
Active clinical trials for "Tooth Migration"

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Timing of Orthodontic Therapy and Regenerative Periodontal Surgery in Advanced Periodontitis Patients...

PeriodontitisTooth Migration1 more

Pathologic tooth migration (PTM) is a common complication of advanced periodontitis and often motivation for patients to seek orthodontic therapy. An interdisciplinary approach is required to control the periodontal infection, reconstruct the defects and realign the migrated teeth. The optimal timing of active orthodontics after regenerative therapy is a topic of ongoing debate. There are no data available from RCTs that have compared the effect of the timing of orthodontic tooth movement (early vs. late) on the outcomes of regenerative periodontal surgery in these patients. It is the aim of the present randomized clinical multicenter trial to compare 2 different treatment protocols of a combined perio-regenerative and orthodontic therapy in advanced periodontitis patients with intrabony defects and pathologic tooth migration in order to establish whether one treatment modality is superior to the other with regard to clinical outcomes. A total of 46 patients will be enrolled and randomized into 2 treatment groups that differ by the time point of initiation of orthodontic therapy (early: 4 weeks vs. late: 6 months following regenerative periodontal surgery). Primary outcome measure will be the change in clinical attachment level (CAL gain) at 12 months after regenerative therapy. Secondary outcomes will include changes in probing depth BOP, gingival recession, radiographic bone height and patient-centered outcomes.

Completed17 enrollment criteria

The Effects of Different Activation Protocols of Hycon Device and Vibration Stimulation on Canine...

Tooth Migration

This study will be performed with 25 patients who applied to Erciyes University Faculty of Dentistry for treatment and who need 2 first premolar extraction and maximum anchorage for treatment. In order to increase anchorage in the patient who will start the distalization of canine, mini screw (1.5 mm diameter, 7 mm length) will be applied to the right and left maxillary dentition of the patient under local anesthesia. The hycon device, which has a screw-shaped design for the application of force to both the right and left sides of the maxillary dentition of the patients, will be adapted to the bands in the 1st molar teeth. Patients will be randomly divided into 4 groups. Vibration will be applied to the two groups with the Acceledent device. Group 1 = The hycon device in this group will be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Group 2 = The activation period of the hycon device in this group will be modified. Group 3 = The hycon device in this group will be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In addition, patients in this group twice a day for 10 minutes with acceledent device vibration will be applied. Group 4 = The activation period of the hycon device in this group will be modified. In addition, patients in this group twice a day for 10 minutes with acceledent device vibration will be applied. The period of canine distalization of orthodontic treatment is one of the important stages affecting the duration of treatment. Shortening this time in the clinic will shorten the duration of treatment. If this application changes the tooth movement speed in any direction, it will support the new research.

Unknown status13 enrollment criteria

Effects Of Low Level Laser Therapy On Tooth Movement,Treatment Related Complications Of Gingivitis,Periodontitis...

GingivitisPain2 more

INTRODUCTION Orthodontic treatment objectives are achieved through the movement of teeth with the application of an external physical force. It takes around 2 to 3 years to finish the treatment.The most common complications associated with orthodontic treatment are Pain Prolonged duration Gingival and Periodontal complications So orthodontists, clinicians and researchers are always looking for some non-invasive and reliable techniques to minimize the possibility of occurrence of these complications. General objective The prime aim of this research is to study the effect of LLLT on tooth movement,pain, gingival and periodontal complications associated with tooth movement in initial phase of orthodontic treatment. Design of study This will be an experimental; case controlled study utilizing Low Level Laser Therapy in arch form of application.Anterior teeth segment of the maxillary jaw will be treated with LLLT in one group and other group of patients considered as control. Study population and samples This research will be conducted among Pakistani subjects who will be going for fix orthodontic treatment. Research subjects will be gathered from Aga Khan Hospital for Women Karimabad A secondary hospital of Aga Khan University Hospital of Karachi Pakistan. The duration of the study will be six months in which each patient will avail their regular follow up orthodontic treatment visits at every three weeks LLLT will be applied at every visit i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6th visits on anterior segment of the maxillary jaw in one group of patients, while the other group of patients will be controlled. The clinical parameters gingival index (GI), Bleeding on Probing (BOP), Probing Depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) for the research will be recorded at 0, first, third and sixth visit. Study models to determine tooth movement will be taken in all visits from 0 to 6th visit. A Per forma to record the level of pain has been designed which will be given to all the patients at 0 to sixth all visits to record the pain intensity. Data will be recorded simultaneously. Sample frame The sample frame of patient recruitment for this research will be consisting of patients who will sign consent for this research and fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sample size will be comprised of 88 pre-orthodontic patients, with an age range of 18 to 30 years. Sample size calculation Sample size will be determined by using PS software (version 3.1.2). To avoid individual variations, the patients will be divided into two groups randomly, using computer generated random numbers. Microsoft Excel 2013 will be used for group randomization. Group A and B will comprise of 36 patients (18 males and 18 females in each group) respectively and only Group A will receive LLLT on anterior segment of the maxillary jaw. However 20% drop out is considered which makes the sample size of 44 in each group at the beginning of study. Research tool The duration of the study will be 6 months in which each patient will visit on their regular follow up orthodontic treatment visits at every 3 weeks. LLLT will be applied at every visit i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months in patients of Group A. The clinical parameters Gingival Index, Bleeding on Probing (BOP), Probing Depth (PD) and Clinical Attachment Loss (CAL) for the research will be as recorded at 0, first, third and sixth visit of all patients of both groups. Conclusion The benefits of adopting LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) in an arch form in a routine orthodontic practice may enhance the rate of tooth movement, may be helpful to control orthodontic treatment related complications like pain, gingivitis and periodontitis with comfort and without disturbing patient regular recall visits.

Unknown status14 enrollment criteria

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