PXT3003 dose 2 or PXT3003 twice dose 1 (2x5 mL). Period 2: All patients continue on twice dose 1 (2X5mL).

Accuracy and Primary Stability in Immediate Implant Placement: Dynamic Navigation Versus Freehand...
Tooth DiseasesProsthetic-driven immediate implant placement for optimal aesthetic restoration has been increasing in demand during the last decades but requires higher accuracy. Dynamic navigation has been reported better implant positioning. However, dynamic navigation's application to immediate implant placement has not been studied, and its exact role is still needed to be investigated further. Besides, implant insertion angle may influence primary stability, which is a prerequisite in achieving osseointegration, while dynamic navigation can precisely control angle and position. Therefore, the investigators designed a randomized controlled clinical trial study to verify the clinical efficacy of dynamic navigation and freehand in immediate implant placement. Patients will then be followed up one year after delivery of the crown to assess additional parameters.

Phase III Trial Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of PXT3003 in CMT1A Patients
Charcot-Marie-Tooth DiseaseThe study will consist of 2 periods: Double-blind Treatment and Open-Label Extension(OLE) Period. -Double-blind Treatment Period - This will be randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled part of the study which will be conducted in parallel groups, ie,1 group receiving the active treatment (PXT3003) and the other group receiving placebo. Primary endpoint of the study will be assessed at Month 15. -Open-label Extension (OLE) Period - All subjects completing Double-blind Treatment Period will be given an opportunity to enter the OLE Period of the study and receive the active treatment (PXT3003). The duration of the OLE Period will be based on Sponsor discretion, ie, Sponsor intends to keep the study open until the study drug PXT3003 is commercially available. During this period, the long-term safety and efficacy of PXT3003 will be assessed as an exploratory objective. Double-blind Treatment Period Objectives: Primary: To evaluate the efficacy of treatment with PXT3003 (a fixed-dose combination of [RS]-baclofen, naltrexone hydrochloride [HCl], and D-sorbitol) compared to placebo in subjects with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A). Secondary: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of PXT3003 treatment in subjects with CMT1A. Exploratory: To characterize the relationship between plasma biomarkers and response to PXT3003 treatment. OLE Period Objective: Exploratory: To evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of PXT3003.

Clinical Evaluation of Three Different Universal Adhesives in Non-carious Cervical Lesions
Tooth DiseasesThe aim of this randomized, controlled prospective clinical trial is to evaluate and compare the performances of three different universal adhesives using a flowable universal composite resin in the restoration of non-caries cervical lesions over 48-month period.Participants over 18 will be included to the study. Oral hygiene instructions will be given before procedures. All the lesions will be restored by the same clinician who will not participate to the selection of patients for eligibility. Each patient will receive at least three restorations and randomization will be applied using a table of random numbers. All lesions will be cleaned before restoring. Adhesive procedures and restorations will be placed according to manufacturers' recommandation. The flowable universal composite resin will be placed in bulk and light-cured for 40 seconds. The restorations will be contoured and polished with Optidisc discs (Kerr Coorporation, Orange, CA, USA). Patients will be recalled at baseline and will be recalled at control periods after placement.

Clinical Comparison of Different Flowable Resin Composites
Tooth DiseasesThe aim of this study is to evaluate a self-adhesive flowable resin composite, a flowable resin composite with high viscosity and a conventional flowable resin composite in combination with a universal adhesive using two different application modes. All patients will receive at least 4 occlusal restorations. Cavities will be divided into four groups according to restorative systems used: Constic (a self-adhering flowable composite), G-ænial Universal Flo (a highly filled flowable composite), Tetric N-Flow (self-etch) (a conventional flowable composite), Tetrin N-Flow (etch&rinse).

Clinical Evaluation of a Restorative Glass Ionomer and a Bulk-fill Composite Resin
Tooth DiseaseThe clinical performance of a restorative glass ionomer and bulk-fill resin composite in class II restorations will be evaluated and compared. After recruiting participants with at least 2 approximal caries lesions, all restorations will be placed by a single clinician. All caries lesions will be removed before restoring. Cavities will be divided into two groups: a restorative glass ionomer [Equia Forte HT, GC, Tokyo, Japan (EHT)] and bulk-fill composite resin [SonicFill2, Orange, CA, USA (SBF)] All restorative procedures will be conducted according to manufacturers' instructions. Restorations will be scored using modified United States Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria after a week (baseline) 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 months. Descriptive statistics will be performed using chi-square tests.