Clinical Assessment of Two Inlay -Retained Bridge Designs
Tooth Fracturesin the last years, dentistry is going to the concept of conservatism to preserve the most amount of tooth structure, so the evolution of new ceramic materials with invasive designs like (inlay- shaped and proximal box shaped) inlay retained bridge, the investigators can restore single missing posterior teeth with less invasive techniques and less rate of restoration fracture.
Immediate Implant Placement With Connective Tissue Graft or Socket Shield
Tooth FracturesThe present study aims to evaluate the clinical outcomes of immediate implant placement with connective tissue graft or socket shield. Previous studies have demonstrate the intact buccal bone plate plays an important role in the stability of peri-implant soft tissue around immediately placed implants. However, it remains controverisal whether soft tissue stability could be achieved in immediate implant placement with connective tissue graft or socket shield.
Clinical Outcomes of Immediate Implant Placement and Early Implant Placement
Tooth FracturesTooth DiseasesImmediate implant placement (IIP) has been an attractive treatment concept for both patients and clinicians due to reduced surgical interventions and total treatment span. Although soft-tissue alterations or midfacial recession have been demonstrated in previous studies, recent studies have reported positive result following IIP with the modification of surgical interventions. However, high-quality evidence (≥Ib: evidence from at least one randomized controlled trial) on comparing the clinical outcome of IIP with early implant placement (type 2) is limited.
The Cortical Shield for Facial Bone Reconstruction
Tooth LossTooth Diseases6 moreTo evaluate a novel technique of bone regeneration and simultaneous implant placement in severely damaged sockets.