Hybrid Ceramic on Worn Dentition Patients
Dental WearEvaluation of hybrid composite-nanoceramic on material characteristic and clinical use over tooth wear patients.

The Effect on Envelope of Motion in Asymptomatic Bruxers
Tooth WearBruxismInvestigating the effect of botulinum neurotoxin on the jaw-neck envelope of motion.

Enamel Wear Evaluation in Patients With Different Ceramic Restorations
WearTooth3 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the wear produced in the short and medium term by monolithic zirconia, metal-ceramic and lithium disilicate restorations on the antagonist natural enamel in patients with fixed prostheses, assessing the factors that may influence this wear. The investigators will also analyse whether the wear of the tooth antagonistic to the different restorations differs significantly with respect to the wear of the natural tooth (control group). The null hypothesis is that there are no significant differences.

Wear of Vita Ambria Only Restoration Compared With IPS Emax Onlay Restoration
Carious ToothDental WearThe 1ry objective will be to evaluate the amount of wear of onlays restorations made from VITA AMBRIA & IPS e.max Press and their opposing natural teeth. 2. The 2ry objective of the clinical trial will be to evaluate the fractures, retention, contact points, food impaction and radiographic examination of the VITA AMBRIA onlays compared with IPS e.max press onlays as defined by FDI criteria.

Attrition in Pediatric Obesity Management
Child ObesityOur feasibility study will assess the feasibility and acceptability of Family Navigation (FN) to address attrition (dropout) in pediatric obesity management. Results from this study will help our team to plan a large randomized clinical trial to test the effectiveness of FN in reducing attrition. The investigators will enroll 108 6-to-17-year-olds enrolled in pediatric obesity management clinics in Calgary, AB and Mississauga, ON (Canada). One-half of the children will receive Family Navigation (FN) + Usual Care (UC) for 12 months; the other half will receive Usual Care only for 12 months. Overall, the study will take 2.5 years to complete. For children receiving FN, trained navigators will work with children and their families to reduce barriers that limit their access to health services and support. Navigators will offer extra services and resources, such as parking passes for clinic appointments and supportive text messages between appointments. FN is designed to complement the obesity management (Usual Care) received by children and their families. A Steering Committee with children, caregivers, clinicians, and researchers will be created to refine and improve our FN intervention throughout the study. By having better access to care, children and their families working with navigators may be less likely to drop out and more likely to attend more treatment appointments. Ultimately, the participants may be more likely to achieve success in managing obesity.

Clinical Comparison of Different Adhesives in NCCLs
Tooth WearThe aim of this randomized, controlled, prospective clinical trial is to evaluate the performances of a universal adhesive in three different application modes, a self-etch adhesive and an etch&rinse adhesive in restoration of non-caries cervical lesions. Thirty-four patients will receive restorations. Lesions will be divided into 5 groups according to adhesive systems and application modes: CU-SE: Clearfil Universal Bond Quick in self-etch mode, CU-SLE: Clearfil Universal Bond Quick in selective etch mode, CU-ER: Clearfil Universal Bond Quick in etch&rinse mode, CSE: Clearfil SE Bond, TB: Tetric N-Bond. Restorations (Tetric N-Ceram composite) will be scored with regard to retention, marginal discoloration, marginal adaptation, recurrent caries and post operative sensitivity using modified USPHS criteria after 48 months. Two examiners who is not involved in the placement of restorations will conduct the evaluations. Descriptive statistics will be performed using Chi-square tests.

Stay In Treatment for Pediatric Weight Management
Pediatric ObesityAttrition2 moreAttrition from pediatric weight management programs is unacceptably high, with dropout ranging from 27-73%. This project will utilize a model that predicts dropout from treatment, increasing its power and accuracy through a multi-site observational study. This will result in a powerful tool that will be used to decrease attrition from pediatric weight management, with the potential for widespread dissemination to improve treatment outcomes.

Effects of Antibiotic Prophylaxis on the Healing Parameters Following Surgical Crown Lengthening...
Tooth DiseasesTooth WearThe goal of this clinical trial is to test the effects of prophylactic antibiotics in healthy individuals who are in need of surgical crown lengthening. The main question it aims to answer is if single dose antibiotics prior to surgical crown lengthening has any effects on the healing outcomes. Participants will be asked to take either 2 g of amoxicillin + clavulanate, or placebo, one hour prior to surgery and without knowing what medicine they took. Researchers will compare the wound healing and self-reported outcomes of the antibiotics group and placebo group.

Natural Dentition, Prosthesis and Antagonist Wear 3D Analysis
WearTooth3 moreWear resistance is one of the most important physical properties of teeth, and wear resistance of zirconia against artificial acrylic, enamel and composite resin denture teeth has not been clearly established. Implant-supported dental restorations present a higher threshold for occlusion perception when compared to natural teeth, which can occlusal overload mechanisms or lead to wear of rehabilitation materials or the antagonist arch. In clinical conditions, however, many other factors influence the complex interaction between dental enamel and opposing substrates: patient-related factors such as dietary habits, dysfunctional occlusion, masticatory forces, and bruxism contribute to accelerated enamel loss of antagonist teeth.

Testing New Vertical Dimension Of Occlusion Prior To Restorative Treatment Of Tooth Wear
Tooth WearRandomized Controlled Trial2 moreThis study is a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). The aim of the study is to evaluate the necessity to test the desired increased Vertical Dimension of Occlusion (VDO) prior to restorative treatment of generalized tooth wear. Tooth wear is a physiological phenomenon, that when becoming pathological, can result in functional problems such as pain, reduced quality of life and esthetic impairment. Restorative treatment should be discussed with patients with severe or pathological tooth wear. The restorative treatment of generalized tooth wear includes restoration of teeth, separately, in increased VDO. The increment of VDO is based upon clinical parameters such as the amount of natural tooth tissue, the possibility to lengthen the anterior teeth in regard to an acceptable esthetics outcome, and the Free Way Space (FWS). The FWS is the intermaxillary space when the masticatory-muscles-complex is relaxed. Traditionally, it is believed that adapting to a new VDO results in clinical difficulties such as different speech, pain of the Temporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ), masticatory muscle pain, and increased masticatory muscles activity. The latter could result in an increased bite force and (possibly) an increased failure rate of restorations. Some operators, then, prefer to test the increment of VDO prior to restorative treatment to check if patients can adjust to the new VDO. This raises the question if the needed increment of VDO to restore worn dentitions should be checked prior to restorative treatment. The hypothesis in this study is that testing the needed increment of VDO prior to restorative treatment does not improve the restorative treatment. Patients with generalized severe tooth wear were included and restoratively treated with composite restorations. Prior to restorative treatment, patients were randomized to either receiving an acrylic Removable Appliance (RA) or no RA. The RA was worn for 3 weeks prior to restorative treatment and included the intended increment of VDO. These patients were asked to wear the RA during the whole day, except when eating. After restorative treatment, patients revisited our dental clinic after 1 month and after 1 year. Quality of life was assessed with questionnaires. FWS was assessed clinically. Restorations were checked for clinical acceptability, including small materials fractures.