Palliative Radiotherapy (RT) for Liver Metastases (Mets) and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)(COLD...
Hepatocellular CarcinomaHepatic MetastasisPalliative radiotherapy is radiation treatment given to help reduce pain or discomfort, or other symptoms related to cancer. This is used commonly for cancer that has spread to the bones and brain, and for many other primary cancers that are too advanced to be cured, including lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and head and neck cancer. The benefits of palliative radiotherapy for advanced liver cancer have not been well studied. This study is designed to help to see whether palliative radiation therapy is effective in controlling pain, discomfort or other symptoms related to liver cancer, and how this therapy Phase II Trial of Palliative Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Hepatic Metastases might affect the quality of life of patients receiving such therapy. This information will help the doctors understand if there are specific conditions under which radiation therapy is more effective and worthwhile, and how it may affect the quality of life for patients who have locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatic metastasis.

Denosumab (AMG 162) in Bisphosphonate Naive Metastatic Breast Cancer
Breast CancerMetastases1 moreThis study is to evaluate various doses and schedules for denosumab administration and characterize the safety profile in this indication.

Dexmedetomidine Addition to Morphine in Patients With Metastatic Cancer
Refractory PainMetastatic CancerPain is a common symptom in patients nearing the end of life. Its prevalence varies between 30 and 75%. Nowadays, morphine is the most used molecule as first line treatment of moderate to severe pain. However, this molecule, considering its side effects, may contribute in part to the discomfort of these patients and may increase the pre-existing agitation or delirium. There is therefore a need to find new agents, other than morphine, for pain control at the end of life, without the limitations that the morphine molecule has. The author reviewed the literature on the role of dexmedetomidine in the treatment of refractory symptoms in palliative care, including pain. It is an agonist of the adrenergic alpha 2 receptor having a sedative, analgesic action and a morphine sparing effect demonstrated postoperatively. This study aims primarily at demonstrating that dexmedetomidine has a beneficial role in the treatment of pain in patients with metastatic cancer.

Oncotool for Cancer Medications
CancerCancer4 moreThe purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of a psychosocial eHealth intervention on the proposed primary outcomes, TKI adherence and health related quality of life (HRQoL), in patients taking TKIs for cancer management. The intervention components include psychosocial management strategies, cancer medication knowledge and embedded physician reports. The intervention will be delivered via an online application over an 8-week period. Participants in the intervention will complete bi-weekly side effect questionnaires as part of their study involvement, which may trigger an alert to their prescribing physician if they reach a certain threshold. Participants in the control will not complete these questionnaires. Participants are randomized into either an intervention application (described above) or a control application (health information and general health promotion strategies). Aside from having access to the online application for the recommended 8 weeks, participation in this study includes three assessments: baseline (at the beginning of the research study), post-intervention (8 weeks after baseline) and a 6-month follow-up.

Acupressure for Children in Treatment for a Childhood Cancer
Treatment-Related CancerBackground: Despite advances in symptom management, children undergoing cancer treatment or receiving a chemotherapy-based Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) often suffer from moderate to severe symptoms of nausea/vomiting, pain, and fatigue along with psychological distress. Pharmacologic treatments of symptoms can cause side-effects. Patients, parents, and clinicians have expressed interest in including non-pharmacologic approaches to improve symptom management. Acupuncture/acupressure is a promising adjunctive therapy to usual care. More evidence is needed from well-designed trials with larger samples and rigorous designs in order to make definitive recommendations about the routine inclusion of acupressure among pediatric patients being treated for childhood cancer or receiving a HSCT. Design and Methods 100 dyads (one child with one parent/caregiver) will be randomized 1:1 into 2 study arms (50 children in each arm). Arm A participants will be offered usual care and professional acupressure five times weekly (15-20 minute sessions) and a parent/caregiver will be instructed in acupressure delivery for the child as symptoms arise. Arm B participants will receive usual care alone. (At the study end, Arm B parents will be offered acupressure instructions.) Children will be enrolled for ~30 days which can occur with one month of continuous hospital-based treatment or two months of intermittent hospital-based treatment (inpatient or regular outpatient treatment). Parent and child participants will receive a follow-up interview one month after completion of the intervention (Arm A) or the final symptom assessment (Arm B). Significance This is the first study to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of an acupressure intervention to decrease treatment-related symptoms in 100 patients in treatment for a childhood cancer or receiving a chemo-therapy based HSCT.

Computer-Based Survey and Communication Aid in Improving Physician-Patient Communication and Treatment...
Metastatic CancerUnspecified Adult Solid Tumor1 moreRATIONALE: A computer-based survey and communication aid may help physicians and patients to communicate better and help make treatment decisions easier. PURPOSE: This phase III randomized clinical trial is studying how well giving a computer-based survey together with a communication aid works compared to a computer-based survey alone in improving physician-patient communication and treatment decision making in patients with metastatic cancer.

Optimal Control of Liver Metastases From Colorectal Cancer With Cetuximab and Hepatic Artery Infusion...
Metastatic Colorectal CancerLiver Metastases1 moreThe primary objective of the study is to increase by 15% the complete macroscopic resection rate of predominantly liver metastases from metastatic colorectal cancer through combining systemic cetuximab and hepatic artery infusion of three-drug chemotherapy (irinotecan, oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil).

A Multicenter Trial of PLA vs. Surgery for Treating PTMC
Thyroid CancerTreatment Related CancerThis is a multicenter prospective controlled trial of percutaneous laser ablation(PLA) versus conventional surgery for the treatment of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC).

Detection of Acid Sphingomyelinase/Ceramide Pathway Activation in Radiotherapy Patients Using Intravoxel...
Metastatic Disease to BoneMetastatic Disease to Soft TissueThe purpose of this study is to find out if special blood tests and imaging scans can help evaluate the effects of the radiation the patient receives as part of standard treatment. The patient will undergo either stereotactic or conventional radiation treatment as determined by the treating doctor. Previous evidence suggests that blood flow to tumors is affected by the amount (dose) of radiation that it receives. This effect may be seen as soon as 1-2 hours after the radiation is given. This study will evaluate if these changes can be seen and measured by performing a special type of scan called Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and a blood test. IVIM MRI is a research exam which is similar to a standard MRI exam, with only a slight difference in the technical parameters used to acquire the images.

Short Course Radiotherapy Followed Intensive Chemotherapy With Delayed Surgery for Rectal Cancer...
Rectal CancerLiver Metastasis1 moreRadical treatment of primary rectal cancer with synchronous distant metastases includes surgical resection of primary and metastatic lesion. However, primary rectal cancer in case of metastasized disease are often locally advanced disease and need downsizing before surgery. It is reported that pelvic recurrence rates and distant metastasis rates outside liver are 30~35% and 60%, respectively. Therefore, combined treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy is used. However, the sequence of treatment modalities is not yet definitely established and preoperative chemoradiotherapy and surgical resection is accepted as an option of treatment. Conventional long course chemoradiotherapy delays administration of full-dose chemotherapy, and metastatic lesion can be progressed during chemoradiotherapy. In present study, we evaluate the efficacy of short course radiotherapy (SCRT) followed by full-dose chemotherapy with delayed surgical resection of the primary tumor and metastases.