Use of the Efisiotrack System for Monitoring Patients With Shoulder Orthopedic Injuries
Shoulder InjuriesTo evaluate the effect on clinical variables of monitoring exercises prescribed for shoulder injury rehabilitation with the eFisioTrack platform in patients of the Rehabilitation Service at University Hospital of Elche.

Effect of High-Intensity Gait Training Using a Treadmill on Locomotion Recovery in Traumatic Brain...
Traumatic Brain InjuryGait Disorders1 moreThe project will consist of subjects who have suffered Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and who are able to ambulate on treadmill with or without a harness system. This will be a 4-week controlled study consisting of two groups of TBI patients, high-intensity intervention group and low-intensity control group. Both groups will receive physical therapy treatment 3 times per week for 1 hour. The intervention group will undergo 30-minute sessions of high-intensity walking on a treadmill with an overhead harness attached for safety. In addition, they will also get up to 30-minutes of low-intensity physical therapy in order to receive 1 hour of treatment time. The control group will undergo only low-intensity physical therapy activities for 1-hour. Low-intensity physical therapy will include strength exercises, stretches, balance, and low-intensity gait training. All participants in both groups will complete these outcome measures on the first day of the study, after 2 weeks of participation, and again at the end of 4 weeks or on their last day before discharge from Carilion's services. Later on, all participants in both groups will be followed up to complete the same set of outcome measures at the end of 1 month since completion of the protocol. This follow up session will take up to 45 minutes to complete.

Myosuit in Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
Incomplete Spinal Cord InjuryThe Myosuit is a light-weighted lower extremity soft exosuit which provide assistance during walking. In this study the Myosuit will be tested in the home and community setting in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury.

Feasibility of tDCS as an Adjunct to Outpatient Physiotherapy in Children With ABI
Acquired Brain InjuryStroke2 moreThis study will evaluate the feasibility of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) as an adjunct to an outpatient motor skills-based physiotherapy intervention for children and youth with acquired brain injury. Up to 10 children (age 5-18 years) with childhood onset stroke or traumatic brain injury will be randomly allocated to receive active or sham anodal tDCS immediately prior to the physiotherapy session. These sessions will occur twice weekly for a total of 10 sessions. Assessment of gross motor outcome measures will occur immediately before and after the combined tDCS and physiotherapy treatment protocol. The preliminary treatment effect between the two treatment groups will be compared and other feasibility indicators will be evaluated.

The Effectiveness of Trauma Focused Art Therapy
TraumaPsychological1 moreMore than 30% of patients with trauma-related complaints do not benefit from prescribed treatments. This concerns patients who have either a poor verbal memory or who are unable or do not wish to talk about their experiences. In clinical practice, trauma-oriented art therapy appears to be an appropriate treatment. The visual, tangible, experiential character of art therapy is in line with the often wordless, visual and sensory nature of trauma. Art therapy aims to contribute to achieving personal goals through the use of visual materials and techniques. This approach has been insufficiently examined. Treatment of refugees with Trauma-Focused Art Therapy has previously been shown to be feasible in clinical practice and acceptable to patients. Using a Mixed Method design, the researchers aim to measure the effect of this protocol in specialized mental health care and the experience of patients with regard to their personal recovery.

ROBERT® as an Intervention to Enhance Muscle Strength After Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord InjuriesSpinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating life event with long term consequences both physically and mentally. SCI is defined as either complete or incomplete according to the International Standards of the Neurological Classification of SCI. The primary consequence of a SCI is paralysis/partial paralysis affecting the person's ability to independently functioning in everyday life e.g. in and out of bed, sit to stand and walking. To regain the ability to transfer and walk the most important prerequisite is to rebuild as much strength as possible in the lower extremities. The optimal training paradigm to increase strength in partial paralysed muscles is unclear. Rehabilitation robots are upcoming methods to treat sensorimotor deficits after SCI. The rehabilitation robot ROBERT might contribute to enhance muscle strength for people with very weak strength following an incomplete SCI. The overall objective of this Ph.D project is to investigate the feasibility and effect size of a muscle strength training intervention assisted by ROBERT® for patients with SCI and severe paresis (muscle strength 1-3 in hip flexion).

Focal Muscular Vibration in Patients With Severe Acquired Brain Injury
Brain InjuriesSpasticity1 moreSevere acquired brain injury (sABI) is a group of disorders that cause long-term disability. Rehabilitation is essential to counteract bed immobilization, muscle failure, pain, and sensory deficits that can affect the clinical and rehabilitation pathway of these patients. Focal muscle vibration (FMV) is a tool that uses low-amplitude, high-frequency vibrations that when applied to muscle-tendon units. This technique, administered at specific frequencies, amplitudes and durations, can generate action potentials of the same frequency as the stimulus applied to the muscle or tendon. This makes it possible to activate selected afferent fibers and stimulate targeted brain areas with persistent effects over time (long-term potentiation). Regarding the effect of counteracting vibration spasticity, FMV is able to inhibit the reflex arc and induce reciprocal inhibition of functional agonist muscle. In addition, the strong proprioceptive stimulus generated by vibration is able to reach the primary motor and somatosensory cortex, enhancing cortical mechanisms that regulate co-contraction between agonist and antagonist muscles, thereby reducing muscle tone and joint stiffness. In many studies, this technique has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and joint stiffness by improving muscle contraction and motor control.

Efficacy of EFA in Acquired Brain Injury
Acquired Brain InjuryComparative Effectiveness Research2 moreAcquired brain injury (ABI) is one of the biggest cause of death and disability in the world. Patients with ABI often have difficulties with swallow and breath. The study purpose is to evaluate if the Expiratory Flow Accelerator (EFA) technology has positive effects on the respiratory and swallowing function in patients with acquired brain injury (ABI). Researchers recruit patients at Centro Ettore Spalenza-Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi in Rovato, Italy. To partecipate, patients should satisfy certain eligibility criteria; they will not be enrolled if they satisfy exclusion criteria. If a patient can be recruited, researchers do a swallow, consciousness and respiratory assessment with him. After that, the patient will be randomized to the study or control group. If the patient is in the control group, he will receive a traditional rehabilitation treatment. Otherwise, the patient will receive an additional treatment with the EFA device. Researchers will assess again the patient (with the same tools of the previous assessment) after 12 weeks of treatment. They want to see if the EFA device could help patients with ABI to improve their health conditions. The study will last extensively from January 2023 to December 2024.

Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of the VERAFLO™ Dressing Kit for Wound Bed Preparation in Open...
Wound HealingThe objectives are to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the V.A.C. VERAFLO™ Dressing Kit for wound bed preparation in open wounds with extensive soft tissue damage in this trial.

Virtual Reality in Hand Peripheral Nerve Injuries Effectiveness of Based Movement Therapy
Peripheral Nerve InjuryVirtual Reality1 moreThe aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of virtual reality-based motion therapy in peripheral nerve injuries in the hand.