Nuclear Factor Kappa-B (NFKB1) Polymorphism and Organ Injury After Cardiac Surgery
Single Nucleotide PolymorphismAcute Lung Injury1 moreNFKB1 -94ins/del polymorphism has been reported to be associated with reduced promoter activity of NFKB1 and several clinical diseases, but the clinical results cannot always be replicated. Besides, mutate allele is associated with alleviated inflammation in ulcerative colitis and some tumors, but aggravated inflammation in ARDS. The clinical value of this polymorphism remains controversial. This study was performed to investigate the association of NFKB1 -94ins/delATTG polymorphism with lung and/or kidney injury after cardiac surgery with CPB.
Invasive and Non-Invasive Assessment of Cerebral Oxygenation in Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain...
Brain InjuriesThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among regional transcranial oxygen saturation (rSO2), brain tissue oxygen pressure (PbtO2) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) Disturbances Following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage...
Traumatic Brain InjurySubarachnoid HemorrhageIt is a "proof of concept" study, aimed to evaluate whether the "optimal CPP", defined by the best PRx, corresponds to the acceptable CBF values in patients affected by CBF disfunction caused by TBI or SAH.
Heart Rate Variability in Trauma Patients
TraumaThe purpose of this study is to develop new triage tool for trauma patients based on HRV. EKG will be prospectively measured in trauma patients in two locations: in the prehospital setting (the field and during transport by helicopter) and in the hospital setting. In each case HRV will be derived from the EKG signal, will be correlated with other non-invasive signals (e.g. near infrared spectroscopy (NIR), and bispectral EEG (BIS)), along with other routinely measured variables (blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, etc), will be correlated with injury severity and day of discharge. An algorithm will be constructed using multiple linear regression. The hypotheses are: reduced HRV in the field correlates with bad outcome; the specificity and efficiency of HRV as a screening tool can be improved by controlling factors such as heart rate, age, gender, respiratory rate, and pulse oxygen saturation; an easy to interpret HRV index can be derived that can be used for trauma triage or diagnosis.
Posterior Tibial Artery Bypass for Iliofemoral Artery Injury Associated With Massive Blood Loss...
Iliofemoral Artery InjuryShockTraumatic disruption of iliofemoral arterial segment is often associated with multiple injuries, massive hemorrhage, state of shock, and loss of blood supply to the ipsilateral lower extremity, as well as with high mortality. The investigators describe a bypass technique. It can provide adequate blood supply to the lower extremity of the injury side. Due to a minimum amount of additional blood loss, it is a low risk procedure for salvage of the extremity and even patient's life.
Optimal Fluid Resuscitation for Trauma Patients
TraumaThe purpose of this study is to determine if the overall fluid requirements for the first 24 hours after admission will be reduced with Hextend versus a standard of care crystalloid resuscitation fluid.
Visual Prognosis in Non-Penetrating Corneal Blast Injuries
Corneal Foreign Body Following Blast InjuryThe purpose of this study is to assess visual quality of patients with non-penetrating, non-metallic, stable corneal foreign bodies. Visual quality will be assessed by examining visual acuity, wavefront analysis and contrast sensitivity. Drawings, photographs, and confocal microscopy will be used to document clinical examination of the cornea at baseline and on follow-up examinations.
Aquacel Compared to Traditional Post Surgical Wound Dressing in Vascular Surgery Patients
Wound HealingPatient ComfortThe study is a prospective randomised, controlled study of 136 patients undergoing vascular surgery. Their closed wounds were covered with either aquacel, a hydrofiber dressing, or a traditional gauze dressing.Number of changes, patient comfort,number of infections, length of hospital stay and wound complications were compared between the two groups.
Phone Intervention for Alcohol (ETOH) Use in Emergency Department Motor Vehicle Crash (ED MVC) Patients...
Alcoholic IntoxicationWounds and InjuriesThe purpose of this study is to determine if a brief counseling intervention, delivered by telephone, is more effective than standard ED care, to reduce future alcohol related injuries and alcohol related negative consequences, among patients treated in the ED for injuries from an MVC and other injury mechanisms.
Anterior Segment Spectral-domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Patients With Closed Globe Injury...
Eye InjuriesThis study use anterior segment spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) to exam patients with closed globe injury, and compared with slit lamp examination. The results showed that OCT can identify features of closed globe injury that were otherwise not visible on slit lamp biomicroscopy.